
Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

author:The World of Wood Tree

In 1972, a Taiwanese boy, Liu Genghong, was born in his hometown of Kaohsiung. He has loved music since he was a child, and he joined the campus band in high school and met like-minded friends.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

At the age of 18, Liu Genghong was fortunate to make a guest appearance in the TV series "Carrefour" with his outstanding appearance, which opened the door to enter the entertainment industry.

In the 90s, Taiwan's entertainment industry entered a period of rapid development, and idol groups emerged one after another. In 1997, Liu Genghong, who was 25 years old at the time, was fortunate to be appreciated by the well-known host Wu Zongxian, and formed the "Xiubi Duhao" orchestra with his friends Wu Zongxian, Ni Zhiqiang, and Zhong Yuncheng.

He is responsible for the musical part of the troupe and is the central figure of the stage performance.

Liu Genghong finally realized his music dream and joined the popular idol group. The orchestra performs and records every week, and as the lead singer and guitarist, Liu Genghong's schedule is extremely busy.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

Despite the exhaustion, his passion for music drives him to work selflessly. The screams of the fans in the audience are the greatest affirmation of their efforts.

In 2001, due to the uneven distribution of benefits, "Xiubi Duhao" was disbanded. Although Liu Genghong proposed to the company to continue development, he was abandoned by the company's top management.

The popular idol became an unemployed person with no job to do overnight, and Liu Genghong fell into confusion and difficulty.

Fortunately, he did not give up his musical dreams at a low point. After experiencing his idol career, Liu Genghong has a deeper understanding of the operation rules of the entertainment industry. He understands that only by sticking to himself can he go further.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

In 2001, 25-year-old Liu Genghong experienced the first low point in his life. The idol group was disbanded, and he was abandoned by the company, and he fell into the predicament of having no career.

At this time, fate made Liu Genghong meet the noble man of life - 18-year-old Jay Chou.

Jay Chou is a newly signed Xi of Liu Genghong's old club, with a mediocre appearance and an introverted personality. Liu Genghong saw Jay Chou for the first time and felt that this kid was different.

The company's senior management was not optimistic about Jay Chou and arranged him to do some chores. Liu Genghong took the initiative to take care of Jay Chou's daily life, and often drove him out for a walk.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

At a company's annual meeting, Liu Genghong encouraged Jay Chou to perform original tunes. But Jay Chou was so nervous that he almost forgot his words, and the boss left without looking back after the end. Liu Genghong knew that this was a big blow to Jay Chou, and immediately caught up with the boss and begged Jay Chou to give him another chance.

"Trust me, this kid is very talented!" Liu Genghong patted his chest and said to the boss.

Recognizing talents, Jay Chou is also deeply grateful to Liu Genghong for his encouragement and support.

When life is darkest, it is friends who are in the same boat to light the beacon of progress. Fate connects the two hearts, and they will work together to fulfill their music dreams and reach the pinnacle of life.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

In 1999, a Taiwanese girl named Wang Wanfei appeared on the stage of the Miss Universe contest.

In 2000, during a promotional event, Wang Wanfei met Liu Genghong, who was 6 years older than her. When Liu Genghong saw Wang Wanfei for the first time, he was deeply attracted by her pure and sweet temperament.

He took the initiative to ask for Wang Wanfei's contact information and launched a passionate pursuit.

However, Wang Wanfei is not interested in Liu Genghong, an "old man". Not long after her debut, she is concentrating on developing her acting career and is not interested in love. But Liu Genghong waited patiently and expressed his heart in various ways, which finally touched Wang Wanfei's heart.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

After the two officially dated, Liu Genghong decided to go to Canada for further study. In the days of a foreign country, the spark of longing bursts into a warm fire of love. In 2004, Liu Genghong successfully proposed to Wang Wanfei in Canada.

Even at a low point in her life, Wang Wanfei did not hesitate to support Liu Genghong in pursuing her music dream.

In 2007, time passed, and they finally achieved positive results in the church. From acquaintance to marriage, this couple who has crossed the test of time and space has experienced seven years of hard waiting.

Although life is not easy, they hold each other's hands, support each other, and eventually become a family.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

Feelings are like a glass of fragrant wine, the longer it lasts, the more mellow it becomes, and the longer the bond becomes, the stronger it becomes. The love between Liu Genghong and Wang Wanfei condensed with time and understanding can stand the test of time.

After getting married, Liu Genghong and Wang Wanfei couldn't wait to have a child. However, after several examinations, Wang Wanfei was diagnosed with seven uterine fibroids, and she encountered great difficulties in pregnancy.

After two years of preparing for pregnancy, Wang Wanfei fell into despair.

Fortunately, Liu Genghong fully supported Wang Wanfei, and he patiently told his beloved wife that it was the same whether he had children or not, as long as the two of them were together, it was enough. Finally, when she was about to give up, Wang Wanfei became pregnant.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

During her pregnancy, she carefully protected the life in her belly and endured the pain caused by fibroids.

In 2011, the first baby was born, and the couple was ecstatic. Two years later, Wang Wanfei successfully became pregnant again, overcame all kinds of difficulties with perseverance, and gave birth to a second child.

In order to give birth to the third child, Wang Wanfei resolutely decided to remove the uterus. During the torture of three births, she survived with her mother's great love.

Wang Wanfei gave birth to life with her life, fulfilling her vocation as a woman, wife and mother. She interpreted the greatness of maternal love with practical actions, and also gave Liu Genghong the motivation to be a husband and a father.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

Liu Genghong is very grateful to his beloved wife for her dedication to the family, and this gratitude has become one of the sources of his self-improvement.

Liu Genghong is a fitness fanatic. He is a firm believer in the importance of healthy living and requires the whole family to exercise regularly. is especially strict with his wife Wang Wanfei, strictly controlling her diet and urging her to keep exercising.

Wang Wanfei gained significant weight after giving birth, and Liu Genghong was worried about his wife's health. He designed various training plans and asked Wang Wanfei to complete them; Customize a nutritious menu and strictly control calorie intake.

Wang Wanfei resisted a little at first, but in the face of Liu Genghong's insistence, she still obeyed.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

Once, Wang Wanfei wanted to take a car home, but Liu Genghong resolutely disagreed and asked her to walk for an hour. Although Wang Wanfei complained in her heart, she still did as she was told. She understands that her husband is thinking about her body, but the method is a little extreme.

In fact, Liu Genghong has stricter requirements for himself. Exercise at a fixed time every day, strictly control your diet, and all your behaviors serve the goal of health. He wants his family to support his lifestyle.

Although the methods are sometimes strong, the starting points are always good.

Wang Wanfei chose to tolerate and support Liu Genghong. She understands that housekeeping requires mutual understanding and support. Liu Genghong's enthusiasm comes from his love for his family, and this sincerity touched Wang Wanfei.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

In February 2022, 48-year-old Liu Genghong opened a personal gym on the live broadcast platform. Old friend Wu Zun and other friends in the circle strongly supported Liu Genghong's new attempt.

At first, Liu Genghong just wanted to share his fitness experience, but he didn't expect the first live broadcast to attract tens of thousands of fans.

During the live broadcast, Liu Genghong interacted and chatted with fans while doing sports, and the atmosphere was lively and interesting. His standard movements and sturdy figure have won the hearts of countless fans.

is different from celebrities, Liu Genghong's conversation reveals positive energy everywhere, making everyone feel his sincerity.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

In two months, the popularity of Liu Genghong's live broadcast room has climbed like a rocket, and the number of fans has exceeded 10 million. A live broadcast peaked at more than 1 million people watching online at the same time, setting a new record.

Fans were moved by his sunny and positive fitness attitude and joined in the ranks of exercise.

Fitness + live broadcast + positive energy successfully opened a new chapter in Liu Genghong's life. He combined his expertise with the needs of the times and successfully transformed into a fitness trainer and Internet celebrity.

And his wife Wang Wanfei, who has always supported him, also appeared in the live broadcast, and the wonderful interaction between the two allowed fans to see their loving and happy family.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

Since his debut, Liu Genghong has been practicing the concept of healthy life with actions. Whether he's at the peak or at the trough, fitness and eating well are his must-haves. This not only shaped his muscular figure, but also gave him a positive attitude towards life.

Liu Genghong will consume sufficient protein and vegetables at every meal, and strictly control the intake of fat. He has developed many healthy recipes and cooked them himself for his family. During the holidays, he would take his wife and children on outdoor outings, do sports together, and teach the children a healthy lifestyle.

Even if he is busy with work, Liu Genghong will also train at home at a fixed time. He brought fitness equipment to the program for recording, and carried out exercises such as stretching and sit-ups during his breaks, making fitness a part of his life.

In addition to his busy schedule, exercise helps him stay positive.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

After opening a live broadcast of fitness coaches in 2022, Liu Genghong shared his years of fitness experience with everyone. He patiently corrected the wrong movements of the audience and answered fitness questions.

He covered his head and exercised, so that everyone could feel the joy of a healthy life.

Liu Genghong used practical actions to explain what is a positive attitude towards life. His life experiences have inspired his peers to live healthily. The more you reach middle age, the more you insist on exercising, you can support your family and career.

As the saying goes, "health is the greatest wealth". For Liu Genghong, health is not only about physical condition, but also about a positive attitude towards life.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

The vitality exuded from the inside out comes from Liu Genghong's love for life. No matter how difficult it is, he is not discouraged and maintains an optimistic attitude. Although his musical ideals were frustrated, he rose to the challenge and found new opportunities in the trough.

Only by understanding the true meaning of life can we live a wonderful life. Liu Genghong realized that health must start from the heart, relying not on external conditions, but on internal strength.

As long as the mindset is positive, setbacks are a ladder of growth.

When a person has a positive heart, no external storm can knock him down. Liu Genghong proves from his own experience that health and success come from the heart.

Fitness maniac Liu Genghong: The earliest member of Taiwan's men's group, married Miss Universe, and his friends are all bigwigs

This is also the source of his charm in life, which has infected and ignited the hearts of countless people.

Health is the light of life; Love is the fire of life. Thank you Liu Genghong for passing on to us the positive spiritual strength with his life.

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