
Whether the blood vessels are blocked or not, head prophet, remind: don't ignore these 5 symptoms on your head

author:99 Health Net

Vascular disease, especially arteriosclerosis or thrombosis, can cause obstruction of blood circulation, which can affect the blood supply to the head and neck. Here are some of the head symptoms that may be associated with vascular problems:

Whether the blood vessels are blocked or not, head prophet, remind: don't ignore these 5 symptoms on your head


There are these 5 symptoms on the head

Don't ignore it

Severe headache:

A persistent, severe headache can be a sign of a vascular problem, especially if the headache occurs in the back or side of the neck.

Facial asymmetry:

Weaker than one side of the face or less expressive can be a sign of a stroke, as blocked blood vessels can lead to brain damage.

Vision Problems:

Sudden blurring or loss of vision, or a sharp decrease in vision in one eye, may be due to a problem with the blood vessels in the eye.


Persistent tinnitus or sudden hearing loss may be associated with vascular disease.

Dizziness or balance disorders:

Sudden signs of dizziness, vertigo or loss of balance can be a sign of a vascular problem.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, especially if they are new, severe, or persistent, you should seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms can be a manifestation of a number of different health conditions, including but not limited to vascular disease, so a timely medical evaluation is essential to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Whether the blood vessels are blocked or not, head prophet, remind: don't ignore these 5 symptoms on your head


Causes of clogged blood vessels


This is the most common cause and refers to damage to the endothelium of blood vessels, where lipids (especially cholesterol) in the blood are deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaques. Over time, these plaques can grow and cause narrowing of blood vessels.


Long-term high blood pressure puts more pressure on the walls of blood vessels, causing them to thicken and harden, which accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis.


The chemicals in tobacco damage the endothelium of blood vessels, promote thrombosis, and increase the viscosity of the blood.

Poor eating habits

A diet high in fat, sugar, and salt can increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and promote the formation of atherosclerosis.


As we age, the walls of blood vessels gradually harden and lose their elasticity, affecting the function of blood vessels.

Chronic inflammation

A long-term inflammatory state can lead to vascular damage and plaque formation.

Whether the blood vessels are blocked or not, head prophet, remind: don't ignore these 5 symptoms on your head


How to prevent clogged blood vessels

Eat a balanced diet

Eat a balanced diet, reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids and trans fats, increase the intake of dietary fiber, control the intake of salt, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Exercise regularly

Maintain a moderate amount of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, etc., to enhance cardiopulmonary function and promote blood circulation.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol

The nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco damage the walls of blood vessels, and excess alcohol can also increase the burden on the heart.

Manage your blood sugar

People with diabetes need to keep their blood sugar under tight control to reduce the risk of vascular disease.


For some people with hypercoagulability, anticoagulation may be needed to prevent thrombosis.

Take your medications as directed

For people who already have cardiovascular disease, they need to follow the doctor's guidance and take medication regularly to control the condition.

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