
In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

author:Think more


In addition to meat, beans, and whole grains, various vegetables are also an important part of our daily three meals.

People can not eat meat for three days, but if they do not consume vegetables for three days, they will feel uncomfortable, which is what people often say, "if you don't eat green for three days, your eyes will be full of gold stars", which can be seen the importance of vegetables to people.

When we usually go to the market to buy vegetables, we often worry about whether the "pesticide residues" exceed the standard, and it is difficult to distinguish them with our naked eyes alone. In fact, in our daily life, there are some vegetables that do not use pesticides, the following 6 kinds of vegetables, we can eat boldly without any worries, because they have a strong ability to resist pests and diseases, relatively speaking, even in order to increase production and look good, the use of pesticides will be less, let's take a look.

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

1. Lotus root

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried lotus root

The lotus root grows in ponds, and its unique growing environment means that it rarely needs to be fertilized. It grows mainly by absorbing nutrients from the sludge, and this natural way of obtaining nutrients keeps the lotus root away from the use of pesticides. As a result, the lotus root cultivation process is more in line with the natural ecology and reduces the use of chemicals, making it a relatively healthy food choice.

Ingredients: Honghu lotus root, bell pepper and yellow pepper, garlic, coriander, chicken essence, white vinegar


1. Peel the lotus root and cut it into small pieces, blanch for 1 minute

2. Put the oil in the pot, put in the garlic, (you can put some dry chili peppers/onions if you like to eat them) and stir-fry until fragrant, and don't put dry chili peppers if you don't eat spicy

3. Pour in the blanched lotus root, fry for 2-3 minutes, pour two or three spoons of hot boiling water along the edge of the pot, and repeat 3 times to avoid the lotus root being too dry and the taste is not moist

4. Add salt, bell pepper and yellow pepper, stir-fry raw, finally put in 1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar, a small spoon of sugar to enhance freshness, stir-fry for a while, and finally add coriander and chicken essence, and remove from the pot.

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

2. Shiitake mushrooms

Recommended recipe: Assorted stir-fried vegetarian dishes

Shiitake mushrooms, this fresh fungus, naturally contain a compound called ergosterol, which emits a distinctive smell that is enough for insects to keep them away. In addition, since shiitake mushrooms are highly sensitive to chemicals, the use of pesticides may lead to a decrease in yields rather than increasing their yields.

Ingredients: dried shiitake mushrooms, carrots, oil gluten, oyster sauce, braised sauce, chopped green onion


1. Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in advance until soft, the soaking time is about 1-2 hours, and remove the stalks of the soaked shiitake mushrooms for later use. Wash and peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices evenly.

2. Prepare a wok and add an appropriate amount of oil. When the oil temperature is moderate, put the drained shiitake mushrooms into a pot and stir-fry slowly over medium-low heat. Gently turn the shiitake mushrooms with a spatula to heat them evenly, and fry them until the surface of the shiitake mushrooms is slightly golden brown and exudes a rich aroma. At this point, add the carrot slices to the pan and continue stir-frying.

3. Gently poke a small hole in the oil gluten to make it easier to absorb the soup and soften quickly. Pour the water in which the shiitake mushrooms are soaked into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, as well as the braised sauce and oyster sauce, and add the appropriate amount of salt according to taste. Stir well with a spatula to allow the soup to coat the ingredients well.

4. Cover the pot and let the ingredients simmer for a while over medium-low heat, the simmering time is about 5-8 minutes, and the soup gradually decreases. Open the lid, adjust the heat, continue stir-frying, wait for the soup to tighten, until the soup becomes thick, sprinkle some chopped green onions.

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

3. Loofah

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried shrimp with loofah

Since the loofah is sensitive to pesticides, once the pesticides are applied, it essentially stops growing. Sometimes, even with just a few added fertilizers, loofahs are prone to problems. Therefore, it is a better choice to let the loofah grow naturally. Not only does this help keep the loofah growing healthy, but it also avoids potential problems caused by over-fertilization or the use of pesticides.

Ingredients: loofah, shrimp, garlic, salt, chicken essence


1. Peel the loofah and cut it into strips or hob pieces (slightly larger, because the loofah is easy to shrink), slice the garlic, and appropriate amount of shrimp.

2. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pan when the oil is hot, add the garlic slices, and fry until fragrant.

3. Put the loofah and shrimp into the pot and stir-fry evenly, so that the deliciousness of the shrimp and the sweetness of the loofah blend with each other.

4. In order to prevent the loofah from frying, you can add a small amount of water, then cover the pot and simmer for 2-3 minutes over medium heat (the loofah is easy to come out of the water, so you don't need to add too much water).

5. After opening the lid, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, after stir-frying evenly, you can turn off the heat, put the fried shrimp with fresh vegetables and put it on the plate, and a simple and delicious fried shrimp with fresh vegetables is completed! It's so sweet and delicious!

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

Fourth, radish

Recommended recipe: Braised pork ribs stewed with radish

The radish growth period happens to be the colder season, so the radish will grow better in the soil, and there is no pesticide residue naturally.

Ingredients: cleaned pork ribs, white radish cubes, vermicelli, green onions, ginger and garlic, etc


1. Put the pork ribs in a pot of cold water, then add a few slices of ginger and some cooking wine. Then, turn the heat to the maximum, and once the water starts to boil, use a spoon to skim off the surface foam. After continuing to cook for 2 to 3 minutes, remove the ribs from the pan and rinse them with clean water, set the ribs aside, drain and prepare them for the next cooking step.

2. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, add green onions, ginger slices, garlic cloves, dried chili peppers and peppercorns after the oil is hot, stir-fry over low heat to bring out the fragrance, then add bean paste, and fry the red oil.

3. Put the blanched pork ribs into the pot, turn on high heat and stir-fry quickly, so that the surface of the ribs is evenly coated with bean paste and spices.

Seasoning and coloring: Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce to color the pork ribs, then add an appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate or chicken essence, pepper according to personal taste, and stir-fry evenly.

4. Pour in enough hot water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer, when the ribs are simmered until they are almost cooked (about 20 minutes later), put the chopped white radish pieces into the pot and continue to simmer over medium-low heat.

5. When the radish is stewed until transparent, after about another 20 minutes, put the soaked soft vermicelli into the pot, continue to simmer for 2-3 minutes, finally sprinkle with chopped green onion or coriander to enhance the fragrance, turn off the heat, and put the braised pork ribs stewed radish into a large bowl or plate, and then serve to enjoy.

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

5. Lettuce

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried meat with lettuce

Lettuce contains a special lettuce, which is a natural insect repellent substance, so it does not need to be pesticides at all.

Ingredients: 3 lettuce, 1 screw pepper, a few millet spicy, garlic, ginger


1. Ginger and garlic, screw pepper, millet spicy shredded; Wash the lettuce and slice it; Slice the tenderloin into shreds, add a spoonful of dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet potato powder, a little sesame oil, water, and stir well.

2. Heat the oil, the oil is slightly smoking, pour in the tenderloin and stir-fry, then add the Pixian bean paste and fry the red oil, then pour in the side dishes and stir-fry evenly;

3. Then pour in the lettuce and stir-fry unilaterally for one minute, then stir-fry with the meat, and finally add oyster sauce and salt monosodium glutamate and stir-fry out of the pan.

In summer, these 6 kinds of vegetables are expensive to buy, and the pesticide residue is "0", which is healthy and delicious

6. Potatoes

Recommended recipe: Di San Xian

Because the potato growing environment is on the land, and the potato itself is not prone to insect pests, there are basically no pesticide residues in the potato.

Ingredients: 1 potato, 1 eggplant, 250 grams of sword beans, 1 thin-skinned green pepper, 2 spicy millet, 2 cloves of garlic


1. Cut the sword beans into sections, cut the potatoes and eggplant into strips, slice the garlic, dice the millet spicy, and cut the green pepper into pieces for later use;

2. Heat the pan with cold oil, wait for the oil to heat and fry the potato strips for two minutes, then pour in the sword beans and fry them together for two minutes, and finally pour in the eggplant and fry for one minute, fry and remove for later use;

3. In a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of aged vinegar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of chicken essence, 1/2 tablespoon of starch and a little sugar. Stir these seasonings well;

4. Heat the oil, stir-fry the garlic and millet until fragrant, pour in the fried sword beans, potatoes and eggplants, stir-fry evenly, pour in the adjusted sauce, simmer for two minutes, add green peppers, stir-fry evenly after collecting the juice.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients, to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above shared 6 kinds of vegetable practices, have you learned, learn to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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