
Causes of pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions

author:Seed bank app

Tall seedlings causes

Uncomfortable temperature and humidity. The main reasons for the formation of tall seedlings in peppers are the high air temperature and weak light in the shed, as well as the large temperature difference between day and night, and excessive humidity and nitrogen fertilizer application. Pepper seedlings grow in such an environment, which is easy to cause seedlings to grow, vegetative growth is vigorous, and the phenomenon of tall feet appears.

The density is too high. Many farmers think that the denser the planting, the higher the yield, so it is often dense when raising seedlings, which is a wrong idea, planting too densely, the permeability of the seedbed is poor, which will cause the seedbed humidity to be higher, so it is also easy to form tall seedlings.

Causes of pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions


Strengthen seedling management. In order to prevent the emergence of tall seedlings, in the critical period of management after the emergence of peppers, the principle is to promote the combination of control, appropriately increase the night temperature, and keep the temperature difference between day and night at about 25-26 degrees and 15-17 degrees after the seedlings are gathered. Try to prolong the light time, because the light duration is short in spring, so after the emergence of seedlings, the mulch should be removed in time to make it normal to see the light. In summer and autumn, the light is strong, and the mulch is gradually removed after the emergence of seedlings.

Causes of pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions

Ventilation and humidity reduction. When raising seedlings, the humidity will not only affect the growth of seedlings, but also be very prone to pests and diseases, so try to increase the amount of ventilation, reduce the humidity of the shed, increase the quality of dry matter of the seedlings, and make them grow robust.

Watering wisely. Pay attention to the frequency of watering during the seedling stage, during the seedling period for the seedlings to be unearthed, it is advisable to keep the soil moist, and after the emergence of the seedlings, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering appropriately, keep the soil dry and wet, and improve the drought resistance of the seedlings during the seedling refining period, you can not water without drought.

Causes of pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions

The reasons for pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions are introduced here, I hope it will help you. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield pepper seeds, you can download the seed bank app, and the country's excellent pepper varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Causes of pepper stilt seedlings and their solutions

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