
Skillfully managed before the apple tree flowers

author:Seed bank app

Pest control is the most critical

Spring is a critical period for apple tree pest control, first of all, we must scrape off bark rot lesions, ring pattern lesions and old warped bark, clean the orchard, control the development of disease, reduce the density of insect population, and then apply wound protector.

Before germination and after pruning, spray 3-5 Baumé stone sulfur mixture once in the whole garden, and spray 100-200 times of 40% Fumei arsenic wettable powder in orchards with severe rot disease.

Skillfully managed before the apple tree flowers

Fertilizer and water should meet nutrient requirements

The first fruiting trees were topdressed with 0.5-1 kg of ammonium sulfate or 25-30 kg of decayed human feces. For fruit trees in the peak fruit period, 1.5-2 kg of ammonium sulfate or 50-100 kg of decaying human feces per plant, if conditions permit, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be supplemented, and 2.5-5 kg of superphosphate and 5-10 kg of plant ash should be applied to each plant. This not only increases yield, but also improves fruit quality and strengthens the tree.

Generally, from mid to late March to early April, watering is carried out in combination with top dressing. Because the temperature is still low at this time, the amount of irrigation should not be too large, so as not to reduce the ground temperature and affect the root development. Orchards that have not been filled with frozen water before the year should be watered in time to facilitate the germination, flowering and fruit setting of fruit trees.

Skillfully managed before the apple tree flowers

Re-cut in time before flowering

Pre-flowering re-pruning is an effective measure to correct the mistakes of winter pruning and make up for the damage to the original winter pruning tree shape due to climate and mechanical damage. This measure can adjust the ratio of flower buds and leaf buds, and coordinate the relationship between growth and fruiting.

For young trees that have just borne fruit, we should keep as many flower buds as possible to slow down the vegetative growth; for small trees in the full fruit stage, we should also keep more flower buds to obtain a certain yield; for the big trees in the full fruit stage, the ratio of flower buds and leaf buds should be 1:3-1:2, and the amount of flower buds should be strictly controlled.

It should be noted that apples often encounter low temperatures, strong winds and late frost during the flowering period, which affect the normal pollination and fruit setting.

Skillfully managed before the apple tree flowers

The management of apple tree flowers is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield apple trees, you can download the Seed Bank App, and the country's excellent apple tree varieties are available for everyone to choose from.

Skillfully managed before the apple tree flowers

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