
【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?

author:Healthy Fat City
【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?

Editor's note

As the saying goes, "spring covers autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases", so why spring cover, how should spring cover it?

Spring climate change is larger, it is very easy to appear warm and cold, coupled with the return of spring to the earth, the body's yang energy begins to tend to the surface, the intestines begin to become loose, and the resistance to cold evil has weakened. Once encountering the "inverted spring cold", people often feel that they are "not as frost-resistant as autumn", especially the elderly, children, mothers, and patients with chronic diseases, who are prone to cold due to inadaptability, leading to the occurrence of various diseases.

【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?
【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?
【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?
【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?

Spring cover is the content of seasonal health preservation, especially suitable for people who usually have symptoms such as cold limbs, pale complexion, loose stools, cold eating or abdominal pain in case of cold.

For children who can't express, they should touch their backs from time to time, and if they are always sweaty and cover them too much, they should reduce their clothes appropriately to avoid opening their pores and getting cold in the wind.

Source: Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine

Submission address: [email protected]

Editor's review: Feicheng Health Education Center

【Health and Wellness】Spring and autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases! How should spring cover it?

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