
How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

Triangle plum is a woody vine-like shrub of the purple jasmine family leaf flower, Triangle plum is also called leaf flower, bougainvillea, three-leaf plum, Mao Bao scarf, Rhododendron, Triangle flower and other names, the flowering period of Triangle plum is relatively long, the climate is warm, the flowering period of Triangle plum can be from November to June of the next year. In the urban greening of South China and Southwest China, the triangular plum is an important ornamental flower, which blooms with gorgeous flowers of red and purple, which is very beautiful. Triangle plum has bright red, orange yellow, purple red, milky white, etc., the ornamental value of the triangle plum is particularly high, the triangle plum likes a warm and humid climate, not cold-tolerant, in the Yangtze River basin and the northern region is the use of potted plants.

As a plant with high ornamental value, the triangular plum is deeply loved by the majority of flower lovers for its unique flower shape, rich flower color and tenacious vitality. However, in the process of farming, many friends may encounter such a question: why does my Triangle Plum always not bloom? This article will discuss four key aspects to ensure that your Triangle Plum can thrive and bloom at the right time under conditions such as adequate nutrients, proper watering, proper pruning and good light.

How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

1. Sufficient nutrients: As we all know, plant growth needs to absorb various essential elements to maintain life activities. Therefore, in order for the triangle plum to bloom, it is first necessary to ensure that it receives sufficient nutrient supply. This includes a variety of trace elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. When fertilizing, the principle of "thin fertilizer and diligent application" should be followed, and excessive fertilization should be avoided at one time, so as not to cause excess nutrients and cause branches and leaves to grow. In addition, it is important to change the type of fertilizer regularly in order to provide it with a complete and balanced nutrition. Triangle plum branches and leaves must have sufficient nutrients in order to make the branches and leaves grow luxuriant, and fertilization must be timely, appropriate, appropriate amount, otherwise there will be the opposite effect, if the triangle plum seedlings are in the rapid growth stage, such as improper fertilization, the growth of triangle plum seedlings will be thin, will not grow into good seedlings.

Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the role of the branches and leaves of the triangular plum, if there is a lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the triangular plum will only grow, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, the flowers will be few, the phosphate fertilizer can promote the effect of bright flowers, potassium fertilizer can promote the role of the root system of the triangular plum, therefore, fertilization must consider the nutrition comprehensive, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ratio is appropriate. First, as a base fertilizer, the triangular plum grows luxuriantly, the root system can quickly fill the whole pot, the triangular plum grows 1-2 years to change the pot once, the base fertilizer is applied in the culture soil, the triangular plum culture soil requires looseness, drainage and good water holding capacity, the potted triangular plum repotting culture soil is made of humus or peat soil 50%, garden soil 25%, sand 25% preparation.

You can crush the pig bones and fish bones into powder, mix the fermented cake fertilizer into the culture soil and stir evenly, and then plant the triangular plum plant. The second is top dressing, which is the fertilizer applied in the growing season of Triangle plum. Most of the top dressing of potted triangular plum is the method of pouring thin liquid fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied once a week during the growth period of Prunus triangalis, and phosphorus fertilizer was applied 2-3 times during the flowering period. The thin liquid fertilizer should be soaked in the spring and fully decomposed in the summer before it can be applied. There are two kinds of thin liquid fertilizer, one is fertilizer water, which is to add water to the pig and fish bones crushed, bean dregs, rapeseed cake, soybean meal, rice water, etc.

How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

2. Proper watering: Water is one of the key elements for plant survival. The correct amount and frequency of watering are of great significance for the blossoming of the triangular plum blossom. Triangle plum has a high demand for water, especially in summer, and insufficient water supply will cause leaf litter. Watering should follow the principle of dry and wet according to the season, and water more appropriately in the dry and hot season, and control watering at low temperature and rain. During the high temperature period in summer and autumn, it is necessary to keep the air humidity around the plant high, but avoid water accumulation in the potting soil, so as not to cause root rot, and pour out the water in the pot in time after rain. In summer, it is necessary to water in the morning and evening, in spring and autumn in the afternoon after the soil is dry and then watered, in winter, the triangular plum plant is in a dormant state, watering should be controlled, watering after flowering can be appropriately reduced, the soil is too wet, it will cause leaf fall and root rot.

How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

3. Scientific pruning: Pruning is one of the important means of managing triangular plum. With proper pruning, the plant can be stimulated to produce more side buds, which in turn will create a plump canopy, which is beneficial for improving the overall aesthetics. At the same time, cutting off overly dense or yellowed branches can help improve ventilation and light transmission conditions and reduce the incidence of pests and diseases. In general, heavy pruning is sufficient every year during the spring repotting. Remember not to prune too often, as this may affect normal physiology. In daily management, cut off the long branches at any time, which generally rarely bloom and consume a lot of nutrients.

How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

4. Good light: Light is another key factor for the healthy growth of Triangle plum. As the source of green life, sunlight plays a vital role in the growth of the triangular plum. Triangle plum likes light, if the long-term maintenance of the triangle plum in a shaded environment, insufficient light will affect the flowering, the requirement of sufficient sunlight, pay attention to the triangle plum maintenance in the shade often does not bloom or blooms very little. Triangle plum is a light-loving flower, if the light is not enough to affect flowering, so whether it is outdoor or indoor potted plants must be maintained in a place with good lighting. In order to make the flowers more vibrant, we should place them in a well-lit location. Of course, strong midday sunlight in summer can cause leaf burns, and shading measures should be taken at this time. In other seasons, the triangular plum is given full sunshine as much as possible to allow it to fully photosynthesize.

Conclusion: Overall, if you want your Triangle Plum to flourish, you must pay attention to whether the environment in which it is located meets the above four points. Only when nutrients, water, light and other factors reach the optimal balance point, can it maximize its vitality and show a charming style. On top of that, you need to be patient and wait for the right time, and I believe that you will reap that gorgeous scenery in the near future.

How to Inject Color into Life – The Secret to Promoting the Blossoming of Triangle Plum Blossoms

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