
Generally speaking, which of the following onions is fresher?


Baby Chick teaches you to pick onions: Generally speaking, which of the following onions is fresher

A. The epidermis is dry and firm

B. The epidermis is loose and soft

Correct Answer: The epidermis is dry and firm

Generally speaking, which of the following onions is fresher?

Answer Analysis:

In general, onions with dry, firm skin are fresher. This is because:

Generally speaking, which of the following onions is fresher?

1. Water loss: Fresh onions have a high water content and a firm skin, which locks in moisture inside. As the onion is stored for a longer period of time, it gradually loses moisture, the skin becomes fluffy and shrunken, and the freshness decreases.

2. Respiration: Onions continue to respire after harvesting, consuming internal nutrients and producing heat and water. Onions with dry, firm skin respire more slowly, lose less nutrients, and maintain a high level of freshness.

3. Microbial infection: The onion skin is soft and damaged, which is more susceptible to microbial infection and accelerates decay. Onions with intact and firm skin can better resist the invasion of microorganisms and prolong the shelf life.

Generally speaking, which of the following onions is fresher?

4. Enzymatic reactions: The enzymes inside the onion are catalyzing various biochemical reactions, affecting the quality of the onion. Onions with firm skin, the enzymatic reaction proceeds more slowly, helping to maintain the freshness of the onion.

5. Flavor change: During storage, onions will gradually lose their pungency and become lighter in flavor. Onions with dry, firm skins retain their flavor better and have a better mouthfeel.

Therefore, when buying onions, it is important to choose individuals with dry, firm and undamaged skin, which are usually fresher and of better quality. Proper storage methods, such as low-temperature, dry, well-ventilated environments, can also help to prolong the freshness of onions.

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