
Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

With the improvement of people's living standards, many people's leisure time has also appeared more, so people have more ability to pay attention to health.

It can be said that the parents of many families are greedy for the night and are busy at the end of the day, which can solve our food and clothing problems.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

But for health, there is no time to pay attention to it, and in the previous era, there were very few electronic products, just a TV, a landline, and there were very few health programs.

But now, with the abundance of material, there are more and more programs about health on many electronic products, and people are paying more and more attention to the importance of health.

Therefore, for most families, it is not about food and clothing, but about pursuing a high-quality life, pursuing food precision, and pursuing food that is beneficial to the body.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

Hawthorn is a stone fruit, which can be eaten raw or made into preserved fruit, dried hawthorn can be used in medicine, and regular consumption has certain benefits for the human body.

What are the benefits of hawthorn for the body?

1. It is conducive to the digestion of fatty food

If you eat hawthorn properly, it can play a role in promoting digestion, because hawthorn contains esterase that the human body needs, which can promote the digestion of fat in the body, and has a certain role in promoting the secretion of gastric juice, which can play an appetizing and healthy food effect.

2. It can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases

Some substances contained in hawthorn can play a role in lowering blood lipids and blood pressure, and have a certain preventive effect on some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

3. It can be antibacterial

Hawthorn has a certain antibacterial effect, which can inhibit E. coli, golden grapes, Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria, and can effectively prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases.

4. It has the effect of detoxification and beauty

Proper consumption of hawthorn is conducive to the timely discharge of garbage toxins from the body, which can play the role of detoxification and beauty, and the consumption of hawthorn has a certain effect on preventing and improving constipation.

5. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Hawthorn contains flavonoids, which can play a role in dilating blood vessels, have a certain effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also have a certain anti-cancer effect.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

6. It has the effect of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Hawthorn is slightly warm, which can enter the gastrointestinal and liver meridians, and has a certain effect of activating blood and removing blood stasis. If women have menstrual cramps, eating some hawthorn in moderation can have a relieving effect.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels were unblocked

Hawthorn has so many benefits for the human body that it will work even better if it can be combined with other foods.

  • Hawthorn + roses

If you put hawthorn and roses in a teacup at the same time, you can drink it after a few minutes of soaking, which can play a role in promoting digestion and is conducive to the health of the stomach and intestines.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed
  • 山楂 + 枸杞

If hawthorn and wolfberry are brewed with boiling water at the same time, it can play a role in nourishing the liver and kidneys, and will have a better effect on regulating the body's blood sugar and blood lipids.

  • Hawthorn + honey

The combination of the two tastes sweet and sour, very tasty, and has a good effect on the treatment of constipation, indigestion and other conditions.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed
  • Hawthorn + red dates

Hawthorn has the effect of decomposing fat, which can avoid the accumulation of fat on the blood vessel wall, which can reduce the burden on the liver, and the nutrients in jujube can help the liver synthesize protein, and it has the effect of softening blood vessels.

Pairing the two together has certain benefits for blood vessels and can also make the liver cleaner.

  • Hawthorn + schisandra

If hawthorn is combined with schisandra chinensis to soak in water, it has a good effect on the treatment of fatty liver, which can promote the regeneration of liver cells and improve the vitality of liver cells.

Hawthorn's "golden partner" was announced, and after drinking one cup a day, the liver became clean and the blood vessels became unobstructed

For the detoxification and detoxification process of the liver, it has a certain promoting effect to avoid liver tissue damage, and taking both at the same time can have a better effect of protecting the liver and protecting the liver.

  • Hawthorn + cassia seed

Cassia seed can play a role in clearing the liver and brightening the purpose, and also has a certain effect on lowering blood pressure and lipids, if the two are matched together, it will help the body's digestion and also have a certain protective effect on the liver.

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