
People with cerebral ischemia may have 4 signals on their faces, if one of them does not occupy it, or it is far away from cerebral infarction

author:99 Health Net

Cerebral ischemia is when brain tissue is unable to get enough oxygen and nutrients due to insufficient blood supply. This condition can lead to cognitive decline, neurological dysfunction, and even brain tissue damage. Cerebral ischemia can be caused by a variety of causes, including narrowing of blood vessels, blood clotting, heart problems, and more.

People with cerebral ischemia may have 4 signals on their faces, if one of them does not occupy it, or it is far away from cerebral infarction


People with cerebral ischemia

There may be 4 signals on the face

There are four signs that may appear on the face, although not specific, but they are a cause for concern, especially if these symptoms appear suddenly or are accompanied by other symptoms, and you should seek medical attention promptly:

Numbness or tingling in the face:

This may manifest as paresthesias on one side of the face, such as numbness, tingling, or decreased sensation to the touch.

Facial Expression Disorders:

Cerebral ischemia can affect facial motor control, resulting in unnatural expressions, such as when smiling one side of the facial muscle does not move properly.

Vision Problems:

Cerebral ischemia can affect blood flow to the eye, resulting in blurred vision, double vision, or visual field defects.


Cerebral ischemia can affect the language center, leading to slurred speech or speech impairment.

It is important to emphasize that the above symptoms may also be caused by other causes, such as cervical spondylosis, neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, etc. Therefore, if these symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention in time so that the doctor can make a professional assessment and diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend head imaging tests, such as a CT scan or MRI, to determine whether there is cerebral ischemia.

People with cerebral ischemia may have 4 signals on their faces, if one of them does not occupy it, or it is far away from cerebral infarction


What is cerebral ischemia

Common risk factors


As we age, the walls of blood vessels may become stiff and narrow, increasing the risk of ischemia.

heart disease

Heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, or heart failure, can cause blood to not pump effectively to the brain.


Diabetes can damage blood vessels, affect blood flow, and increase the risk of blood clots.

Excessive alcohol consumption

Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can affect heart function and vascular health, increasing the risk of cerebral ischemia.


Obesity is associated with a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including those that can lead to cerebral ischemia.

Long-term stress

Long-term mental stress can affect heart health and increase the risk of cerebral ischemia.

Genetic factors

If there is a family history of cerebral ischemia or cardiovascular disease, the individual risk may be increased.

People with cerebral ischemia may have 4 signals on their faces, if one of them does not occupy it, or it is far away from cerebral infarction


How to pass the diet

Prevent cerebral ischemia

Increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart health and can help lower blood lipids and improve cardiovascular function. Foods rich in Omega-3 include deep-sea fish (such as salmon, cod, mackerel, etc.), flaxseeds, walnuts, etc.

Consume enough dietary fiber

Dietary fiber helps lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, prevent obesity, and maintain good cardiovascular health. Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits are all good sources of dietary fiber.

Control sodium intake

A diet high in sodium can increase blood pressure and increase the burden on the heart. Direct salt intake should be reduced, while attention should be paid to processed foods with high sodium content, such as pickled products, instant noodles, snacks, etc.

Drink alcohol in moderation

Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of high blood pressure, causing damage to the heart and blood vessels. Moderate alcohol consumption may have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.

Maintain moisture balance

Adequate hydration helps maintain normal blood circulation.

Eat a balanced diet

Make sure your diet includes a variety of nutrients and avoid long-term high intake of single foods to maintain your body's overall health.