
Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

Recently crazy infatuation with rye flour, a variety of attempts, today made this rye black sesame toast, the material is simple, the taste is soft, the direct method is also very convenient, low sugar and low oil, as a staple bread during the weight loss and fat loss period, it is a very good choice! This recipe is a toast material, the picture is made of two toasts, the mold is made of low-sugar toast mold, baking time is shorter.

By the purple jun who loves baking


High gluten flour 200 g

Rye flour 50 g

Milk 145 ml

Whole egg mixture 25 g

Sugar 25 g

Salt 3 g

Yeast 3 g

Butter 28 g

Black sesame seeds 15 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

1, 1, mix the ingredients other than salt, butter and black sesame seeds, beat until the coarse film state, add salt, softened butter and black sesame seeds, continue to beat until the full expansion stage, tear open is a very transparent and smooth edge. 2: Round the beaten dough, cover the lid for a shot, ferment to 2-2.5 times larger, room temperature of about 28 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

2, 3: Divide the dough into 6 equal parts, roll round, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 10 minutes.

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

3, 4, loose dough, smooth side up, with a rolling pin to roll out into an oval shape, turn over rolled up, continue to relax for 10 minutes. 5, reel a second time, the light side is facing down, thin the bottom edge, roll up, tighten the mouth, put into the toast mold.

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

4, 6, into the oven two rounds, the temperature of 35 degrees, humidity of 80%, about 60 minutes of fermentation, fermentation to 9 minutes full.

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

5, 7, the oven is preheated 180 degrees in advance, put into the lower layer of the oven, 180 baked for 28 minutes.

Direct method super soft rye toast rye + black sesame double black combination

6, 8, after the oven a few times, demoulding, placed on the drying rack to cool, sliced and bagged sealed preservation.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of high gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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