
The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

Triangle plum is a woody vine-like shrub of the leaf flower of the purple jasmine family, and the triangular plum is also called leaf flower, bougainvillea, three-leaf plum, Mao Bao scarf, Rhododendron, triangular flower, etc., and the flowering period in the southern region can be from November to June of the following year. In the urban greening of South China and Southwest China, the triangular plum is an important ornamental flower, which blooms with gorgeous flowers of red and purple, which is very beautiful. The triangular plum has bright red, orange yellow, purple red, milky white, etc., and the ornamental value of the triangular plum is particularly high. As a beloved ornamental plant, the beauty of the Triangle Plum is intoxicating when it blooms. However, in the process of daily maintenance, many friends may encounter such a question: why do their triangle plums not bloom for a long time?

The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

1. The importance of reasonable fertilization and watering

1. Fertilization should be appropriate and timely: the growth period of the branches and leaves of the triangular plum must have sufficient nutrients to make the branches and leaves grow lushly, and the fertilization must be timely, appropriate and appropriate, otherwise the opposite effect will occur, if the triangular plum seedlings are in the rapid growth stage, if not properly fertilized, the growth of the triangular plum seedlings will be thin and weak, and they will not grow into good seedlings. In the process of carefully caring for the triangular plum, reasonable fertilization is a very key part. Insufficient fertilizer can lead to malnutrition of the plant, which can affect the formation of flower buds, and conversely, over-fertilization may cause the plant to overgrow and neglect flowering.

Therefore, we need to adjust the amount of fertilizer according to the seasons and the growth of the plants. Spring is the growth period of Prunus triangularis, nitrogen fertilizer should be appropriately increased to promote the flourishing of branches and leaves, summer is the flower bud differentiation stage, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to facilitate the formation of flower buds, autumn and winter plants enter the dormant stage, fertilization should be reduced.

First, as a base fertilizer, the triangular plum grows luxuriantly, the root system can quickly fill the whole pot, the triangular plum grows 1-2 years to change the pot once, the base fertilizer is applied in the culture soil, the triangular plum culture soil requires looseness, drainage and good water holding capacity, the potted triangular plum repotting culture soil is made of humus or peat soil 50%, garden soil 25%, sand 25% preparation. You can crush the pig bones and fish bones into powder, mix the fermented cake fertilizer into the culture soil and stir evenly, and then plant the triangular plum plant. The second is top dressing, which is the fertilizer applied in the growing season of Triangle plum. Most of the top dressing of potted triangular plum is the method of pouring thin liquid fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied once a week during the growth period of Prunus triangalis, and phosphorus fertilizer was applied 2-3 times during the flowering period. The thin liquid fertilizer should be soaked in the spring and fully decomposed in the summer before it can be applied. Thin liquid fertilizer is to crush pig and fish bones, bean dregs, rapeseed cake, soybean meal, rice water, etc. Add water to the vat and place it in the sun, and it can be decomposed after high temperature, and then add water to dilute it when applying.

2. Watering should be moderate and follow the principle of "see dry and see wet" Water supply is equally important for the Triangle Plum. Too much or too little water can have a negative impact on its growth. In general, we recommend watering when the soil is dry, and the amount of watering should be moderate to avoid water accumulation. Triangle plum has a great demand for water, especially in summer, watering should follow the principle of dry and wet according to the season, dry and hot season appropriate watering, low temperature and rain to control watering. During the high temperature period in summer and autumn, it is necessary to keep the air humidity around the plant high, but avoid water accumulation in the potting soil, so as not to cause root rot, and pour out the water in the pot in time after rain. If there is a lot of watering, it will cause the triangle plum to grow with lush branches and leaves, less flower bud differentiation, and only long branches and leaves will not bloom. Overwatering can also lead to root rot due to overwatering.

The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

2. The value of timely pruning and its method Pruning is of great significance for the growth and development of Prunus triangularis. Triangle plum pruning has the effect of regulating flower growth, controlling plant shape, promoting growth and flowering, especially in the vigorous growth stage of triangle plum in spring and summer, more attention should be paid to pruning and shaping. Regular pruning stimulates the plant to sprout new shoots, helps to maintain a good tree structure, and also promotes a more concentrated supply of nutrients to the remaining branches, further increasing flower yields. We should pay attention to the following points when doing pruning:

1. Choose the right time: It is best to prune in the spring when the flowers are blooming, when the climate is suitable for wound healing and new growth;

2. Be good at using pruning tools: use sharp scissors or pruning shears to operate, and make the incision as smooth as possible to avoid damage to other healthy parts;

3. Determine the appropriate pruning range: usually a strong trunk and a good skeleton can be retained, and the rest of the thin branches can be cut off.

4. Moderate pruning, but not over-pruning. Cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering. During the vigorous growth period, it is necessary to topping and topping in time to promote the side branches, which is conducive to the formation of flower buds.

Third, the influence of light factors and how to improve: Triangle plum maintenance in the shade environment, Triangle plum likes light, insufficient light affects flowering, requires sufficient sunlight, maintenance in the shaded environment of the triangle plum often does not bloom or flowers very little. Triangle plum is a light-loving flower, if the light is not enough to affect flowering, so whether it is outdoor or indoor potted plants must be maintained in a place with good lighting. In terms of lighting, the triangular plum is actually not too demanding. However, it still needs plenty of sunlight to develop and produce beautiful flowers. If the triangular plum is placed in a dark environment for a long time, it may cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off, which in turn hinders the normal development of the inflorescence. To ensure that the Triangle plum gets enough sunbathing, place it near a sunny window or in an outdoor garden where it receives diffused light whenever possible. Of course, it is also important to avoid direct sunlight on strong summer afternoons to prevent burning the leaves.

The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

Through the three aspects introduced in this article to solve, "when can you enjoy your own splendid triangular plum?" This long-standing puzzle will be solved! I hope that every friend who loves gardening can harvest a full sense of accomplishment and enjoy a better life in the green world!

The mystery of the triangular plum blossom not blooming - start with maintenance skills

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