
Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

author:Dr. Xu talks about popular science

"Good morning, Aunt Zhang!" During a chance encounter at a community clinic, I noticed a carton of eggs in Aunt Zhang's hand. She seemed a little confused and told me that she had recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. This reminds me that many people, like Auntie Zhang, have little understanding of the importance of thyroid health. What's even more surprising is that the eggs we consume every day play a significant role in protecting the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland, this small gland located at the base of our throat, controls the body's metabolism, energy production, and mood regulation. However, when it goes wrong, our quality of life can be greatly compromised. Fortunately, scientific research has revealed the critical role of everyday foods like eggs in maintaining thyroid health.

Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

Guardians of the thyroid gland: the secret of the egg

Thyroid health is essential for maintaining the body's metabolism and overall health. In recent years, with the increase in health awareness, more and more people have begun to pay attention to how to protect their thyroid gland through diet. In this regard, eggs have become an important food choice due to their rich nutritional value.

The nutrients in eggs are related to thyroid health

Iodine content: Iodine is an essential trace element for thyroid health. Eggs contain a moderate amount of iodine, which helps maintain the normal synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones.

High-quality protein: Protein is one of the main building blocks of thyroid hormones. The high-quality protein provided by eggs aids in the synthesis and transport of thyroid hormones in the body.

Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

Vitamins and minerals: Eggs contain vitamins A, D, and some B vitamins, as well as minerals such as selenium and zinc. Together, these nutrients help boost the function of the immune system while also having a positive impact on thyroid health.

Appropriate intake and consumption of eggs

Moderate intake: While eggs are good for thyroid health, excessive intake can be counterproductive. It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people consume 1-2 eggs per day to ensure adequate nutrition and avoid excess.

Healthy way to eat them: The way eggs are cooked also affects their nutritional value. It is recommended to cook or boil it and avoid frying or over-processing to maximize the retention of its nutrients.

Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

Be wary of hidden threats at the table: four foods to limit your intake

In the process of maintaining thyroid health, in addition to paying attention to beneficial foods such as eggs, it is also important to be wary of certain foods that may negatively affect thyroid function. Here are four foods to be cautious about that can unknowingly damage your thyroid health.

Foods high in iodine

Iodine is an important element for thyroid health, but excessive iodine intake may cause thyroid dysfunction. Seafood such as kelp and seaweed are very high in iodine and should be consumed in moderation.

Soy products

Soybeans and their products contain phytoestrogens, which may interfere with the normal secretion of thyroid hormones. Although soy is a good source of protein, moderate intake is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with a predisposition to thyroid disease.

Sugar-sweetened beverages and processed foods

High-sugar foods can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn affects the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Avoid excessive intake of processed foods such as sugary drinks and pastries to maintain thyroid and overall metabolic health.

High-fat foods

High-fat foods may increase the level of inflammation in the body, negatively affecting thyroid function. Choose low-fat foods, such as lean meats and low-fat dairy products, to boost thyroid and cardiovascular health.

Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

Thyroid Health Protection: A Simple Guide to Everyday Life

Maintaining thyroid health in everyday life is a key part of maintaining overall health. It's not just about dietary modifications, it's about a set of Xi habits and daily practices. Here are some effective ways to support and protect your thyroid health.

Eat a balanced diet: Being nutritious is key

Pay attention to iodine intake: Iodine is a key mineral for thyroid health, and moderate amounts of iodine can be obtained by eating seafood such as kelp and fish.

Limit foods high in iodine: While iodine is essential for thyroid function, excessive iodine intake may also lead to thyroid dysfunction.

Eat more selenium-rich foods: Selenium is an important trace mineral that is important for the proper production of thyroid hormones. Nuts, eggs, and fungal foods are good sources of selenium.

Eggs are the hair of nodules, and the doctor reminds: to protect the thyroid gland, 4 things need to be controlled!

Moderate exercise: Strengthens thyroid function

Moderate aerobic exercise stimulates the production of thyroid hormones, which help regulate metabolism. The intensity should not be too large to avoid the negative effects of excessive pressure on the thyroid gland.

Stress reduction: Mental health is just as important

Long-term stress and anxiety can affect thyroid function, so learn Xi stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga. Maintaining good social connections and a positive mindset can also help reduce stress.

Regular check-ups: Detect problems early

Have regular thyroid function tests, especially if you have a family history of thyroid disease. Watch for early symptoms of thyroid disease, such as unexplained weight changes, mood swings, etc.

Avoid contact with hazardous substances

Minimize exposure to certain chemicals that can interfere with thyroid function, such as excess fluoride and chloride.

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