
Sour and spicy hot and sour soup, delicious appetizing and heart-warming

author:Juanzi doesn't like to cook

Sichuan cuisine contains 24 flavors such as fish, home cooking, and spicy. Sichuan cuisine has "seven tastes and eight tastes", representative dishes are fish fragrant meat shreds, Sichuan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in Chinese cuisine, with hemp, spicy, fresh and fragrant as the characteristics of one dish and one grid, a hundred dishes and a hundred flavors"; the taste of multi-palace chicken, boiled meat slices and so on. Sour and spicy soup is also a classic of Sichuan cuisine, delicious and sobering.

It is said that the rice comes to the bowl of soup to maintain health and nourish the stomach, but I am lazy, so I simply make a simple sour and spicy soup. Now prepare the ingredients: 100 grams of shredded bamboo shoots, 100 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 50 to 60 grams of sauerkraut leaves, 100 to 120 grams of sour and spicy sauce, 1 tomato, a box of tofu, a suitable amount of black fungus, enoki mushrooms, shredded ham, 2 eggs. Prepare some more spices: pepper, soy sauce, aged vinegar, salt, soy sauce, water starch, chives, parsley, sesame oil, and a large bowl of water. When the ingredients are ready, they are ready to go.

Start the first step, first put the tomatoes on a cross knife, boil the water, peel off the skin, change the knife and cut into small cubes for later. Pour the tofu on a board, slice it first, then cut it into strips and set aside. When cutting tofu, you can dip a little water on the knife, which makes it easier to cut. Add black fungus shredded and set aside. Cut the mushrooms short and suitable for use. Chop the green onion and coriander and set aside, beat the eggs in a bowl and stir into the egg mixture. Stir the cornstarch with water.

The second step, from the pot to burn the oil, the oil does not need a lot, after the oil is hot, add the diced tomatoes, stir-fry the soup on high heat, you can put a little salt to facilitate better juice, and then add a bowl of water (about 500 grams of water), boil. Add enoki mushrooms, shredded ham, shiitake mushrooms, shredded bamboo shoots, sauerkraut leaves, shredded tofu and fungus. After the water is boiled, stir for a while, and then turn the heat down. Add the chili sauce and stir until it comes to a boil.

The third step, into the appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, aged vinegar, pepper seasoning, and then put in the appropriate amount of old soy sauce toning, here to pay attention to salt to be less, because before has put a little salt, pepper can be appropriate more, color grading is not too heavy, so the old soy sauce can be put a little less.

The fourth step, wait until it is boiled again, drizzle with the appropriate amount of water starch, cook until it is viscous, then add the stirred egg liquid, turn off the heat after opening, sprinkle with green onion and coriander flowers and a small amount of sesame oil, you can get out of the pot.

A bowl of appetizing sour and spicy soup is ready, sour and spicy appetizers, tempting, a bite of belly sour can not stop at all, but also very nutritious Oh! My sour and spicy soup is ready to go. What about yours? Have you tried to make your own copy too. After making it, I am afraid that you will not drink enough.


1: Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water to peel them well.

2, sesame oil can not be put more or it is not delicious.

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