
Black pepper and white pepper from the daily seasoning series


This article is written by the Eater Society

In recent years, pepper has gradually entered everyone's daily diet, putting some flavor when cooking soup, adding some flavor when mixing filling, and putting some incense and spicy when frying meat, and the taste is beautiful. But some friends who don't often eat pepper, occasionally eat a meal, in the face of the supermarket shelves on the black pepper and white pepper really do not know which to buy, so today Xiaobian will talk to you about the difference between black and white pepper.

Black pepper and white pepper from the daily seasoning series

Pepper is a special one of all the spices, with a unique spicy taste and a precious medicinal herb. Most of the pepper is grown in high temperature and long-term humid areas, so the sexual taste is spicy, growing in Vietnam, the more yang heat is absorbed, the warmer the sex. In China, pepper production areas are mainly in Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.

The main function of pepper

1. The main component of pepper is piperine, and contains a certain amount of aromatic oil, crude protein, crude fat and soluble nitrogen, which can remove fishiness and dissolve grease.

2. Pepper aromatic smell can enhance appetite.

3. Peppery taste spicy, good at warm and cold.

4. Pepper also has a certain antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect.

The difference between black and white pepper

1. Black pepper is harvested when the fruit is not yet ripe but the color is just red, and it is dried together with the outer skin, and finally tanned into a black-brown fruit. White pepper, on the other hand, is made from a fully ripe fruit, peeled and then dried, with a grayish-white surface and finally ground.

2. The spicy taste of black pepper is stronger than that of white pepper, the aroma is more intense, the aroma is spicy, delicious and refreshing, suitable for stewing, frying and grilling meat. In short, it is mostly used for meat dishes, especially beef. In Western food, it is used more, such as mashed potatoes, fried steak, fried chicken fillet, and soup need to be put, and in Chinese food, there are more beef and chicken. Black pepper is the higher the temperature, the more intense the taste, so it is most suitable for making teppanyaki dishes, black pepper can play a wonderful finishing touch.

Black pepper and white pepper from the daily seasoning series

3. White pepper flavor is slightly lighter, the spicy taste is stronger, can put forward the umami taste, can also go to the different flavor, both suitable for meat dishes, can also be paired with vegetarian dishes, but because of its softer and more fragrant taste, it is more suitable for seafood and other delicious or light food pairing, mostly used in soups and so on.

Black pepper and white pepper from the daily seasoning series

4. In terms of efficacy, the medicinal value of white pepper is greater, while the taste of black pepper flavoring is better.


1. Neither black nor white pepper should be fried at high temperatures, but added when it comes out of the pan.

2. Black pepper should not be cooked for too long, because black pepper contains more volatile substances such as pepper and chili, volatile oil, etc., and the heat will evaporate the spicy and aroma for too long.

3. Because of the spicy heat of pepper, even more powerful than pepper, eating more is easy to get on fire, should not eat more, each time in 0, 3 grams - 1 grams or so is more appropriate.

4. You can put some white pepper in the cold dish, you can go to the cold to prevent cold.

Black pepper and white pepper from the daily seasoning series

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