
Dizzy drinking female virgin goji berry porridge

author:Life Times

Guo Xuguang, attending physician of Laizhou Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Hospital in Shandong Province

When people reach middle age and old age, there will be more "presbyopia". Chinese medicine believes that this performance is mostly caused by the weakness of the internal organs and blood in old age, which cannot nourish the eyes, and the nourishment is mainly to nourish the yin and supplement the kidneys, nourish the liver and the eyes.

Here, recommend a medicinal porridge to alleviate presbyopia: take 30 grams of female virgins, 30 grams of goji berries, 200 grams of japonica rice, a little rock sugar, first boil the virgins and goji berries on low heat for half an hour, then remove the residue to leave the juice, and then add japonica rice and rock sugar together to add the medicinal juice to cook into porridge, eat every morning and evening.

Fang Zhong, the female virgin tastes sweet and bitter, cool, returns to the liver and kidney meridians, has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, and is often used to treat liver and kidney yin deficiency, dizziness, waist acid, tinnitus, sperm retention, premature whitening, vision loss or blindness and other symptoms. Goji berries have been used by people since ancient times, and are also called "bright-eyed grass" in the folk. It tastes sweet and flat, returns to the liver, kidney meridians, has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, beneficial to the eyesight, anti-aging, can be used for dizziness caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee soreness, sperm, cough, vision loss and other diseases, especially suitable for the elderly to take, as well as prolong the effect of longevity. The Southern Song Dynasty poet Lu You was dizzy in his later years, so he often ate goji berries, and also left a poem of "Xueji Maotang Zhong Xinqing, a cup of goji berries in the morning". Japonica rice tastes sweet and flat, belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians, and has the effect of channeling blood veins, moisturizing colors, and hearing the ears and clear purposes. After cooking porridge, you can see a layer of rice oil floating on it, which is rich in nutrients and can nourish the yin. Rock sugar taste sweet flat, return to the spleen, lung meridian, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, moisturize the lungs and cough, peaceful nature, not easy to stay wet, phlegm, heat.

The combination of four flavors has the effect of nourishing the yin and tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the liver, and is suitable for patients with dizziness caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency and waist and knee soreness. It should be noted that people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, stool diarrhea are not suitable for taking this porridge. ▲

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