
One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

author:Health Road Plue

Some people call kelp "longevity vegetables", and modern medical research has also proved that kelp contains many nutrients and medicinal ingredients that are beneficial to human health.

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

The effects of kelp

/ 01 Lowering blood pressure /

First of all, kelp can lower blood pressure. Kelp contains kelp, potassium and calcium, which can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

/ 02 Blood Loss /

Secondly, kelp can also lower blood lipids. Kelp contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, which can remove cholesterol attached to the blood vessel walls and regulate the stomach and intestines.

/ 03 Hypoglycemic /

There is also kelp that lowers blood sugar. Because kelp contains fucoidan, it is an excellent dietary fiber. Diabetic patients can delay the emptying of the stomach and the time for food to pass through the small intestine, so that even if the amount of insulin secretion decreases, the blood sugar level will not rise, thus helping to achieve the goal of diabetes treatment.

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

/ 04 Strong Heart /

Kelp also strengthens the heart, kelp contains magnesium, an essential trace element for the human body, which has an important regulatory effect on the activity of the heart.

/ 05 Antithrombotic /

Finally, kelp can be anti-thrombosis. Kelp contains an active ingredient called kelp polysaccharides, which can reduce the concentration of cholesterol triglycerides in the human serum. Kelp polysaccharides also have an anticoagulant effect and can prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

Delicious recipes

Since kombu is so good, today I would like to recommend three best ways to eat kombu.

Kelp tofu soup

| Soup drops three highs |

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!


100 grams of soaked kelp, 200 grams of tofu, chopped green onion, minced ginger and salt.


  1. Soak the kelp in warm water, wash and slice;
  2. Wash the tofu, cut it into large pieces, boil it in boiling water, remove it to cool, and cut it into small cubes;
  3. Put chopped green onion and minced ginger into a hot oil pot and stir-fry until fragrant, add kelp and tofu and stir-fry slightly, add water to boil, change to a simmer and continue to cook, add salt and cook until kelp and tofu are flavorful.

Stewed pork ribs with soybean and kelp

| Clear fire to dryness and anti-thrombosis |

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!


300 grams of pork ribs, 150 grams of soybeans, 150 grams of soaked kelp, appropriate amount of salt.


  1. Rinse the pork ribs, blanch and skim off the foam, remove and set aside; clean the soybeans and the kelp, cut them into strips and tie them in knots;
  2. Put the kelp and soybeans into the soup pot, add 6~8 bowls of water, boil over high heat and continue to cook for 15 minutes, turn to low heat and cook for 1 hour;
  3. Then add the kelp and continue to simmer for 30 minutes, finally adding salt to taste.

Grilled pork with potatoes and kelp

| Moisturize yin and protect the heart |

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

[Ingredients]: 2 potatoes, 300g of pork belly, 100g of soaked kelp, green onion, ginger, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, star anise, and salt.


  1. The kelp is soaked half a day in advance. Wash and peel the potatoes and cut them into large pieces, and cut the pork belly into cubes;
  2. Put in the oil, put in the pork belly after the oil is hot, fry over low heat until the surface of the meat turns yellow, and tighten the oil in the meat to seep out;
  3. Add green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry a few times, pour in the potato pieces and stir-fry, add dark soy sauce and light soy sauce and stir-fry well;
  4. Add the kelp and pour in the water that should be 1 or 2 centimeters below the potatoes. Add star anise to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, add a little salt, reduce the juice over high heat, and then remove from the pot.
One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

How to choose kelp

/ 01 View completeness /

When we choose kelp, it is best to open the dried kelp completely, if it is small and broken kelp, then Kawa recommends that you do not buy yo, it is best to buy kelp with thick and complete leaves~

We also try not to buy kelp with holes or too many breakages, as they may be eaten by insects or become moldy.

/ 02 Whether to cover hoarfrost /

Hoarfrost is mannitol produced after the weathering of plant bases. The quality of kelp with high nutritional value and hoarfrost on the surface is also good. When you encounter this kind of hoarfrost-covered kelp, remember to start quickly~

One of the foods that the three highs are most afraid of! anti-thrombosis, strong heart, delicious and cheap!

/ 03 Gray-green kombu is the best /

Kelp is generally dark brown in color, and when dried, it is naturally dark green or dark green. Some friends like to buy brightly colored kelp when choosing kelp.

It is recommended to be cautious when buying this kelp, this kelp is mostly soaked in additives, and long-term consumption will be harmful to health~

/ 04 Is the thickness moderate /

We all like the thicker kelp, which tastes tender and smooth. We can pinch the softness and hardness and thickness with our hands, and choose the kelp with the right softness and moderate thickness, and the kelp that is too soft may not be fresh~

Finally, some people may not like to eat kelp because of a little fishy smell, but in fact, after you understand kelp, its nutritional value is very high, especially for the three highs problem, so even if you don't like it, you might as well try to eat a little, maybe you will find that kelp will bring you a lot of surprises.

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