
What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

author:Yuhang release

The blue waves are rippling and surrounded by green trees, the farmhouse houses are scattered, and the alleys and alleys of the village are neat and orderly...... In the early summer, walking in the countryside of Yuhang, one village and one painting, one household and one scene, beads into a chain, a hundred flowers blooming, a beautiful rural picture of green mountains, green water, beautiful villages, and strong industries unfold one after another, and the "futuristic" of the countryside of co-construction and sharing is accelerating into reality.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Xunshan Village, Liangzhu Street

In order to further deepen the "Ten Million Project", implement the provincial and municipal future rural work deployment, and boost the construction of Hangzhou's new urban center, in recent years, Yuhang has focused on the goal of building a national "Future Rural Pilot Zone" with the whole region rich and beautiful, and has deepened the improvement of the global environment with the future rural demonstration belt and demonstration villages as the carrier, optimized the rural landscape, strengthened the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, improved public service facilities, and promoted the construction of future villages in the whole region, and strived to create a future rural model that leads the trend of the times, presents future elements, and highlights the charm of Jiangnan. Up to now, a total of 10 villages, including Qingshan Village, Xiaogucheng Village and Jingshan Village, have successfully established provincial-level future villages.

Governance and construction of the same frequency resonance

Continue to beautify the countryside and improve the living environment

The beautiful environment is the background color that paints a new picture of the "future village". Looking at the mountains from afar, the clear water is like blue up close...... Located in Qingshan Village, Huanghu Town, the Longwu Reservoir is like a piece of crystal jasper, embedded in the rolling valley and verdant greenery.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Qingshan Village Ying Zhaoping/photo

In 2022, the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the "Guiding Opinions on Carrying out Future Rural Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which pointed out that "comprehensively protect and restore the ecological environment, so that lucid waters and lush mountains will become the most significant symbol of future villages." In fact, as early as 2015, Qingshan Village actively practiced the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", actively explored and took the lead in introducing public welfare organizations and other social forces to participate in reservoir environmental governance in the whole district, and innovatively built an ecological compensation mechanism of "protectors benefit, stakeholders participate, and the whole society co-builds and shares", effectively controlling the use of pesticides and fertilizers in bamboo forests in water sources, and achieving multiple goals such as improving reservoir water quality, improving the ecological environment of villages, and improving villagers' ecological awareness.

"Now the water of Longwu Reservoir is stable at the first-class water quality standard, which completely solves the water safety problem of the villagers, and nine species of mammals and 13 species of birds have been recorded in the surrounding mountains and forests." Lin Hong, secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee of Qingshan Village, said. The good ecological endowment has attracted tourists from all over the world, and has also provided strong support for more projects to take root and blossom in Qingshan Village. At the same time, Yuhang uses "embroidery kung fu" to crush and reshape the "growth problems" of rural depression development, such as garbage classification, rural toilet management, and domestic sewage operation and maintenance, so that villagers can enjoy more "future village" dividends. For example, Banshan Village has set up a zero-carbon think tank to carry out energy transformation and upgrading of intelligent waste disposal systems to practice low-carbon and green life; Maotang Ancient Village has upgraded and renovated the domestic sewage pipe network facilities in the whole village to improve the efficiency of sewage collection and continuously improve the living environment......

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

The clear water source of Longwu Reservoir after treatment

Strengthen digital empowerment

Meet the "longing life" of the future countryside

What will the countryside look like in the future? The answer may be found in the countryside of Yuhang.

Under the hundred-year-old tree, the sign of "Deliberation under the Camphor Tree" shines in the sun. Walking into the living room of the new rural community in Xiaogucheng Village, Jingshan Town, data information such as "type of discussion" and "public opinion keywords" flashed on the electronic display screen; Villagers can also participate in the discussion of relevant topics through the online "People's Meeting Hall Column...... The meeting place of Xiaogucheng Village extends from under the camphor tree to the "palm", so that the villagers can break through the constraints of time and space and participate in the construction of their homes.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Small Gucheng Village "Discussion under the Camphor Tree"

Dried bamboo shoots, tea leaves, dried plum vegetables...... Jiang Lijuan, a villager in Xiaogucheng Village, sells the special agricultural products in her field at a stall in front of her home. "You can put a QR code, and tourists can select and scan the QR code to pay, without anyone looking." Jiang Lijuan said. With the unattended stalls, the villagers can earn more than 30,000 yuan a year, and their lives are getting more and more hopeful.

Digitalization has been integrated into all aspects of the lives of Yuhang villagers. For example, Jingshan Village has created a "tea multi-point" digital point governance system for villagers, rewarding and deducting points for behaviors involving garbage classification, courtyard renovation, neighborhood interaction, industrial management and other aspects in daily life, so as to stimulate the "driving force" of rural governance and guide new trends; The launch of the "Cloud Zen Village" data cockpit to realize online booking of parking spaces, meals, and homestays, and at the same time use the idle vacant spaces in the villagers' courtyards to "share parking spaces", which can not only increase the income of the villagers, but also solve the problem of tight parking spaces in Jingshan Scenic Area.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

The "tea multi-point" and the beauty index door number at the door of the villagers of Jingshan Village

In addition, there is a 24-hour reading space, an unmanned supermarket, a canteen for the elderly, and a smart health service station...... A series of digital achievements have allowed villagers and tourists to enjoy a convenient digital village life, and the "futuristic" rural area has a realistic annotation in Yuhang.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Mt. Pingshan

Integrated development of three industries

Create a "Yuhang model" for rural revitalization

Beautiful countryside, nurturing a beautiful economy. In recent years, Yuhang has adhered to the concept of green and low-carbon development, taking green as the "pen" to depict a new picture of the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism and the three industries of "a good scenery in Yushang", and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

The golden fields rise and fall with the wind, and the fragrance of rice is refreshing...... Every golden autumn season, walking into Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, a gratifying autumn harvest scene in "Yushang Rice Township" jumps into front of you. "Yushang Rice Township" is based on "rice" and "innovation" as the core, which is a bright spot for Yuhang's implementation of the cultivated land protection system, and a new path for continuously exploring permanent farmland reserves to achieve rural revitalization and common prosperity.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Yongan Village Yushang Rice Township

"Taking the opportunity of the construction of the beautiful countryside of the 'Ten Million Project', we will vigorously carry out the improvement of the rural environment, comprehensively improve the level of farmland infrastructure, transform 5,400 acres of high-standard farmland, and lay a solid environmental foundation for the development of the 'Yushang Rice Township' brand." The relevant person in charge of Yongan Village said.

The face is "beautiful", and the inside is still real. Yong'an Village broke through the traditional idea of rural revitalization, took the lead in establishing a strong village company, recruited rural professional managers and rural dreamers, and "tailored" the market-oriented operation of "Yushang Rice Township" from the aspects of whole village operation, business investment, research and drainage, etc., and explored a new "rice" road that integrates large-scale circulation, high-standard farmland demonstration construction, digital and intelligent farmland management, and integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, etc., and realized the "continuous jump" of villagers' income and village collective income.

What will the countryside look like in the future? There are demonstration → here

Liu Song, a professional manager of Yongan Village, appeared on CCTV

The rural environment has been beautified, and the background color of common wealth has become brighter. In Yuhang, stories of rural revitalization that organically combine environmental remediation with rural tourism and other "beautiful economies" are constantly being staged. Xingang Village, which has 11-a-side standard outdoor football field and 2,000 square meters of wave track venues, has continuously consolidated the foundation of the sports industry through the model of "sports + tourism", and successfully played a "sports culture development card", and the benefits of common prosperity have been effectively boosted; Based on the advantages of resources, Sanbaitan Village optimizes the industrial layout, builds farmhouse and homestay industries in the future fishing village area, transforms wetland resources into tourism resources and productivity, and extends the value chain of rural beautiful economy...... In 2023, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the region will be 55,223 yuan, an increase of 6.9%. With excellent ecology, beautiful rural customs, strong industry, and rich people, the blueprint for common prosperity in Yuhang has gradually become a reality of happiness in the whole region.

● It's up! The salary standard has been adjusted: "Naturally Selected Nurse", "Double Care Couple", "30-year Nursing Nurse", ...... Today, I salute you! ● It's so warm! Today, let's feel those moments of being loved......

Contribution | District Rong Media Center

Reporter | Ling Yi (Trainee)

Edit | Xu Ke

First instance | Ren Fangfang

Second instance | Yang Lan

Final Judgment | Fang Yuming