
Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Plant Microscopic

Bamboo forests are the most common in rural areas, and basically every village will have bamboo forests. Behind my house is a large bamboo forest, and every winter or spring in the village, young and old who dig bamboo shoots, will carry hoes to dig bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest to eat. However, there are not only bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest, in fact, every small bamboo forest in the countryside is a small ecological circle, and there are many good things in it. Today, the author will share with you 4 kinds of delicacies in the bamboo forest, which you can't even buy with money, and it's hard to buy them.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

First, winter bamboo shoots

In the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots are the most common. There are spring bamboo shoots in spring and winter bamboo shoots in winter, and it can be said that people who grew up in the countryside have basically seen and eaten bamboo shoots. Although bamboo shoots are common, the value of bamboo shoots is rarely understood. In fact, bamboo shoots are also a good thing, and they have been eaten in the mainland for more than 3,000 years. Among them, the poet Su Shi in the Song Dynasty had a soft spot for bamboo shoots, and wrote in "The First Arrival in Huangzhou": "The Yangtze River surrounds Guo Zhiyu is beautiful, and the bamboo shoots are fragrant in the mountains", which shows Su Shi's love for bamboo shoots.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Bamboo shoots can be said to carry out the entire history of our civilization, as early as the Tang and Song dynasties, someone wrote the "bamboo shoot spectrum", which recorded in detail more than 40 different kinds of bamboo shoots. Including the distribution and the practice of bamboo shoots are recorded, and the ancients listed bamboo shoots as "treasures in the dish". Bamboo shoots belong to the same source of medicine and food, not only can be eaten, but also can be used in medicine, which has the effect of quenching thirst and invigorating qi.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Second, bamboo insects

Bamboo insects, as the name suggests, are a kind of insect parasitic in bamboo shoots, which is mainly produced by eating new bamboo shoots. This bamboo insect is actually the larva of the bamboo bee, which is a common pest in the bamboo forest. Sometimes we see that the appearance of the bamboo shoot is very complete, but it has dried up, in fact, it is because the inside of the bamboo shoot has been eaten by bamboo insects.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Bamboo insects are also called bamboo maggots and bamboo maggots, and they are edible. The shape of bamboo maggot is white and fat, a bit similar to various insects, it is rich in protein, has a taste similar to cream, can be fried directly and eaten, very delicious, but unfortunately many people dare not eat.

Third, the golden cicada flower

The golden cicada flower, as the name suggests, is a complex formed by the larvae of the cicada after being infected with fungi, and the way of formation is basically the same as that of Cordyceps, so the golden cicada flower is also called the southern Cordyceps. This golden cicada flower is a good thing, and it is usually only found in the bamboo forest in July and August. Old farmers in the countryside who know its value go to the bamboo forest every year to dig.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Golden cicada flower is a very rare and precious Chinese medicinal material, it was first recorded in the Song Dynasty "Materia Medica", has been used for more than 1,000 years. The golden cicada flower belongs to the medicinal and edible homologous plant, it is edible, and it is generally used to make chicken soup and drink.

At the same time, it can also be used as medicine, which can be used to evacuate wind and heat, diaphragm, extinguish wind and stop spasmosms, and clear eyes. This kind of thing is more expensive, and generally if you want pure wild golden cicada flowers, you can only receive them in the countryside. Basically, it costs hundreds of yuan and 1 catty, which is very expensive, and there is no market for it, and you can't buy it with money.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Fourth, Bamboo Sun

Bamboo, also known as bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, it is the fruiting body of Phalloidaceae shortskirt bamboo. Usually only after a thunderstorm, can be seen in the bamboo forest, and the time is very short, the real can not be found, can be described as a thousand gold to buy. Because the bamboo thorn will wither and dissolve after a few hours, the whole process will not take more than 10 hours.

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Bamboo sunflower is a very precious medicinal and edible ingredient, it is edible, and the soup made with it is delicious. It is recorded in the "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica": "The summer moon of the bamboo forest rains, and the dripping juice falls to the ground, like antlers, white, and edible." In addition to being edible, it is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, and its fruiting body can be used in medicine, which has the functions of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and dampness.

If your hometown also has a bamboo forest, then you might as well go to the bamboo forest after a heavy rain, and you may encounter it. So the question is, which of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest above have you eaten?

Of the 4 delicacies in the bamboo forest, bamboo shoots rank first, golden cicada flowers rank third, and the fourth kind is hard to buy!

Well, that's all for today's article. Do you know about the above 4 kinds of plants? Have you ever seen this plant? If you want to know more about the plants in the bamboo forest, the author recommends you to buy the following "Compendium of Materia Medica", which includes many common plants in rural areas, including the above four.

The book not only details the morphological characteristics of these plants, but also details the medicinal properties of these plants, a very practical book. If you have anything to say, you can also leave a message in the comment area below to share your insights.

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