
Grafting the branches of Triangle plum with high pressure with potato peel is simple to operate, fast rooting and high survival rate

author:Tian Ah Gan
Grafting the branches of Triangle plum with high pressure with potato peel is simple to operate, fast rooting and high survival rate

Title: Grafting the branches of Triangle plum with high pressure with potato peel is simple to operate, fast rooting and high survival rate

In the world of gardening enthusiasts, grafting is both a craft and an art. It not only allows us to create new possibilities in the plant world, but also allows us to feel the wonder of nature and the power of life. Today, I will share with you an unusual grafting method - grafting triangular plum branches with potato peels under high pressure, which is not only easy to operate, but also has fast rooting and high survival rate, let's explore this interesting gardening trick together!

The wonder of grafting

Grafting, as the name suggests, is the combination of two different plants so that they grow together and depend on each other. This technology has been around since ancient Greece and Rome, and is now widely used in the breeding and cultivation of fruit trees, flowers, and other plants.

The wonderful thing about grafting is that it can combine the best of different plants to create more beautiful, robust and diverse plants. One of the most critical steps is to ensure the healing and growth of the grafting site, while traditional grafting methods often require professional skills and equipment, which can be difficult for beginners.

The magic of high-pressure grafting of potato skins

However, there is one grafting method that subverts the traditional perception, that is, high-pressure grafting of potato skins. This method is not only easy to operate, but also has a high survival rate, which is very popular with gardening enthusiasts.

The principle of high-pressure grafting of potato skins is simple, which is to use the softness and moisturizing properties of potato skins to tightly fit the wounds of two plants together to promote healing and growth. As a plant that is easy to root, it is particularly suitable for this grafting method.


Next, let's take a detailed look at the operation steps of high-pressure grafting of potato peels for triangular plums:

Grafting the branches of Triangle plum with high pressure with potato peel is simple to operate, fast rooting and high survival rate

Preparation of Materials:

  • Triangular plum branches: choose healthy, pest-free branches, about 10 cm in length;
  • Potatoes: Choose fresh potatoes, peel them and cut them into slices about 1 cm thick;
  • Gardening tools such as scissors, knives, bandages, etc.


  1. Prepare the Triangle Plum shoots and potato chips: Make sure the shoots are cut neatly and the size of the chips matches the diameter of the shoots.
  2. Cover the potato slices over the incisions of the triangular plum branches: Place the potato slices snugly against the incisions of the branches, making sure that the incisions are completely covered.
  3. Tie the potato chips and shoots tightly with a bandage: Use a bandage to hold the potato chips and shoots together to keep them snugly.
  4. Waiting for rooting: Place the grafted branches in a ventilated, shaded environment and wait for rooting. Typically, rooting takes 2-4 weeks.
  5. Transplanting: When the sprouts begin to grow and have some momentum, the grafted shoots can be transplanted into pots and gradually adjusted to normal light and humidity environments.

Successful case sharing

I once tried to use potato peels to graft Triangle plum with high pressure, and I had some success. In a grafting experiment, I took a healthy-growing Triangle plum and a piece of fresh potato and followed the steps above.

After about 3 weeks of waiting, I noticed that the graft was starting to grow green shoots, which means that the grafting was successful and it was starting to take root. Over time, the sprouts grow and the whole plant grows stronger.

Now, the Triangle Plum has grown into a flourishing plant, and I feel a sense of relief and joy every time it blooms brilliantly. This grafting experiment not only allowed me to learn new gardening skills, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the growth patterns and mysteries of plants.


High-pressure grafting of Triangle Plum with potato peels is a simple but effective gardening technique that not only allows us to easily perform grafting experiments at home, but also allows us to create more beautiful and healthy plants. I hope that through today's sharing, more people's interest in gardening can be stimulated, and let's enjoy the wonder of nature and the beauty of life together!

Grafting the branches of Triangle plum with high pressure with potato peel is simple to operate, fast rooting and high survival rate

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