
Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

author:Moon Resident yz


Author/Yuan Shu

The autumn bushes circle like pottery houses, and they are becoming more and more oblique around the fence.

It is not that the flowers prefer chrysanthemums, and this flower is even more flowerless.

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

China is the hometown of chrysanthemums, and it has been common to cultivate chrysanthemums since ancient times. Chrysanthemums are known as the flowers of longevity, and at the same time, they are praised by the literati as a symbol of the indomitable frost, so people love it and praise it.

Mid-Autumn Festival, some chrysanthemums compete to open, so warm, so unrestrained, for the Mid-Autumn Festival decoration more gorgeous.

Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China and one of the four gentlemen in the flower. Because chrysanthemums have the character of being cold and proud of snow, there is Tao Yuanming's famous sentence of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain".

Huang Chao once sighed: "When the autumn comes on September 8, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom." The incense of the sky penetrated Chang'an, and the city was full of golden armor. ”

Literati and inkers of past generations have admired chrysanthemums, written chrysanthemums and painted chrysanthemums, admired the beauty of chrysanthemums, and at the same time felt the character of chrysanthemums.

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

Today I share with you my chrysanthemum delicacy - chrysanthemum tofu. Hope you enjoy.


1, two blooming chrysanthemums, 1 pound of tofu, 3 shallots;

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

2, put cold water in a large bowl, put a small amount of salt, stir until the salt melts, tear off the chrysanthemum petals, sprinkle into salt water, soak for about 3 minutes, remove the astringency of the chrysanthemum; then fish out the water control;

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable
Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

3: Cut the tofu into triangular pieces, add a little starch to a small bowl, and thin the sauce;

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable
Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

4: Cut the shallots into small pieces, put an appropriate amount of sweet noodle sauce in a small bowl, add cold boiled water, stir until melted, into a sauce;

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable
Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

5, (1) open the fire to put the pot, the pot is hot and put the oil, the oil is slightly more, the oil temperature is 90% hot,

(2) Add the cut tofu cubes and fry until both sides are slightly yellow to set,

(3) Add the shallots and stir-fry until fragrant,

(4) Drizzle the prepared sauce along the edge of the pot, stir-fry a few times,

(5) Wait until the sauce is flavored into the tofu,

(6) Drizzle into the thin mustard, stir-fry a few times,

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

(7) After rolling away,

(8) Sprinkle chrysanthemum petals, turn off the fire,

(9) Drizzle with sesame oil, stir well,

(10) Out of the pot;

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

6, put into the plate, eat...

A plate of delicious "chrysanthemum tofu" is ready. The method is simple, but the taste is not simple, light and delicious, the tofu is the outside and tender on the inside, accompanied by a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, under the wine and rice, it is not comfortable!

Mid-Autumn Festival, make a "chrysanthemum tofu", with a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, wine tasting and moon appreciation, really comfortable

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