
What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

author:Taste the four seasons

Pure sweet potato noodles are made from sweet potatoes, generally gray thin strips similar to vermicelli, strong teeth, used to make chutney powder, shabu-shabu, sauerkraut noodles, edge stove and other dishes are completely delicious. However, due to the simple preparation of sweet potato flour and its convenience in eating, it is deeply liked by everyone. It also gives the outlaws room to make profits. Many people start a business of counterfeiting sweet potato flour. So what is the difference between true and fake sweet potato flour? The following four seasons will answer for everyone one by one.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles and fake?

1. Color difference: The color of pure sweet potato noodles is dark, while the color of fake sweet potato noodles is yellow or cyan, and there is a big difference in color between the two.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

2. Toughness difference: Pure sweet potato noodles are very crisp, broken by hand and not easy to return to moisture. Fake sweet potato noodles will not break due to the addition of special substances. There is a big difference between the two in terms of toughness.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

3. Taste difference: Pure sweet potato vermicelli is made from sweet potatoes and smells nothing. Fake sweet potato noodles have added chemicals, so they smell distinct. There is a big difference in taste between the two.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

If we are not sure when we choose, we can shine the vermicelli in the sun or under the strong light, the pure sweet potato vermicelli has small bubbles under the light, and the shoddy vermicelli is relatively tightly organized under the light, the surface of the vermicelli is rough and not smooth, the sound is muffled when twisted, and the section is stained.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

Preservation method of sweet potato noodles

1. Sweet potato noodles should ensure the dryness of themselves and the surrounding environment when storing, and then place the noodles in a cool, ventilated place. It should be noted that sweet potato noodles cannot be eaten once moldy.

2. Sweet potato noodles soaked in water can be frozen as long as they are not processed in the pot. Drain the vermicelli and put them in a plastic bag or crisper box and freeze. Thaw when eating, soak in water and eat normally.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today

Correct a wrong concept

Many people think that good vermicelli are better at cooking, but everything has its two sides. The boiling resistance of vermicelli is generally related to the gelatinization degree of the sticky powder, the width and thickness of the vermicelli. Under normal circumstances, sweet potato noodles are best cooked for 15 to 30 minutes after opening the pot. If thicker, cook for up to 40 minutes. If you continue to cook it, the noodles will swell, the taste strength will decrease, or the phenomenon of disconnection will occur. But if you cook for an hour or two without breaking the tendons and swelling, it is likely that it is a fake sweet potato noodle.

What is the difference between real sweet potato noodles and fake sweet potato noodles? How to distinguish it, let's make it clear once today


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