
Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up

Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-05-23 14:43Posted on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

Whether a city can become popular may have an element of luck, but whether a city can become popular or not is a test of good governance ability and governance wisdom

Heze South Station suspended "all cultural and entertainment activities", local law enforcement departments persuaded many vulgar live broadcasts, and Guo Youcai announced that it would be suspended for 3 days...... After Guo Youcai became popular and attracted Internet celebrities from all walks of life to "check in", the trend of the incident is changing.

From the overnight "explosion" of Heze South Station a few days ago, showing the attitude of "Heze welcomes you" with actions such as renovating the road surface, installing public toilets, and providing volunteer services, to pressing the pause button for the live broadcast of Heze South Station and persuading him to leave the vulgar live broadcast, Heze's local attitude towards this wave of "splashing traffic" has obviously changed slightly.

Of course, Heze doesn't want the chain reaction of "one person with a city" to spill over to the city's cultural tourism, but it is inevitable that there is a fear of the negative perception brought by the "group of demons dancing" brought by Internet celebrities gathering at Heze South Station. The cooling of this wave of heat brought by Guo Youcai is the change of rationality after eagerly hearing the wind.

The timely turn of the Heze official reflects the sobriety of the local people who do not follow the crowd when the boom is surging. This also throws out a realistic proposition: in the face of "pouring traffic", what should the local government do?

Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up

↑On May 18, in the National Flower Expo Park of Heze City, Guo Youcai's singing attracted onlookers. Photo according to Visual China

Tangential flow rate, preemptive running direction

For the local area, "splashing traffic" often means that the "network" gives a good opportunity: traffic is connected with exposure and presence, and with traffic, it can not only drive the development of local cultural tourism, but also improve the local "exposure probability", which will help attract investment and industrial transformation.

Because of this, in recent years, learning to live has almost become the basic literacy of cultural tourism in various places, and the phenomenon of some directors of cultural and tourism bureaus personally going into battle as "Internet celebrities" has always attracted the attention of public opinion.

Since last year, the "Zi" rush to bake, the "Bin" to home, and the hot "spicy" and "hot" Tianshui have successively brought fire to Zibo, Harbin and Tianshui, which has raised the importance of the IP operation of the city's image to a new height in many places.

Behind the focus on building the city's image IP, urban cultural tourism has entered the 3.0 stage: in the 1.0 era, the development of cultural tourism is highly dependent on natural and cultural resources, and in the 2.0 era, the tourism supply is enriched, and museums, resorts, theme parks, landmark buildings, etc. have become popular check-in places; In the 3.0 era, "everything can be cultural tourism" and "cultural tourism empowers everything", and the image shaping of the city has also changed from top-down propaganda with the government as the main body to tap water communication with the people as the main body, and the value of traffic has become more and more prominent.

In this context, the popularity of the phenomenal Internet celebrity Guo Youcai has driven the popularity of the entire city of Heze to increase, and Heze has taken advantage of the trend - including letting Guo Youcai serve as the recommendation officer of Heze Cultural Tourism and "exploding" Heze South Station, which is reasonable. This reflects the sensitivity of the local community in seizing development opportunities.

But you have to see that there are also differences in physiognomy between "splashing traffic", not all "splashing traffic" is worth receiving from the place, some traffic can enhance the local image, and some may ruin the image. This requires those places that have been hit by "splashing traffic" to predict the direction of traffic before undertaking it.

Comparing Heze with Zibo, Harbin, and Tianshui, it will be found that Heze's traffic entrance comes from "people", and the popularity of Zibo, Harbin, Tianshui, etc. is mostly related to food - Zibo is barbecue, Harbin is frozen pears (of course, there is also the ice and snow world), and Tianshui is spicy hot.

From the perspective of urban IP binding, the difference between the two is not small: the certainty of food as an IP incision is much higher than that of Internet celebrity anchors.

Internet celebrities can indeed "divert" the city, but the life cycle of Internet celebrities is usually short, and it is common for them to be popular for only a few days; There is a high degree of uncertainty in the words and deeds of Internet celebrities, and it is not uncommon for cars to overturn and collapse. Besides, at a time when the image of Internet celebrities is often linked to "promoting speculation" and "assisting in the 'uselessness of reading'" in the public eye, it is also easier to attract criticism by tying the image of the city to the individual Internet celebrities.

This is not to say that Guo Youcai is not enough to represent the image of Heze, Guo Youcai does have a worthy shining point, such as after setbacks and not discouraged, suddenly become famous and not floating, he "wants a spring breeze but harvests a spring" Although it is a coincidence, it is also a reward for his stubborn growth and unremitting efforts by the society, and he makes the city of Heze more warm. It's just that there are some uncontrollable things that come with it.

A bunch of Internet celebrities followed in the footsteps of Guo Youcai, and showed the live broadcast of "All Beings" at Heze South Station's "Demons Dance", which already explains everything. Their funny and ugly pretending to be difficult to score Heze, but they may drag Heze into the radiation circle of the ugly spiral.

Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up

In contrast, food, as a plus to the image of a place, may have a more long-lasting anchoring effect. Whether it is the regional characteristics of gastronomy or the saying that "conquering a person's stomach first conquers his stomach", it makes gastronomy more able to exist as a distinctive identity of the city.

It is normal to seize the traffic attracted by Internet celebrities, but it is necessary to be cautious about the binding of urban image IP to individuals, and it is necessary to study and judge where the tide of traffic will flow before undertaking traffic, so as to avoid the traffic that catches it from becoming a "negative asset" of the city image.

The administrative hand should be in place, not offside

It remains to be seen whether Guo Youcai's "splashing traffic" can assist in building the image of Heze City, but Heze does not lack Internet celebrity genes, and labels such as "Brother Coat", "Cao County, the Center of the Universe", and "Hanfu Capital" have brought IP resources to it. As a famous historical and cultural city featuring peony culture, Heze also has a good performance in indicators such as urban search and tourism attraction.

However, whether a city can be popular or not, it is important to import traffic after people (Internet celebrities) or things (food) become popular, and whether the local government can handle the governance is also crucial.

From Zibo, Harbin to Tianshui, the reason why it can become popular is related to the fact that it starts with the beautiful food, respects the local "listening to persuasion", fits in the "pleasing city style", has been good governance in the city for a long time, and finally has been cared for in many ways.

After the Zibo barbecue became popular, the local parties showed a lot of goodwill operations: pushing barbecue special trains and bus lines, strictly prohibiting refusal to ride, cheating and arresting, cleaning day and night, special personnel on duty, free parking lots for government agencies, citizens spontaneously picking up tourists, and providing idle houses...... It is precisely because of enough diligence that Zibo has successfully withstood the "baking" test and caught the traffic.

After the Harbin Ice and Snow World became popular, the local people also contributed to the hot search of "Erbin, you make me feel strange" with intimate service, "small potatoes", "sugar oranges", "hot air balloons", "borrowed phoenixes", "Oroqen tribes" and other hot stalks, which made people see the enthusiasm and sincerity of Harbin.

After Tianshui Malatang became popular, Tianshui officials also "listened to persuasion" to open the "Malatang special line", focusing on improving tourism services, drivers took the initiative to pick up tourists for free, and many scenic spots in Gansu have also launched joint ticket discounts and free pick-up services...... The local people wrote the words "seize the opportunity" on their faces.

Heze is no exception, renovating roads, installing public toilets, providing volunteer services, etc., all of which focus on exchanging peace of mind for peace of mind, and exchanging comfort for intimacy, so as to provide a better experience for foreign tourists.

The benefits of traffic are, of course, available, and it makes sense to take supporting measures for this. However, it is worth noting that in this process, what local governments need to do is not to promote seedlings, but to do a good job in public services. Whether a city can take advantage of the trend of traffic to go further is not something that can be planned by a tangible hand, but also by the invisible hand of the market to grasp those opportunities.

Therefore, on the basis of letting the market return to the market, what the government needs to do is to continue to optimize the business environment and make up for the shortcomings of public services. This requires that the administrative hand be in place, but not offside. At present, the main focus of the above-mentioned cities is also to do a good job in public services.

To put it simply, whether a city can become popular may have an element of luck, but whether a city can become popular or not is a test of good governance ability and governance wisdom.

Red Star News Special Commentator She Zongming

Edited by Zhao Yu

Red Star Comment Submission Email: [email protected]

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  • Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up
  • Comment丨Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days, not all "splashing traffic" is worth picking up

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