
The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

author:Yishui release

Entering May

Durian, known as the "King of Fruits", ushered in the ripening season

Topic #durian fell below 10 yuan a catty#

It is even more on the hot search

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

Previously, the fruit on the market was mostly imported

As a result, prices have been at a high level

In 2023

Durian also attracted attention because the price exceeded 40 yuan per catty

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

However, according to CCTV News, at present, the planting area of Hainan durian is close to 40,000 mu, and this year's output has increased by two to three times compared with last year, about 200 tons.

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

3 types of people who should not eat durian

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

Durian has a unique taste, and many people can't stop eating for it. However, durian is not suitable for everyone -


Durian is high in calories and sugar, so people with diabetes and hyperlipidemia should not eat more, and people who need to control their weight should also eat as little as possible.


Durian is high in sugar, and a high-sugar diet can aggravate acne, so people with acne should eat less durian.


Durian is also high in potassium, and patients with kidney disease with hyperkalemia should eat less.


Durian is a high-calorie ingredient, 100 grams of durian pulp contains about 2.6 grams of protein, 3.3 grams of fat, and 28.3 grams of carbohydrates (sugars).

The energy intake of eating 1 tael of durian is roughly equivalent to 1 bowl of rice, and after eating durian, you should appropriately reduce the intake of other high-energy foods to ensure a balanced diet.

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

One group of people eats durian very nourishing

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

As the saying goes, "one durian has three chickens", as a kind of warm fruit, durian pulp is very suitable for people with yang deficiency.

Manifestations of Yang Deficiency:

category manifestation
Head and body The face is white and dull, the muscles are soft, the cold is afraid of cold, the stomach, back, waist and knees are more common, the hands and feet are cold, and the tongue is pale and fat; It is resistant to summer and winter, and is susceptible to wind, cold and dampness.
diet Likes hot food
sleep Prone to sleepiness and lack of energy
mentality Introverted and quiet
excretion Loose stools, easy to break out in cold sweats

The flesh of durian is hot, spicy and sweet, returns to the liver, lungs and kidney meridians, and has the effects of strengthening the spleen and kidney, warming the yang and dissipating cold, and strengthening the body.

✦ Men's food: tonify the kidneys and strengthen the body;

✦ Ladies eat: warm and invigorate blood to drive away cold, relieve cold, stomach pain and dysmenorrhea;

✦ Eat for the elderly: improve immunity, anti-fatigue, prolong life, and improve deficiency constipation;

✦ Children's eating: strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and correct the habit of bedwetting in older children.

Tips: After eating durian flesh, don't throw away the durian husks.

Durian meat is hot, but durian shell is a good thing to reduce fire, and it is used to make soup with lean meat or chicken, which tastes fresh and sweet, and can also clear heat and reduce fire.

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

How to pick a "repay" durian?

The price of durian has plunged! One type of people can eat more, and three types of people are better not to eat! Eating right is better than three chickens!

When choosing durians, in order to ensure that you pick a lot of meat, it is recommended to learn a few skills:


Pinch it

Pinch the adjacent fruit thorns with your fingers, you can break them together to be cooked, and it tastes sweet and soft and glutinous, if you can't pinch it, it means that the durian is relatively raw.


Smell it

Smell it close to the bottom of the durian, the ripe durian has a rich taste, and the unripe durian has the smell of freshly cut grass.

If there is an alcohol smell, it means that the durian is overripe and even a little spoiled, and it is not recommended to buy it.


Shake it

Pick up the durian and shake it gently, if there is a sensation of collision, or a slight sound, it proves that the flesh is ripe and husked.

It is not recommended to buy durians with too large cracks, because if there is no shell protection, the pulp moisture will be lost, and it is easy to breed bacteria.

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