
The fungus is a "scavenger" of blood vessels, which can lower blood lipids, and these three foods are actually useless

author:Medica Media

Those whose blood is too viscous should understand the method of regulating blood lipids, only when the indicators are stable, health can be guaranteed, otherwise the serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels exceed the standard for a long time, which will accelerate thrombosis, thrombus accumulation and fall off, and will bring serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Many people say that fungus is a blood vessel scavenger, and eating more can lower blood lipids, is it true?

The fungus is a "scavenger" of blood vessels, which can lower blood lipids, and these three foods are actually useless

Black fungus is a common food in life, and it is suitable to be eaten directly or used to make soup. Fungus contains a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, such as fungus polysaccharides, cellulose, vitamins, trace elements, etc., eating in moderation can enhance immunity, promote intestinal peristalsis, its calories are low, not easy to gain weight.

And those whose blood is too viscous and have high blood lipids should adjust their diet, although eating fungus alone gets less energy and other nutrients, but it cannot fundamentally solve the problem of blood viscosity. The term vascular scavenger is an exaggeration. There is no too obvious practical effect.

The fungus is a "scavenger" of blood vessels, which can lower blood lipids, and these three foods are actually useless

Let's be honest: these 3 foods don't work either

1. Bitter gourd

Some types of foods are eaten regularly, and although they can provide nutrients, they cannot lower blood lipids, such as bitter melon. Some people say that bitter gourd contains bitter gourd saponins, a variety of vitamins, and eating more can regulate blood lipids and improve blood viscosity.

However, there are not many ingredients in bitter gourd that can help regulate blood lipids, and it is necessary to eat bitter gourd in large quantities and often, so as to have a weak effect, if the blood is too viscous, or even thrombosis accelerates vascular lesions, it should be standardized with treatment, use lipid-lowering drugs, and change the wrong lifestyle is a proper approach, rather than relying on bitter gourd.

2. Walnuts

Many people often eat walnuts when regulating blood lipids, thinking that walnuts are healthy and delicious nuts, and eating more can provide rich nutrients and obtain the unsaturated fatty acids that the human body needs.

Although this food contains unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, it provides a lot of fat, if you eat a lot of walnuts, you will get rich energy, which is easy to accelerate the arrival of obesity, and excessive obesity will affect blood lipid levels, so you can not rely on walnuts to regulate blood lipids. Healthy human beings eat a moderate amount of walnuts every day to help health, but not in large quantities.

The fungus is a "scavenger" of blood vessels, which can lower blood lipids, and these three foods are actually useless

3. Onions

Many people say that if they want to lower blood lipids, they can achieve it by eating onions, because onions contain flavonoid chemicals, sulfur compounds, vitamins, and trace elements, which can assist in the treatment of three highs and improve problems such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids.

Judging from its composition, it is true that these substances have a certain help to reduce the three highs, but the blood is already viscous, and even thrombosis, and it is difficult to achieve it simply by eating onions to restore blood lipids to stability, and can only be used as a means to help improve the disease, and cannot be high blood lipids by eating onions alone.

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