
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

author:Yishui release

How uncomfortable will people be when there is heavy dampness in the body?

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "wet and heavy is like wrapping", which means that the body is damp and will feel as awkward as being wrapped in a half-dry and half-wet garment.

Summer is the time when you are most likely to get damp, so what can you do to avoid it?

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

Keeping in mind the six "moisture avoidance methods"

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

An unhealthy lifestyle will allow moisture to "take advantage of the void", and the following details can be used to dehumidify the body in life.

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification
In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

What should I do if I am already entangled in moisture?

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

The focus of dampness is to strengthen the spleen!

In the human body, the spleen and stomach are located in the middle of the human body and are the largest "water pump" in the body. When the spleen and stomach malfunction, all kinds of water in the human body continue to accumulate, and dampness comes!

Therefore, Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty said: "Water is only afraid of the soil, so it is controlled in the spleen." ”

If you want to nourish the spleen and stomach, there is a medicinal herb (medicine and food homology) that is worth recommending-five-finger peach.

Five-fingered peach is a kind of Lingnan medicinal material, which has the effects of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, invigorating qi and dampness, expelling phlegm and relieving asthma, relieving tendons and activating the body.

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

Deng Tietao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, once summarized its advantages:

It is good for qi and not for fire

Replenish qi without lifting it

Uphold the right and not hinder the evil

Modern people are delicious and lazy, and most of the tongues that stick out have symptoms of spleen deficiency and dampness, such as fat tongues, tooth marks, and white and thick tongue coating.

For this case, the five-fingered peach is just right!

Moreover, this herb has a peaceful taste, and can dissolve phlegm and remove dampness, relax the muscles and activate the nerves, even if the deficiency is not replenished, and the person with a damp and deficiency constitution can also use it with confidence.

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

Three soups for reference

In summer, you must often use this ingredient to make soup to replenish your temper and squeeze out the moisture! Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification

Doctor Chen Yanxia of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends three soup recipes for everyone, which are more compatible and effective——


Five-finger peach soup with four gods:

Ingredients: 15 grams of five-finger peach, poria cocos, lotus seeds, seeds, yam, half a chicken.

Method: Wash the soup and soak for 15 minutes; Blanch the chicken and set aside; Put all the ingredients into the soup pot, add water to boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 1 hour, add salt to taste.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. It is suitable for people with spleen deficiency and dampness, weak resistance, etc.


Five-finger peach soil poria soup:

Ingredients: 30 grams of five-finger peach, 30 grams of Poria cocos, 500 grams of pork bones, 5 slices of ginger.

Method: Wash the five-finger peach and soil poria and soak it in an appropriate amount of water for 15 minutes; Blanch the pork bones and set aside; Put the ingredients into the soup pot, add water and bring to a boil over high heat, simmer for 1 hour, add salt to taste.

Efficacy: Clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness. It is suitable for people with heavy dampness and heat, fatigue and weakness, and damp poison belts.


Five-fingered peach chicken:

Ingredients: 50 grams of five-finger peach, 1 chicken, 5 slices of ginger.

Method: Soak the five-fingered peach in an appropriate amount of water for 15 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to the chicken, and marinate for 20 minutes; Stuff the five-finger peach and ginger slices into the chicken belly, boil the water, and steam for 25 minutes over high heat.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, replenish qi and nourish blood. It is suitable for people with lung and spleen qi deficiency, lack of qi and blood, and weak spleen and stomach.

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