
Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

author:Sister Rong Flower House

After entering April, many flower friends have already grown new leaves, and some have already grown buds. At this time, the triangle plum has entered the vigorous growth period, and we need to do a good job of "4 not lacking" to meet the rapid growth of the triangle plum, so that the triangle plum can easily loosen the pot.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

1. 不缺肥,火叶催花

In April, the Triangle Plum has entered a period of rapid growth, and if you want the Triangle Plum leaves to grow fast and bloom more, the fertilizer must keep up. If the leaves of the triangular plum are deficient, it will grow very weakly, the flowering will be reduced, and the color will not be bright.

1. Triangle plum can be said to be flowering while growing leaves, this is a triangle plum fertilization, and it also needs to use fertilizers to promote growth, such as fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, that is, Hua Duoduo No. 1, or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

The use of such fertilizer can promote the growth of the triangular plum root, so that the triangular plum branches can flourish and bloom. The use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer can be used once every 10 to 15 days, and the ratio is 1‰.

2. In addition to the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer, you can also use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate once every 15 days, which can not only make the leaves green and bright, but also promote the flowering of the triangular plum, and easily loosen the pot.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

2. There is no shortage of light, through photosynthesis, promote growth and flowering

Flower friends who have raised Triangle Plum know that Triangle Plum is a plant that likes sunlight, even if it is high temperature above 35 degrees in summer, it can be kept in full sun. However, if there is too little sunlight, the leaves of the triangular plum will be small and weak, and the flowers will become lighter in color, and the flowers will rarely bloom, and the branches will grow long.

1. Triangle plum that does not bask in the sun for a long time indoors, then it needs to gradually receive sunlight, such as basking in the sun in the morning or evening, and properly shading at noon. Then gradually raise it in a sunny place until it is raised in full sunlight.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

2. Raise the sunny triangle plum on the balcony, but also try to get as much sunlight as possible, increase the light time, and try to bask for about 6 to 8 hours a day. In this way, the triangular plum can photosynthesize well, accumulate more nutrients for the growth of branches and leaves and flowering, and achieve lush foliage and bursting flowers.

The flowering triangle plum can be kept in an environment of scattered light, and there is no need to be exposed to strong sunlight, otherwise it will cause the color of the triangle plum blossom to fade.

3. There is no shortage of water, there is a lack of water during the flowering period, and the flowers wither in advance

Triangle plum likes a moist environment, especially during the flowering period, there is no shortage of water, the leaves and flowers will be smart, it looks particularly energetic, and people feel particularly eye-catching when they see it. However, if you water the triangle plum too little, it is easy for the leaves to wither and the flowers to fall off early.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

1. Before the triangular plum blooms, it needs to be watered less, that is, when the leaves hang low, it will be watered again, which is what we often call water-controlled flowering.

2. After the triangle plum blooms, do not give the triangle plum water control, that is, normal watering, do not water too much, resulting in the root rot of the triangle plum, and can not be too dry soil, resulting in low hanging leaves, otherwise it will lead to the shortening of the triangle plum period.

This is to water the triangular plum, you need to wait for the soil to turn white after watering once, that is, we often say dry and wet.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

4. Do not stop pruning, and burst flowers after pruning

The flowers of the Triangle Plum are at the top of the new branches, and in order for the Triangle Plum to burst into flowers, it is necessary to prune the Triangle Plum in order to promote the growth of new branches. There is also a flowering triangle plum, which also needs to be pruned in time, cut off the residual flowers and branches, let the triangle plum grow new branches, and then burst into flowers. If you don't prune, no new shoots will grow, and flowering will be reduced.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

1. For the triangular plum that has grown new leaves, it is necessary to cut off the dry and weak branches at this time, in order to reduce the loss of nutrients. Other branches can be pruned without pruning, and it is not too late to prune them after flowering.

2. After flowering, the branches need to be shortened, that is, the residual flowers are cut off, and the branches that are too long and too weak are cut short, in order to make the triangle plum grow thick and powerful new branches. In addition, the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote leaves and flowers, it can bloom again with the effect of bursting pots.

Raise triangular plums in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", and easily raise bursting pots

Written at the end: Raise triangular plum in April, do a good job of "4 is not lacking", easily raise pots, the 4 not here is not a lack of fertilizer, no lack of light, no lack of water, no lack of pruning, have you learned?

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