
In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

When I was a child, I saw that there were fried buns sold on the street that I always had to buy and eat, that taste was a childhood memory, and now I can make it myself, the taste is the same taste, but the mood is different

By green apple mint


Flour 1000 g

A handful of leeks

Eggs five

Three shallots

A handful of vermicelli

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

1: Put the flour in the basin

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

2, an appropriate amount of filial piety powder with warm water to add to the flour, and into a dough, put on the balcony to make noodles

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

3: Prepare the filling during the process of making the noodles, wash the leeks and control the dry water and chop them, and chop the green onions

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

4: Soak the noodles in boiling water

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

5: Put the scrambled eggs into the pot, add the soaked noodles, sprinkle the green onion with hot oil, add the oil consumption, pepper powder, salt, and soy sauce and mix well

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

6, flour to this extent can be, kneading the dough to exhaust

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

7, divide the dough into small doses, roll out, wrap the filling, the shape of the dumplings, brush the oil with the electric cake bell, and put the water in turn to fry the buns.

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

8: Fry for two minutes and then add the water, you can pour oil on the bun and the gap in the middle, so that the crispy golden butter is bright and crispy

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

9, a small amount of flour and water stirred evenly is the face water, so that the fried bun with ice crispy skin

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

10: After the noodles in the pot are steamed, you can turn the noodles over and fry for another two minutes

In the morning, a bowl of fried buns is loved by adults and children

11, out of the pot


The noodles of the fried bun can be a little softer, be sure to add noodle water,

<h2>Nutritional benefits of flour</h2>

Nourish the heart and kidneys, strengthen the spleen and intestines, remove heat and quench thirst. Wheat taste sweet, cool, into the heart, spleen, kidney meridians; nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, in addition to heat, quench thirst; main treatment of dirty mania, heat, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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