
The charm of a woman lies in the ability to detonate the wildness of her man and release his soul. What men pursue most in love is to return to their original desires, no matter how serious a man is on the surface


The charm of a woman lies in the ability to detonate the wildness of her man and release his soul. What men pursue most in love is to return to their original desires, no matter how serious a man is on the surface. Only women like ladies, and the opposite sex must love the scorching wildness more.

Women must make it clear that what you lack is never a man, but a lack of reliable love.

If you are too good to a person, infinitely tolerant of him, spoiled him, and obedient to him, then this person will become the person who cherishes you the least in the world.

Zhang Ailing said: Later, I didn't have a heart for anyone anymore, and I wasn't even interested in chatting. In the new love and the old love, I chose to love myself, be clean, and live well.

#Gold Dust Community# #Do You Have a Man Love You# #What Do Men Love# #你对一个男的好#

The charm of a woman lies in the ability to detonate the wildness of her man and release his soul. What men pursue most in love is to return to their original desires, no matter how serious a man is on the surface
The charm of a woman lies in the ability to detonate the wildness of her man and release his soul. What men pursue most in love is to return to their original desires, no matter how serious a man is on the surface
The charm of a woman lies in the ability to detonate the wildness of her man and release his soul. What men pursue most in love is to return to their original desires, no matter how serious a man is on the surface

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