
In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

author:Old Man Yanagi Cheng

Written by Yanagi Cheng

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

In the sixties and seventies, did pig raising become the tail of capitalism? Is it correct to say that people have no food to eat, where can they get grain to feed pigs? This article will give you the perfect answer. The article is very long, please read it patiently.

It is said that in the 70s, the tail of capitalism was cut, and chickens and pigs were not allowed to be raised, but I lived in a place where Japanese devils could not find it back then, why did no one come to us to cut their tails?

In the first year after we got married, my father invited my uncle to come over and split up with me, and my father said: When the seedlings grow up, they should be transplanted, or they will not grow. Since then, I have become the head of the family, and my name has been added to the head of the production team.

My grandfather had already laid the two rooms with five beams and ears with small bricks and a pigsty. One room has a large pen for raising strong pigs, and the other room has two small pens for raising sows. My grandfather was in the piglet business, and he came back from a place called Jiaodian in the south of the Yangtze River to sell the two-faced gilts, and specially selected two good nipples and large ones to put in the pigsty.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

Pig farming model in the sixties and seventies

Some people may want to say that selling piglets is not "speculation"? In fact, that is misinformation, and speculation in the sixties and seventies was a crime aimed at "undermining the socialist planned economy." If the neighbors want to buy seedling pigs, ask a person to row across the Yangtze River to the south of the Yangtze River to help buy a few gilts, and give some money for running feet, which is not speculation.

The fattening pigs are the cubs of the old sows raised by local farmers, which are pre-booked and will be notified to you to catch them when they are raised until the full moon. On the day of catching pigs, farmers still have to take care of a meal, and the dishes on the table should be eaten clean, and there is a good wish, that is, the pigs will eat and grow when they are caught.

After the pig enters the pen, it is necessary to set an example of the Bodhisattva, in fact, it is the god of the circle, and the god of the circle blesses the pig to grow healthily and grow fast. Take a square table, put the rib meat, call it "meat plate", burn incense and kowtow.

At that time, the piglets were crossbred type, the male parent was Baoshan white pig or the local Su white pig, which was large, and the female parent was Erhuamian, Meishan black or local Jiangquhai black pig, which was above medium size. After crossbreeding, it is large, resistant to rough food, and grows fast. At that time, pigs were not fed additives now, they could be slaughtered in four or five months, and they could be bred for a year, and their weight could reach more than 200 catties to more than 300 catties.

In the sixties and seventies, slogans were everywhere that publicized and mobilized peasant households to raise pigs, such as: "More pigs, more fat, more grain", "Vigorously develop the pig raising business", "Transform the mode of production and accelerate the development of modern animal husbandry", and so on. The Spring Festival of peasant households is also pasted with New Year's pictures of "scientific pig raising" and "vigorously developing animal husbandry". It can be seen from this that it is not what some people who distort the facts say that pig raising should be "cut off by the capitalist tail", but propaganda is launched to let farmers raise more.

In the sixties and seventies, China's industry was just starting and was still in a backward state, and the only thing that could earn foreign exchange through exports was agricultural and sideline products, and grain, pork, and poultry eggs became the three major export materials. In the 60s, Sino-Soviet relations began to deteriorate, and the Soviets demanded foreign debts from China. At first, China only borrowed $3 billion from the Soviet Union, but due to the high interest, the final repayment amount reached $8.6 billion, which was an astronomical amount for China at that time. However, the Chinese cut back on food and clothing, used agricultural and sideline products to pay off their debts, and paid off all their debts in 1965. Pork is inseparable from foreign exchange earnings, and pigs are inseparable from foreign debts.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

Pig propaganda New Year pictures in the sixties and seventies

In order to encourage farmers to raise pigs, support was also given in pig feed at that time. At that time, there were two kinds of grain distributed by the production team: one was rations, which were distributed to people to eat, and the other was feed grain, which was distributed to pigs. The feed grain is mainly barley, corn and other miscellaneous grains, and the more pigs raised, the more grain is divided. Every month, the production team organizes three peasant representatives of the "eye poison" to go door-to-door to count the weight of the pigs in the pigsty, which is called "estimating the pigs", and calculates the amount of feed grain distributed according to the estimated weight of the pigs. Old sows are fed according to the number of feeders, which is more than fattening pigs, because older sows consume more concentrate during gestation and lactation.

At that time, pig manure belonged to the production, except for one or two days a month to "pardon", let pig farmers pick up manure and water their own land, other time can not be used, otherwise it is "stealing manure". In those days, farming relied entirely on farm fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer had not yet been popularized, and only the eye-smoking ammonia had just begun to be applied. Of course, fertilizer is not given to the production team in vain, the production team organizes "passing the tank" for ten days and half a month, and converts it into work according to the number of loads, and the labor is money, that is, the production takes money to buy pig manure from farmers.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

The scene of picking up big dung in the sixties and seventies

Some people always say that people can't eat enough during the production team, where can they get grain to feed pigs, that is what people who have never raised pigs say, like the people of Xiaogang Village, I don't know what pigs ate in that era. At that time, it was called "poor pig raising", and pigs were first "hanging the shelf" and then "fattening". In the early stage, within 100 catties, it is mainly fed with herbs, which is called "hanging shelf", and then combined with grass and grain outside 100 catties, so that pigs can gain weight.

Children in their sixties and seventies knew that their first task after school was not to open their school bags and do their homework, but to carry baskets and pick up small shovels to pick pigweed, also known as "pigweed". Each child picks a basket of pigweed and arrives home to have dinner. In the fields, on both sides of the road, and on the riverside, there are children. Fortunately, herbicides were not used at that time, or hogweed could not be picked.

In the sixties and seventies, the peasants had their own land and vegetable plots. The land is nothing more than corn, barley, and carrots, all of which are used to feed the pigs. In the sixties and seventies, Jiangnan people ate carrots, and Jiangbei people used them to feed pigs, and some people once ridiculed the pig food eaten by Jiangnan people. Yam vines, pumpkin vines, peanut vines, taro lotus, these are all used to feed pigs.

I don't know if you are familiar with the "three treasures of pigs"? That is for the development of pig raising, the three kinds of aquatic plants introduced from abroad belong to alien species, strong vitality, fast reproduction, that is, water hyacinth, water floating lotus, water peanuts, the big ditch and the small river are all cultivated these plants. Nowadays, these disturbing plants have not been eradicated and have become public hazards.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

This alien species was introduced for pig feed at the time

Farmers also planted a lot of green fodder before and after the exhibition, such as pig amaranth, sugar beets, gray gray strips, and aggregate grass, all of which are used to feed pigs. Jiangsu people do not eat Houttuynia cordata, but the farmers who raise old sows have planted it, and the old sows will be fed this unpleasant smelling plant from gestation to lactation to prevent inflammation after sows give birth. It's funny to think about it now, this plant that was once fed to pigs has actually become a Chinese medicinal material, has been developed into fishy oral liquid, and has become a sought-after commodity during the new crown epidemic.

In those days, people who raised a lot of pigs also had a large sand jar for soaking green fodder. During the harvest season, crops such as potato vines and peanut vines cannot be eaten for a while, so they are chopped up, put into a sand jar, compacted with stones, and injected with water to make them sour. After fermentation, the green feed fiber is softened, sweet and sour, and the pigs love to eat it.

In the sixties and seventies, pigs mainly ate "cooked food", and they were "cooked" in the same pot as people. At that time, every peasant household had an earthen stove with seven or eight pots, and such a large pot was not needed for cooking rice and stir-frying, mainly for cooking pig food. The pot of people who raise a lot of pigs is still too small, and a fir retort has to be put on the stove, which is sixty or seventy centimeters high. When cooking pig food, you should also add some salt, a little salty pig likes to eat, and it is mainly to prevent nitrite poisoning.

After the pot is boiled, the concentrate is poured in, copied evenly, and it is cooked, which is called "fine food". At that time, the essence was used very little, and in the words of many people questioned, it was called "people can't eat enough, where can they feed the pigs". The piglets that have not been burdened are normally two or three taels of grain a day, and the big pig is half a catty, and the pig should be slaughtered in the first half of the month to increase some soybean cake appropriately, so that it can quickly fatten. At that time, when raising pigs, grain was the "primer of medicine", and green fodder was the main meal. Now the food consumed to raise a pig could be raised in the sixties and seventies for a pen of pigs.

When feeding the pigs, the boiled pig food is beaten into the food tank, a large amount of water is added, it is made into porridge, and it is scooped into the trough, and several pigs rush to eat, all nodding and shaking their heads. However, after all, there is little dry matter in pig food, and before the next meal, he was already so hungry that he stood in the circle and "called". Cut some amaranth and gray cabbage, chop them up, and throw them into the trough.

Later, the old pig farmer told me that I should go to the commune oil factory to buy some boiled wine lees to feed the pigs, five cents can be packed into a foreign cloth bag, the sake lees are wheat, corn, barley, dried potatoes and other hard food, the pigs are willing to sleep after eating, will not be hungry in the pen "howling", and easy to grow meat. A try is really bright, in fact, the pig is drunk, this essence should not be fed more. At that time, the pig's belly was very large, round, and it was all propped out of water, and a pork belly was three times the size of the current one, and now the pork belly that eats full-price grain is only the size of a palm.

Moreover, in those days, pigs did not compete with people for food, pigs had pig food, and people had food. Rice bran, rice bran, bran, and soybean meal are the best concentrates, and this is how "people eat rice, pigs eat bran" came about. The commune's state-owned oil mill sells these things, which are very cheap, and after a long time, I can't remember the price of old age, and rice bran and bran are about seven or eight cents a catty. At that time, the oil mill also sold a kind of feed called "yellow meal", which some said was processed from deflated wheat, and some said it was an attachment after extracting refined flour for export. That's a good thing, it's high in starch, and the pig's fur is shiny after eating.

At that time, the best grain in pig feeding was corn, and the production team had a special feed field, which was a high-lying plot, which was inconvenient for irrigation, did not hide water, and could not grow rice, but could only be used to grow corn with developed roots, and planted two crops a year. We are the main producer of wheat and rice, and corn is not within the scope of paying public grain, and after harvesting, the production team retains a part of it to raise pigs collectively, and the rest is distributed to farmers as fodder. The pigs did not compete with others for food, but the people robbed the pigs of feed and ate them, processed the corn into flour, made corn cakes, and boiled corn paste.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

In the sixties and seventies, pigs were raised, and grass was the mainstay

At that time, it took more than ten months to raise a pig, and the pig grew slowly, but the pork was particularly fragrant, and some people said that it was fragrant and fragrant. Now, a lot of pig feed has become human vegetables, such as: Houttuynia cordata, white amaranth, sugar cabbage, potato vine, pumpkin vine, taro lotus, carrot, people like to eat, pig can eat the meat that is killed, can it not be fragrant? Eat it to the mouth fragrant.

In the first year of separation, my husband and wife raised two old sows and five strong pigs, and we were tired enough. Whether it was windy or rainy, you had to push a wheelbarrow to cut pigweed, and in those days there was no raincoat, a cloak was worn, and a plastic sheet was draped, and after a few hours, I was drenched. To the east of the old house is a small river, in which peanuts are grown, covering the entire surface of the water. In winter, the river water is bitterly cold, and the hand reaches out in the water to catch peanuts, and it is so cold that I don't know how numb.

An old sow gives birth to two litters a year, and the piglets are caught by the production team when they are two months old, and a litter of piglets can be sold for a hundred and eighty yuan. In the era when money was valuable, a hundred dollars was not a small amount, and it could do a lot of things. The strong pig was sold to the commune food station, and four of them were sold, leaving one for the New Year. In the era of seven cents and forty-one catties of pork, more than 200 catties of pigs could only be sold for seventy or eighty yuan. Removing the cost of five seedling pigs, the gross income of raising pigs a year is also six or seven hundred yuan, and I am complacent, which is the first pig income after I became the head of the household.

In my pig breeding career, I have not been cut off my tail, the production team has feed and grain distribution, and the pigs do not compete with others for food

The sow breed of the hometown, the ginger quhai black pig

Killing New Year's pigs is a lively thing, and the children of the neighbors on the left and right have rushed over to see the excitement. After the pig is killed, simmer a pot of bones, burn a bowl of braised pork, pull some green garlic from the field at the door, fry the pork liver, fry the pig heart, fry the pork loin, fry the plum meat, invite the neighbors to the left and right, and drink the pig killing wine with the pig killer, which is the first happy thing after the separation. Chinese New Year's Eve simmers a pot of pig's head meat, fragrant, that is called eating meat, drinking wine in a big bowl, hearty. The rest of the pork was marinated in a vat and dried to oil, and from the beginning of the year to the wheat harvest season, it was not so difficult to eat meat. As long as you are willing to endure hardships, life is no worse than others.

Some people falsely rumored that in those days, raising pigs had to cut off their tails, and even said that planting a few fruit trees was also the tail of capitalism. In fact, at that time, it was the tail of the "capitalist roaders" who cut the tail of capitalism, the tail of the bourgeoisie who wanted to divide the land and work alone and destroy the big collectives, and the tail of the "three-self and one-package", which had nothing to do with the peasant households raising pigs and chickens. To say that those who cut their tails and do not let pigs raise them are smearing that era and confusing the public. Whether it is a large collective, it is okay to divide the fields and work alone, and the rural areas do not raise lazy people, otherwise no matter how much land is divided, it will be the same as the Xiaogang people, with no cotton, no meat, and no tile.

Ladies and gentlemen, after reading this article, you still said that people can't eat enough, how can there be food to feed the pigs?

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