
The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

author:Yinyue said ancient and modern

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The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

As night falls, the stars are dotted and the towering steel beasts awaken one after another. However, the city is not asleep, but presents a scene full of vitality.

A subway train came from the west, like a bright lightning bolt, speeding all the way, passing one familiar station after another, and passengers looked through the windows of the tunnel as if they were in a cyberpunk-like psychedelic world.

As the lifeline of a modern city, the efficient operation of the subway has been deeply integrated into the daily life of citizens.

In order to unravel this mystery, we had to go back to the roots and look back at the construction of the subway tunnel. In the field of modern construction engineering, the drilling method is undoubtedly the most popular and widely used underground tunnel excavation method.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

In contrast, the open-cut method has been gradually replaced by more advanced drilling methods due to many drawbacks such as low efficiency and excessive land occupation.

The construction process of the drilling method was challenging. First, workers follow a predetermined route and drill a row of shafts in the surface that will serve as portals to the world below.

Each shaft is like a key to the unknown, and only by mastering it can the blind and disorderly underground exploration become orderly.

Once the shaft is laid, the workers will methodically dig horizontally and move forward step by step. It can be said that the shaft is the beacon that guides the way forward, and the horizontal excavation is the real tunnel construction process.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

The EPB undoubtedly plays a crucial role in this process.

Once, I only happened to catch a glimpse of this huge machine when I passed by construction sites, and I was always amazed by its spectacular appearance. Its wide drill bit spins at high speed with great power, like an invincible blade, making the hard soil appear fragile in front of it.

The huge nose in front of the TBM acts as an advance force for invaders, and the rotating drill bit cuts through a large amount of dirt and rock. The conveyor belt located at the rear of the fuselage continuously transports the excavated mud.

The hard-working workers had to mix the discharged soil with the clean water just right to form a slippery slurry-like substance that would be more convenient in the next stage of the conveying process.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

And this arduous task is entrusted to our protagonist - Longmen.

After the vertical transmission of the gantry, these transport vehicles carrying a large amount of mud finally reached the ground at the top of the tunnel. At this time, waiting for them will be a huge transport team, which is about to start a new round of work.

The mud that is constantly being transported from the ground does not stop there. These slurries will continue to play their indispensable construction role. A portion of the slurry will be transported directly to other construction sites, where it will be converted into cement slurry for use in new construction.

Workers are busy moving around the construction site, shoveling and shoveling the mud to add masonry and rubble to the new buildings that are about to rise.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

The other part of the mud is cleverly used to fill the hollow areas in the city. The weather-beaten old towns often hide forgotten vacant spaces waiting to be brought back to life.

In this way, the mud becomes a natural "filler" that brings these areas back to life. Children play happily on the dirt-paved paths, showing a lively scene.

Although these muds may seem insignificant to us, if we can use them well, they can be revitalized and play a huge role in the construction of cities.

However, the far-reaching significance of subway construction is far more than just solving the problem of traffic congestion. On a deeper level, it is actually a scientific use of local soil resources, reflecting the concept of green environmental protection.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

As the project progressed, a large amount of earth was excavated. If we ignore this, we will not only be a serious waste of precious resources, but also an unbearable burden on the environment.

By reusing these slurries, we have successfully avoided the generation of a large amount of construction waste, maximized the value of resources, and contributed to environmental protection.

More importantly, the efficiency and convenience of the metro network is undoubtedly the most reliable transportation lifeline for densely populated modern cities. Reasonable route planning, like the blood vessels of the city, connects every corner of the city closely to ensure the rapid flow of people and materials.

Indeed, we must point out that the task of mass delivery of mud is usually chosen to be carried out at night. The passage of a large number of transport vehicles inevitably has a certain impact on the daytime traffic in the city, not only for office workers, but also for pedestrians and other types of vehicles in the streets and alleys.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

In order to reduce the impact on normal traffic operations, the transportation team was forced to choose a relatively less congested time period at night.

However, it should also not be ignored that there is a certain degree of safety risk lurking in mud transportation activities. In the event of a spill, the extremely viscous mud can overwhelm vehicles and pedestrians, with unimaginable consequences.

Therefore, extending the transport time to the night is undoubtedly the best way to minimize the harm to innocent people caused by such accidents.

Because of this, due to the special nature of the working time, we ordinary citizens rarely have the opportunity to witness the spectacular spectacle of underground mud being continuously transported to the surface.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

Construction areas are often strictly enclosed and unrelated persons are not allowed to approach.

While these precautions undoubtedly make it more difficult for us to get to the bottom of the matter, they are undoubtedly necessary and appropriate from the perspective of keeping the public safe.

However, if you happen to live near a transit line, you may be able to hear the roaring engine of a truck passing by in the middle of the night, which is a sign that a mud convoy is about to pass by your doorstep.

There is no doubt that the benefits of metro construction for urban development are enormous, and the costs to be paid are obvious. Looking back on this challenging construction process, we can't help but pay tribute to the hard work of the builders.

The subway tunnel was dug so deep, why didn't you see any soil transported out, and where did the excavated soil go?

It is because of their tenacity and hard work that the city has been able to come to life.

Although there are still many difficulties and obstacles to be overcome on the road ahead, as long as we persevere and move forward bravely, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and finally reach the other side of the ideal.

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