
The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

author:Cao County Rong Media Center

Physical state and qi and blood deficiency

Cold hands and feet: Cold climates cause blood circulation to slow down, especially in the hands and feet away from the heart. The deficiency of qi and blood makes the blood supply insufficient, and it is difficult to effectively maintain body temperature.

Fatigue and weakness: Qi and blood are the basic substances to maintain the body's vital activities, if the qi and blood are insufficient, the body's organs and tissues do not get enough nutrient supply, it is easy to appear fatigue, fatigue, weakness and other symptoms.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Dull complexion: The lack of qi and blood causes the facial skin to lack sufficient nutrient supply, causing the complexion to lose its healthy luster and appear dull or pale.

Dizziness: Lack of qi and blood affects the blood supply to the brain, which can easily cause symptoms of dizziness. This is especially true in some people who lack exercise or use their brains for long periods of time.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Irregular menstruation: For female friends, the deficiency of qi and blood may lead to gynecological problems such as irregular menstruation and low menstrual bleeding, which will bring additional discomfort to life and work.

Nutrients of longan

Carbohydrates: Longan is rich in carbohydrates and is an important source of energy for the body. Carbohydrate intake contributes to the maintenance of the body's normal metabolism and motor function.

Protein: Longan also contains a certain amount of protein, which is the basis for building and repairing body tissues. Protein is essential for maintaining the body's physiological functions and immune system.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Fat: Longan is low in fat, mainly unsaturated fatty acids, which help maintain cardiovascular health. This makes longan an an ideal low-fat food.

Vitamins: Longan is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant effects and helps to remove free radicals from the body and maintain healthy skin. In addition, longan also contains B vitamins, which are involved in energy metabolism and nervous system function.

Minerals: Longan contains a variety of minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. Among them, the content of iron is high, which has a positive effect on the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Antioxidants: Longan is rich in polyphenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties and help slow down the body's aging process.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

The efficacy of longan

Nourishing Qi and Blood: Longan is believed to have the effect of nourishing Qi and blood. Iron is an important component in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the blood, improve anemia, and make the human body have sufficient qi and blood.

Nourishing the heart and calming the nerves: Longan has the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the heart, which is helpful for relieving emotional tension and anxiety. Longan is traditionally believed to help to reconcile the heart and spleen, and to keep people calm and happy.

Strengthens the spleen and stomach: Longan is believed to be beneficial to the spleen and stomach, helping to enhance the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach. Moderate consumption of longan can promote appetite and improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Promotes blood circulation: Longan contains some active substances that help to promote blood circulation. Good blood circulation has a positive effect on maintaining cardiovascular health and reducing thrombosis.

Kidney and Yang Aphrodisiac: In traditional Chinese medicine, longan is also believed to have the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening Yang, and may have a certain improvement effect on some symptoms related to kidney deficiency.

Antioxidant and anti-aging: Longan is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which helps to remove free radicals, delay the cell aging process, and maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin.

The importance of iron

Synthesis of hemoglobin: One of the most important functions of iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Lack of adequate iron can affect the production of hemoglobin, leading to anemia and a lack of oxygen to body tissues.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Oxygen transport: The iron ions in hemoglobin are able to bind oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. The presence of iron ensures an adequate supply of oxygen, maintaining normal energy metabolism and vital activity.

Cellular respiration: Iron is also a component of some key enzymes in cellular respiration in the body, such as cytochrome C and mitochondrial enzymes. These enzymes are involved in redox reactions within the cell to provide energy to the cell.

Immune system function: Iron is also essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Immune cells need enough iron to perform phagocytosis pathogens and other immune activities. Iron deficiency can lead to impaired immune system function, increasing the risk of infection and disease.

Growth and development: Iron plays a key role in the growth and development of infants and children. Childhood is a time of rapid development of body tissues, and iron is an essential element that makes up hemoglobin and other biomolecules.

The iron content is 20 times that of fresh longan! Eating this fruit in winter nourishes qi and blood, and your hands and feet are not cold

Nervous system function: Iron is also required for the synthesis of some neurotransmitters and enzymes. Therefore, adequate iron is important for maintaining normal nervous system function and cognitive performance.

Source: Leisure Camp

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