
Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues

author:Yuhang release

In the past few days, Liu Ying, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, has led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the central government, provinces and municipalities, strengthen responsibility in accordance with the requirements of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, adhere to the problem orientation, highlight the tracking and efficiency, resolutely and effectively grasp the rectification of ecological and environmental protection problems, take the road of ecological priority and green development, and promote the construction of beautiful Yuhang in the new era to continuously achieve new results.

District leaders Mei Jiansheng, Wu Weiqiang, Wu Yuandong, Luo Jianqiang, Si Jiangang, and the main persons in charge of relevant departments and streets participated.

Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues
Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues
Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues
Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues

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Liu Ying and his entourage successively came to Liangzhu Street, Zhongtai Street, Wuchang Street, Cangqian Street and other places to inspect the rectification of the ecological protection of the Grand Canal, comprehensive treatment of water environment, air quality control, solid waste disposal, etc., focusing on specific issues such as the disposal of letters and visits by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, the site selection of engineering residue elimination sites, and the relocation of relevant enterprises along the Grand Canal.

Liu Ying led a team to supervise and inspect the rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues

Liu Ying pointed out that the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate is a major institutional innovation made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, a political physical examination of Yuhang's practice of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and a work inspection of the effectiveness of the construction of a new center in the capital of ecological civilization. All departments at all levels should improve their political position, deeply understand and grasp the political, serious and important nature of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, grasp the implementation of rectification and reform with the most resolute attitude, the most powerful measures and the most stringent requirements, strive to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and firmly support the "two establishments" and "two maintenances" with practical actions.

Liu Ying stressed that it is necessary to stand firmly on the people's stand. Adhere to the ecological benefit of the people, the ecological benefit, and the ecology for the people, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, highlight the investigation and rectification of the problems reported by the masses, and implement checklist supervision and follow-up supervision to ensure that the results of rectification can stand the test of history and the masses. It is necessary to consolidate the responsibilities of all parties. Strictly implement the "party and government have the same responsibility, one post has two responsibilities" for ecological and environmental protection, conscientiously fulfill the responsibility of departmental supervision, territorial management, and corporate responsibility, strengthen supervision and law enforcement, strengthen communication and cooperation, and promote the formation of a general pattern of ecological and environmental protection under joint management. It is necessary to highlight both the symptoms and the root causes. Taking the central ecological and environmental protection inspector as an opportunity, we will further clarify the timetable, roadmap and responsible person for problem investigation and rectification, implement the rectification requirements to the letter, deepen inferences from one example, promote the establishment of rules and regulations, comprehensively improve the quality and level of ecological environmental protection, and promote the construction of Yuhang's new center of ecological civilization to a new level.

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Contribution | District Rong Media Center

Reporter | Ruan Weikang, Chen Shuheng

Edit | Xu Ke

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