
"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low

author:Dust Watching - Dorothy

"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business"

1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances.

2. Don't touch unprofitable business.

3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections.

1. To be a man, you must learn to be low-key, and only say three points when you meet people, and you can't throw away all your heart.

2. Be kind, but your kindness should be a little sharp, don't be pinched by others as soft persimmons.

3. Be a man who knows how to refuse, don't agree to anything, and know how to do what you can.

4. Be a man who knows how to be humble, threesome, there must be my teacher, don't be too arrogant.

5. To be flexible, not to stick to the rules of everything, to know how to use flexibly.

[In interpersonal relationships, really smart people often have these five manifestations of high emotional intelligence]

1. See through it without saying it, save face for others.

2. Don't give advice to people casually, unless others take the initiative to ask for advice.

3. Say something, but don't say it directly, but give it a hint to others.

4. Speak with a sense of proportion, and don't say too much.

5. Don't raise the bar with others, and don't refute other people's opinions.

[9 Ways to Make Yourself Ruthless]

1. Don't be afraid of being alone and enjoy your time alone.

2. Don't trust anyone but yourself.

3. Develop the habit of saving money, and only when you have money can you have confidence.

4. Don't envy other people's lives, you are also a landscape.

5. Don't give up learning and make yourself better.

6. Stay away from garbage people, and don't get entangled with bad people and bad things.

7. Don't please anyone, be true to yourself.

8. Insist on exercising, and physical health is the capital.

9. Be an ambitious person with your own goals and pursuits.

[In interpersonal communication, you must know how to give others steps, so that others will appreciate you and recognize you more. 】

For example, at the wine table, a friend says the wrong thing, and if you point it out directly, it will make the scene awkward. However, if you can find a staircase for the other person, the other person will appreciate you.

For example, you could say, "You made a mistake, but I listened interestingly." Or, you can say, "You have some truth in that." In this way, the other person will feel very comfortable and will recognize you more.

[Three ways to make yourself progress faster]

1. Find someone you admire and imitate him.

2. Find someone you hate and reflect on the gap between you and him.

3. Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and meet all kinds of people.

[If you want to mix well, you must understand 8 unspoken rules of nature]

1. Don't be afraid to offend people, see the right time before you act.

2. No matter how good the relationship is, some people can't help.

3. Make more friends with noble people and stay away from people who consume you.

4. Don't say everything, learn to be silent.

5. Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone, and leave yourself a way out in everything.

6. Ask someone to do something, don't send tobacco, alcohol and tea.

7. No matter how good a friend is, as long as he doesn't help you, he has to break off friendship.

8. Don't go to a friend's company if you have nothing to do.

[Be a person with a pattern]

1. Don't care about other people's opinions, just focus on your goals.

2. Don't live in someone else's world, come out bravely.

3. Don't retreat when you encounter difficulties, dare to challenge and try.

4. Don't deny your ability because of a little thing.

5. Don't give up on your dreams easily and stay the course.

6. Don't punish yourself for the faults of others.

7. Don't just see the immediate benefits, but have a long-term vision.

8. Don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success.

[Share five books to improve emotional intelligence and the ability to deal with the world]

1, "The Weakness of Human Nature".

2, "Emotional Intelligence".

3. "The Art of Speaking".

4. "The Advantages of Human Nature".

5. "The Way of the Wolf".

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Class NotesPrimary School 123456 Grade 2 Chinese Mathematics English Synchronous Explainer Teaching Edition

"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low
"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low
"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low
"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low
"No matter how poor a person is, he can't touch three kinds of business" 1. Don't touch the business of acquaintances. 2. Don't touch unprofitable business. 3. Don't touch the business that consumes your own connections. 1. Be a man and learn to be low

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