
Red dates with three treasures, liver and kidney tonify, invigorate blood and invigorate qi, good health!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Hao Yaming, Chinese medicine liver disease

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As a good product of the same origin as medicine and food, jujube can strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, nourish the liver and nourish blood, and is favored by many people.

On weekdays, everyone feels that their body is weak and their complexion is not good, so they like to cook some porridge and make up for it with red dates. But did you know that jujube can have many wonderful uses! It can not only help you nourish your body, but also help you get rid of diseases!

Of course, jujube has been used in medicine for thousands of years. In Zhang Zhongjing's book "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" alone, nearly half of the prescriptions use red dates, and some formulas are directly named after "jujubes"!

Today, I would like to talk to you about how jujube and its "golden partner" have helped us eradicate the disease! I hope it can help you somewhat.

1. Red dates + astragalus

Red dates with three treasures, liver and kidney tonify, invigorate blood and invigorate qi, good health!

If you usually have loss of appetite, feel bloated after eating a little, poor digestion, chest tightness and shortness of breath, cough (some friends may cough up phlegm), sweat a little, very tired, dull and yellow or white, pale tongue, white and slippery, weak pulse.

So much is most likely due to lung and spleen qi deficiency. At this time, we can refer to the combination of "red date + astragalus" to nourish the lungs and spleen, and nourish the middle and qi.

"Laymen eat ginseng, insiders eat astragalus. "Astragalus is sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, and has the reputation of "the first medicine for replenishing qi", which has a nourishing effect on the deficiency of the five internal organs, and is especially good at replenishing qi and solidifying the surface. Modern studies have shown that Astragalus also has the effects of strengthening the center, preventing cancer and fighting cancer. Red dates can nourish and strengthen, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and nourish the heart and calm the nerves. The combination of the two and cooking together into a soup can not only nourish the lungs and spleen, nourish the body and invigorate the qi, but also strengthen the body and brain.

If your qi deficiency and shortness of breath are more severe, you can replace raw astragalus with burnt astragalus to enhance its qi-replenishing function. Another point to note here is that astragalus is warm and easy to help fire, so if you have yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, heat and poison, and food accumulation and internal stopping, try to avoid this combination.

2. Red dates + wolfberry

Red dates with three treasures, liver and kidney tonify, invigorate blood and invigorate qi, good health!

If you always feel dizzy, blurred vision, tinnitus from time to time, easy to fall asleep at night, unable to sleep steadily, dreamy, limbs are easy to numb, convulsions, dark complexion, dry hair, brittle claws, easy to dry mouth, bitter mouth, dry mouth and throat, red tongue, less moss, women have little menstrual or amenorrhea, men have spermatozoa, and the pulse is heavy.

So much is most likely due to liver and kidney yin deficiency. At this time, we can refer to the combination of "red dates + wolfberry" to nourish yin and kidneys, nourish blood and liver.

The wolfberry is moist and sweet, flat and warm, and belongs to the three meridians of the liver, kidney, and lungs. It is especially good at nourishing the liver and kidney, which can not only treat the disease of liver and kidney yin deficiency, but also moisturize the lung yin and relieve cough, and treat yin deficiency and cough. Red jujube can nourish qi, nourish the spleen and soil, moisten the heart and lungs, produce jin liquid, and enjoy the color. The combination of the two nourishes blood and invigorates qi, and the liver and kidneys are replenished at the same time, which is really wonderful!

3. Red dates + salvia

Red dates with three treasures, liver and kidney tonify, invigorate blood and invigorate qi, good health!

If you have a dull complexion, purple lips, poor memory, cold hands and feet, no energy to do anything, stand up after squatting for a long time, and your eyes are black, sometimes you feel a pinprick pain somewhere in your body, which worsens at night.

It is most likely blood stasis accompanied by blood deficiency. At this time, you can refer to the collocation of "red dates + salvia".

Salvia miltiorrhiza bitterness can be dissipated, slight cold can be cleared, into the heart and liver meridians. It can not only invigorate blood stasis, relieve menstruation and relieve pain, but also clear the heart and cool the blood, remove annoyance and relieve pain, and is a good medicine for the treatment of blood stasis and blood fever. Paired with red dates, one can break blood stasis, invigorate blood circulation, and one can replenish qi and blood, which can be described as a pair of golden partners, which can wipe out blood stasis and blood deficiency!

The above is all the content shared today, although jujube is small, it has a lot of use! But when it comes to medication, we still have to let a professional doctor determine which combination is suitable for you, and then add or subtract the dosage according to each person's situation.

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