
Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: April 9 this year ushered in the 19th International Stomach Care Day, which is an important day to remind us to pay attention to stomach health and care for life.

In this fast-paced society, people's work and life are becoming more and more busy, and the high-pressure living state makes irregular eating become the norm.

Stomach pain, bloating, acid reflux and other problems also follow, and they are like invisible killers, quietly eroding our health.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Behind these symptoms, there are shadows of stomach diseases one after another, which may be inconspicuous, but they cannot be ignored.

According to the 2022 National Cancer Report, the incidence of stomach diseases in mainland China is as high as 85%, and behind this staggering number are countless people who are troubled by stomach problems.

Stomach problems are more than simple stomach pain, nausea, these symptoms may be early signs of stomach diseases and require our timely attention and intervention.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


If you have these symptoms, you may have a problem with your stomach!

Persistent stomach pain

Persistent stomach pain may be a clear manifestation of a stomach disorder, which may manifest as a dull, tingling, or burning sensation and often worsen after a meal or with hunger. If your stomach pain persists or recurs, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly to rule out the possibility of stomach ulcers, gastritis, etc.


Indigestion is also a common symptom of stomach problems, which can manifest as bloating, early satiety, belching, etc. If you don't change your eating habits and you suddenly have these symptoms, you may have a stomach problem.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of stomach disorders, which can be caused by acid reflux, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. If your nausea and vomiting persists or worsens, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.

Black stools or hematemesis

This can be due to gastrointestinal bleeding caused by stomach ulcers, gastritis, etc. If your stool is black or you have blood in your vomit, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Anorexia, weight, loss

Loss of appetite and weight loss can also be a sign of stomach problems, and if you have a significant loss of appetite and continue to lose weight for no apparent reason, you may have a stomach problem.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


Young people have a bad stomach, and the reason is to find in themselves! You account for a few of the 4 kinds of stomach-hurting behaviors

Irregular diet

Many young people often skip breakfast, or eat dinner too late, or even eat a late-night snack due to their busy schedule. This irregular eating habit will seriously disrupt the normal physiological rhythm of the stomach, resulting in gastric acid secretion disorders, and in the long run, it is easy to cause gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Make a pig of oneself

Whether it's a work meeting or a gathering of friends, young people tend to indulge themselves at the dinner table and eat and drink excessively. However, overeating not only increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but can also trigger serious diseases such as acute pancreatitis.

In addition, excessive intake of greasy, spicy, raw and cold foods can also cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, leading to symptoms such as stomach pain and bloating.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Mental stress

Modern young people are facing more and more pressure on work and life, and long-term mental tension, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions can easily lead to gastrointestinal disorders, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms.

Lack of exercise

Sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise are common problems among modern young people. Long-term lack of exercise will not only lead to a decline in physical function, but also may affect the peristalsis function of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion, constipation and other problems. Proper exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance the peristalsis ability of the gastrointestinal tract, and help improve stomach health.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


If you have a bad stomach, you can't eat steamed buns, so you have to drink more porridge?

The health of the stomach is essential to our daily lives, affecting our appetite, nutrient absorption, and overall quality of life.

In China, there is a saying about stomach maintenance: you can't eat steamed buns if you have a bad stomach, and you should drink more porridge. Although this statement has its validity in some cases, it also requires us to have an in-depth understanding and discussion.

steamed bread

As a common staple food, steamed bread is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, and for most people, it is not a big problem to eat it in moderation.

But for people with stomach problems, some ingredients in steamed buns may irritate the gastric mucosa, causing discomfort. Therefore, in the case of stomach upset, reducing the intake of steamed buns is indeed a wise choice.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


As a liquid food, porridge is easy to digest and absorb, making it a milder choice for patients with stomach problems.

The water content in porridge is high, which helps to dilute stomach acid and reduce the burden on the stomach. At the same time, the nutrients in porridge can also provide the body with necessary energy and nutrients.

However, this does not mean that people with stomach problems can only rely on porridge to survive. In the case of a gradual improvement in the condition of the stomach, you can try to gradually introduce other foods such as noodles, porridge, etc., to maintain a balanced and varied nutrition.

In short, the health of the stomach needs to be taken care of. In the face of stomach discomfort, we can appropriately reduce the intake of steamed bread and increase the intake of porridge, but we should also adjust it according to our actual situation. At the same time, maintaining a good diet and lifestyle is also the key to preventing stomach diseases.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Irritating foods

Bad stomach, try to eat less irritating food Bad stomach, try to eat less irritating food, this is a health common sense that many people understand. However, in daily life, many people often ignore their eating habits due to busy work and fast pace of life, resulting in stomach discomfort and even stomach problems.

For people with a bad stomach, irritating foods may increase the burden on the stomach, leading to excessive secretion of stomach acid, causing symptoms such as stomach pain and bloating.

Therefore, we should try to avoid spicy, greasy, raw and cold and other irritating foods, such as chili peppers, coffee, tobacco and alcohol, cold drinks, etc. At the same time, it is also important not to overeat, avoid excessive hunger or overeating, and maintain a regular eating habit.

Highly acidic foods

High-acidic foods are one of the important factors that lead to the aggravation of stomach problems, so it is very important for people with a bad stomach to eat as few high-acidic foods as possible.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Highly acidic foods mainly include citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, yogurt, etc. These foods contain high levels of acidity, which can easily irritate the gastric mucosa and aggravate the symptoms of gastric diseases such as hyperacidity, gastritis, and gastric ulcers.

Of course, it's not that people with a bad stomach can't eat acidic foods. Acidic foods in moderation can help boost digestion and improve appetite. However, people with a bad stomach should choose acidic foods that are suitable for them according to their own situation, and pay attention to eating them in moderation.

Gas-producing foods

Gas-producing foods, such as onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables, as well as beans, wheat bran, apples, grapes, bananas, melons and beverages, will ferment in the intestines after entering the human body, producing a large amount of gas, which will cause flatulence and aggravate stomach discomfort.

For people with stomach problems, avoiding or reducing the intake of gas-producing foods is indeed an important life adjustment. But that doesn't mean they have to give up these foods altogether. With a reasonable cooking method and consumption amount, they can still enjoy their food while protecting their stomach.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

For example, in the case of onions and garlic, although they contain high sulfides and are prone to gas, if they are cooked until they are cooked, gas production can be reduced. In addition, soaking, cooking, or cooking beans into soy products can also reduce their gas production.

Indigestible food

There are many types of foods that are not easy to digest, especially fried, grilled, and high-fat foods. The digestion of these foods in the stomach is relatively complex and often requires more stomach acid and digestive enzymes to break down.

However, when they remain in the stomach for a long time, it will put a lot of burden on the gastric mucosa, which in turn will affect the health of the entire stomach. Specifically, fried foods such as fried chicken, french fries, etc., absorb a lot of fat during the cooking process, making the food itself greasy and difficult to digest.

Grilled foods such as grilled meat, grilled fish, etc., although delicious, during the grilling process, the proteins and fats will be denatured, making it more difficult to digest. High-fat foods such as fatty meats and fried foods have a higher fat content and require more digestive juices and energy for digestion, which can easily lead to stomach upset.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


In spring, we should do a good job of "protecting the stomach" and insist on doing 5 things well, and the stomach may be "very healthy"

Pay attention to food hygiene

In spring, the temperature gradually warms up, the bacteria multiply faster, and the food is perishable. Therefore, when it comes to diet, we need to pay extra attention to hygiene.

Choose fresh ingredients and avoid expired, spoiled food. At the same time, keep tableware and kitchenware clean and disinfected to reduce bacterial growth.

Balanced diet

Spring is the season when vegetables and fruits are abundant, and we should make full use of these natural ingredients to provide adequate nutrients for our body.

Eating more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals can help strengthen stomach resistance and prevent diseases. In addition, a moderate intake of high-quality proteins, such as lean meat, fish, etc., can also help with stomach health.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food

Have a regular schedule and avoid staying up late

Good sleep habits are essential for stomach health. We need to get enough sleep and avoid staying up late. Staying up late at night is the time for the repair and detoxification of various organs of the body, and staying up late will disrupt the biological clock and affect the normal function of the stomach.

Moderate exercise to enhance physical fitness

Spring is a good time to exercise because of the temperature is suitable. Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance physical fitness, and improve stomach resistance. We can choose low-intensity exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc., to avoid excessive exercise and physical fatigue.

Stay in a good mood

Spring is the season of revival, and people's mood will become happy. We need to maintain a good attitude and avoid the impact of mood swings on our stomach health.

Try some relaxing activities such as listening to music, reading, painting, etc., to relieve stress and keep your mood up.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


There are 2 acupuncture points on the body, or more powerful than stomach medicine, press a button every day to strengthen the spleen and stomach and help digestion

Middle elbow hole

The middle navel point is located in the upper abdomen of the human body, on the anterior midline, when the umbilicus is 4 inches above. This acupuncture point is the recruitment point of the stomach, and it is also the intestine association, and regular massage of this acupoint can treat stomach pain, bowel sound, diarrhea, edema, vomiting, bloating, nausea, indigestion, jaundice, spleen and stomach weakness and other problems.

During the massage, you can gently press with your fingertips, each lasting 3-5 minutes, and you will feel a warm force spreading in your stomach.

Doctor: If you have a bad stomach, try to eat less of these 4 types of food


Zusanli is located on the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the calf's nose, and the calf's nose is connected to Jiexi. This acupuncture point is one of the main acupuncture points of the Zuyang Ming Stomach Meridian, which has the effect of drying the spleen and dampness and generating stomach qi.

Regular massage of this acupuncture point can treat stomach pain, abdominal distention, bowel sounds, indigestion, vomiting, paralysis of the lower limbs, athlete's foot, chancre, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, madness, stroke, lower limb failure, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue and other problems.

During the massage, you can gently press with the fingertips of your thumb for 5-10 minutes each time, and you will feel a warm current spreading from your legs upwards.

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