
Strict selection of food: stir-fried tongue slices, celery cashew shrimp, plucked sweet potatoes, cold mixed with shredded radish

author:Everyday food sharing home
Strict selection of food: stir-fried tongue slices, celery cashew shrimp, plucked sweet potatoes, cold mixed with shredded radish

Fried tongue slices


Pork tongue 500 g, jujube kernels 50 g, ginger 10 g, green onion 15 g, pepper 3 g, cooking wine 15 g, marinade 450 g, sesame oil 10 g, monosodium glutamate 1 g, salt 3 g, rock sugar 25 g


1. Mash the dates (raw and cooked), cook twice, then collect 700 ml of soup.

2. Wash the tongue. Cut in half and add the medicinal juice. Wash and pat the ginger and green onion, add pepper and cook, then cook with your tongue.

3. Cook until the tongue is ripe, remove the foam, then remove the pork tongue to dry. Pour the marinade into a pot, bring to a boil on heat, then place the pork tongue into the marinade until cooked and remove.

4. Pour the appropriate amount of marinade into the pot, add rock sugar, monosodium glutamate, salt on the stew to make a thick sauce, add cooking wine, sprinkle evenly on the pork tongue, then coat with sesame oil and cut into thin slices. and serve.

Strict selection of food: stir-fried tongue slices, celery cashew shrimp, plucked sweet potatoes, cold mixed with shredded radish

Celery cashew shrimp

Ingredients: 500 g of fresh shrimp, 200 g of celery, appropriate amount of cashew nuts, a little onion, a little ginger, salt, a little chicken essence,

A little sugar, a little cooking wine, an appropriate amount of egg whites, a little starch;


1. Shell the shrimp and remove the shrimp line, put it in a basin, add a small amount of sodium hydroxide, scratch and wash until the shrimp turns white, and rinse under running water;

2. Absorb the water from the shrimp, put it in a bowl, add salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, a little mournful egg white, mix well, add starch, mix well. Mix well with a little salad oil and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes;

3. Heat the oil in the pan. When the heat is 30%, add the shrimp and stir-fry quickly until the color changes.

4. Re-make the pan, when the oil is 30% hot, cut the celery into small pieces, quickly stir-fry and change color, add sugar, chicken essence, green onion and ginger, stir-fry

5. Add the shrimp and stir quickly; add the cashews in front of the pan;

Strict selection of food: stir-fried tongue slices, celery cashew shrimp, plucked sweet potatoes, cold mixed with shredded radish

Sweet potato shreds

Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes 70 g sugar 1 tbsp vinegar 500 ml oil

1. After washing the sand, scrape off the sweet potatoes and cut them into hob pieces. Turning the sweet potato when cutting is a hob.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, sauté the sweet potatoes in the pan, and then slowly fry over medium heat. Be sure to fry the sweet potato crisply and tenderly. When the sweet potatoes are ripe, remove the draining oil with the crispy crust, take a plate, and brush with a layer of cooked oil.

3. Put a spoonful of oil into a non-stick pan, add sugar after the oil becomes hot, slowly cook the sugar over low heat, when the sugar is all melted and small bubbles appear, add half a tablespoon of vinegar and slowly cook until the sugar becomes sugar, the color becomes yellow, and then from yellow to red. At this time, turn off the heat, put on the sweet potatoes, and let the sweet potatoes evenly cover the syrup.

Shredded radish

Strict selection of food: stir-fried tongue slices, celery cashew shrimp, plucked sweet potatoes, cold mixed with shredded radish

1. Cut the radish into strips and sprinkle with salt for a while;

2. Prepare side dishes: parsley, onion, shallot and cut into small pieces;

3. Put the radish shredded into water, squeeze out the water and put it into a bowl;

4. Sprinkle with shallots, coriander, onions, add salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, red oil pepper powder, stir well.

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