
"One price a day"! The price of durian is nearly "halved", and it may be cheaper in June

author:Green Mango 168

What are the stories behind the "halving" of durian prices in Thailand


Speaking of summer fruits, durian can be said to be the "king of summer" in the minds of many people, and its strong fragrance and unique taste have always been loved by consumers around the world. As one of the main producing areas of durian, Thailand's durian is well-known all over the world, and many domestic consumers are fond of Thailand's Golden Pillow durian. However, just when everyone is thinking about the taste and price of durian, there is a surprising news recently, that is, the price of durian in Thailand has been "cut in half" during the "peak production and marketing season", which is cheaper than the same period last year.

"One price a day"! The price of durian is nearly "halved", and it may be cheaper in June

First, the price of durian is almost one price a day

Speaking of the price of durian, I believe many consumers have understood that as a relatively high-end fruit, the price of durian has always been not low, especially some imported high-quality durian is worth a lot. However, just when everyone thought that the price of durian would rise due to the peak production and sales season, there was an unexpected situation, that is, the price of durian was almost one price a day, and the reduction was quite obvious.

It is understood that in recent times, whether it is in the fruit wholesale market or some fruit retail stores, the price of durian has been significantly reduced, and this downward adjustment does not happen occasionally, but almost every day, and in some places it has even been lowered several times in a day.

However, although the price of durian has been significantly reduced, from the perspective of sales in the store, such a price adjustment does not seem to have much impact on consumers' desire to buy, on the contrary, many consumers have come to buy because of the decline in durian prices, making the sales of durian in the store rise all the way, showing a more optimistic trend.

2. The price of durian in Thailand fell by about 15%

When it comes to the decline in the price of durian, it must be "Thai durian", after all, Thailand has always been one of the main producers of durian, and its golden pillow durian is known as the "king of durian", which has always been loved by domestic consumers. In this peak season of production and sales, the price of Golden Pillow durian, which was originally thought to rise, has a different situation, and its price has dropped significantly.

According to relevant data, the price of Thai Golden Pillow durian on the market has dropped by about 15% compared with before, and according to the development trend of the market, it is expected that in the next time, as more Golden Pillow durian is listed, its price will further decline, which can be said to be more and more "close to the people".

However, many consumers may feel a little surprised by the decline in the price of Golden Pillow Durian, after all, Golden Pillow Durian has always been a relatively "cold" existence, its price has not been low, and it will be affected by some external factors, so its price can appear so obviously, there must be many complex factors at work behind it.

What is the reason behind the "halving" of the price of durian?

If you want to understand why the price of durian will be "cut in half" during the peak season of production and sales, it is necessary to analyze the market operation mechanism of durian. Generally speaking, the price fluctuation of durian will be affected by market supply and demand, seasonal factors and other factors, and in this durian price "halving" event, these factors are likely to play a certain role.

First of all, when it comes to the relationship between supply and demand in the market, in fact, the price fluctuation of durian is closely related to the supply and demand relationship of the market, if the supply of durian is relatively sufficient, and the demand in the market has not reached this level, then the price of durian will naturally decline, in this production and marketing season, as more and more durians are listed one after another, the supply in the market is also increasing, which provides certain "conditions" for the decline of durian prices.

Secondly, there is a special factor, that is, the impact of the epidemic. Affected by the epidemic this year, especially the sales of some export fruits have been affected to a certain extent, in order to be able to resume the export situation as soon as possible, the local government of Thailand has introduced some relevant policies, hoping to boost the export situation by "rushing" sales, and durian has undoubtedly become the object of their "key support", which is also a reason why the price of durian has dropped so significantly.

Fourth, what will be the impact of the decline in durian prices?

For the decline in durian prices, consumers naturally greet them with a "happy" mentality, after all, when the price of durian drops, they can buy more durians at the same price, and they can also choose more high-quality durian varieties, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

However, in addition to the impact on consumers, the decline in durian prices may also have a certain impact on all links in the durian industry chain.

First of all, when it comes to durian planting, because the decline in durian prices may lead to an increase in consumption, it is necessary for growers to "adjust" in the later planting and picking process, and make reasonable production arrangements according to market demand to avoid "unsalable" situations caused by excessive supply.

Secondly, there is also the wholesale and retail link, the decline in durian prices may bring about an increase in consumption, which requires wholesalers and retailers to "respond", to adjust their business strategies in a timely manner, tap the potential demand of consumers, so as to increase the sales volume of durian.

In addition, the decline in durian prices may also have a certain impact on the market performance of other fruits, because the decline in the price of durian may attract more consumers to choose to buy durian instead of other fruits, which requires the origin of other fruits and relevant departments to "respond", which can be used in some ways to enhance the popularity and competitiveness of other fruits, so as to attract more consumers.

V. Conclusion

It can be said that the price of durian is indeed somewhat unexpected in the peak season of production and marketing, but the reasons behind it are many, including the impact of market supply and demand, as well as the role of some external factors. However, no matter what the reason for the decline in durian prices, I believe that it is a good thing for the majority of consumers, after all, you can enjoy durian such a "king of summer" at a more favorable price, and for all links in the entire durian industry chain, it is also necessary to adjust and respond accordingly according to the "signal" of price decline, so as to better adapt to market changes and achieve a "win-win" situation in production and marketing.


As the epidemic is gradually controlled, the lockdown has been lifted in various places, and the state has also put forward a series of policies to stimulate consumption, I believe that the fruit market will "improve" in the coming time, and durian, as a special fruit in summer, its market performance is also worth waiting and seeing. I hope that in the near future, both consumers and all links in the durian industry chain will be able to usher in a good day of "bumper harvest", and I also hope that the majority of consumers can buy their favorite durian at the right time and at the right price, so as to feel the rich "fruit and vegetable culture" and bring health and happiness to themselves and their families.

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