
63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

author:Dr. Xiaoting

In a quiet town, a 63-year-old retiree who is always smiling on weekdays likes to walk in the park and chat with his neighbors.

However, on an ordinary weekend, the old man closed his eyes forever due to sudden high blood sugar. The news spread like a gust of wind through the community, leaving everyone shocked and lamented.

His death is not only a family tragedy, but also a wake-up call for everyone: blood sugar management cannot be ignored.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

1. Review of events

The accidental death of a 63-year-old man due to high blood sugar caused widespread concern in the society about the death of the old man, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples. His story has made people re-examine their eating habits.

Doctors point out that this is not just an isolated case, but a reflection of the health problems that are prevalent in modern society. Hyperglycemia, a seemingly distant medical term, is actually not far from each of us.

It is like an invisible killer, silently eroding our health. The tragedy of this old man reminds us that blood sugar management is a health topic that everyone should pay attention to.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

2. The effects of high-sugar foods

Contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which cause a sharp spike in blood sugarWhen we talk about high blood sugar, many people's first reaction is those sweet cakes, ice cream, and carbonated drinks. Indeed, these foods contain a high amount of sugar that can be quickly absorbed by the body, causing a sharp increase in blood sugar levels in a short period of time.

This rapid fluctuation in blood sugar, like a sudden storm, puts great stress on our pancreatic islets. In the long run, pancreatic islets may fail due to overexertion, which can lead to diabetes. Diabetes, once considered a disease of wealth, has become a global health problem.

It not only affects the daily life of patients, but can also lead to a series of serious complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, retinopathy and so on. Therefore, controlling sugar intake in the diet is essential for the prevention and control of diabetes and its complications.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

3. The global impact of diabetes

It is the third leading cause of death in the world, and controlling dietary sugar intake is essential for the prevention and control of diabetes and its complicationsDiabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease with a global prevalence of increasing rates year by year.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes has become the third leading cause of death worldwide, with millions of people dying from diabetes and its complications every year. Diabetes is mainly divided into two types: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, of which type 2 diabetes accounts for the vast majority of cases.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

Type 2 diabetes is closely related to high sugar intake in the diet, and when the body is unable to effectively use insulin to convert blood sugar into energy, blood sugar levels continue to rise, leading to the development of diabetes.

Controlling sugar intake in the diet is essential to prevent and control diabetes and its complications. In addition to avoiding foods high in sugar, you should also pay attention to the glycemic index (GI) of the food. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar, and foods with a higher GI will cause blood sugar to rise faster and higher.

Therefore, in the daily diet, choosing foods with low GI values, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits, legumes, etc., can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

4. High glycemic index (GI) vegetarian diet

Certain kinds of vegetarian diets can cause high blood sugar and are even more deadly than high-sugar foodsVegetarianism is gaining more and more attention in modern society, and many people choose vegetarian diets in pursuit of health and environmental protection.

However, some people overlook the fact that vegetarian diets may contain foods with a high glycemic index (GI), which can cause high blood sugar and are even more dangerous than high-sugar foods.

For example, refined grains such as white rice and white bread have a high GI value, and eating too much of it can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. In addition, some processed vegan products may contain high amounts of hidden sugars, increasing the risk of blood sugar management.

Therefore, when choosing food, vegetarians should pay attention to the GI value and sugar content of food, avoid excessive intake of high GI food, and keep blood sugar stable.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

In summary, diabetes is a serious global health problem, and controlling sugar intake in the diet is essential to prevent and control diabetes.

In daily life, choosing foods with low GI value and avoiding excessive intake of foods with high sugar and high GI value are of great significance to maintain blood sugar stability and prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

Vegans should also pay attention to the GI and sugar content of their foods to avoid high blood sugar levels due to inadvertent intake of high-GI vegetarian foods.

Blood sugar management is a health topic that everyone should pay attention to, so let's work together to stay away from high-sugar foods and keep blood sugar healthy.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

5. The benefits of low GI foods

Foods that stabilize blood sugar, control weight, and improve cardiovascular health have many benefits for human health. First, choosing foods with a low GI value can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Because these foods release blood sugar more slowly, they can avoid sharp rises and falls in blood sugar, help prevent the occurrence of diabetes, and also help patients with diabetes to control their blood sugar.

Secondly, low GI foods are usually rich in dietary fiber, which can increase satiety, help control weight, and prevent obesity and related metabolic diseases. In addition, long-term consumption of low GI foods is also closely related to improving cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and maintaining the normal function of the cardiovascular system.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly

6. Hazards and preventive measures of high GI food

Excessive intake of foods with a high glycemic index (GI) that increases the risk of diabetes and causes metabolic diseases such as obesity poses a number of health risks. First of all, high GI foods can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, and long-term intake can easily increase the risk of diabetes.

Secondly, high GI food is quickly digested and absorbed, which can easily lead to excess energy and weight gain, which in turn leads to obesity and related metabolic diseases. Therefore, it is important to prevent and control the intake of foods with a high GI value.

It is recommended to choose low GI foods instead of high GI foods, such as choosing whole grains instead of refined grains, eating fresh fruits instead of fruit juices, etc., while paying attention to controlling the amount of food, eating a reasonable diet, and maintaining a stable blood sugar and healthy weight.

63-year-old man dies of high blood sugar, doctor: in addition to high-sugar foods, three vegetarian foods or more deadly


We understand that diabetes is a global health problem that has a significant impact on individuals and society.

Controlling sugar intake in the diet is one of the important measures to prevent and control diabetes, and choosing foods with low GI value can stabilize blood sugar, control weight, and improve cardiovascular health, which is essential for maintaining overall health.

At the same time, we should also be vigilant about the health risks caused by high GI foods, and reasonable adjustment of dietary structure and appropriate control of the intake of high GI foods are one of the important strategies to prevent diabetes and its complications.

Let's focus on blood sugar management, stay away from diabetes and enjoy a healthy life through a scientific and reasonable diet.

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