
How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

author:History of Polymath

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You may not believe it, but in the amazing world of nature, there are stories of salmon crossing the road. These fish, known as salmon, also have some nicknames such as northern trout and salmon. They are the best of the ocean, a slender fish with a shimmering silver or green surface. The scales are large and round, and the body is covered with five to seven red horizontal stripes. With well-developed dorsal and ventral fins, as well as forked tail fins, they feed mainly on small fish, shrimp crabs and insects. As for the name, why it's called salmon and not tetra or salmon, the puzzle is far less mysterious.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

One of the most compelling journeys in salmon's life is migration. The migration of these fish can be arduous, full of risks and challenges. During their migration, they face the threat of many predators, including wolves and brown bears, and overcome various natural obstacles. For many salmon, a one-metre waterfall is almost equivalent to an insurmountable mountain. Only the strongest salmon can successfully cross it, while other unfortunate companions may be doomed to grow old in the river beach downstream, and the fish will not survive.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

After crossing the waterfall, the treacherous shoal awaits these brave fish. There are plenty of brown bears here that flock to wait for the salmon to arrive after hibernation. Brown bears simply lie on their stomachs upstream of the waterfall, open their mouths and wait for a delicious meal. When the fish are dense, it doesn't even take much effort to catch it, and the salmon will spontaneously jump into the brown bear's open mouth. When the salmon migrate in spring, the brown bears here are busy enjoying a delicious feast. From leftovers from brown bears' bellies, to wolves' leftovers, and even eagles' feeding, every level of the food chain is reflected.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

The migration process is so complicated that once the salmon enter the river, they will no longer eat. They must rely on the fat reserves accumulated in the ocean to support the entire migration process, which is why only the strongest salmon can successfully complete this "learning path". The river journey allows no turning back, only moving forward, even if countless challenges await along the way.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

So, how do salmon remember this complicated route? You may have heard that fish have memories of just seven seconds, but this doesn't apply to salmon. These fish go to sea from a young age and return the same way when they reach adulthood. Not only do they have a strong memory, but they also choose the best route. Survival competition is fierce, only the strongest can survive, and road idiots have long been eliminated.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

When the salmon arrive at the spawning ground, red markings have appeared on their bodies, as if the setting sun is reflecting on the water. For male salmon, this marks the end of their lives. Once fertilization is complete, the male salmon theoretically takes care of the fertilized egg for a period of time before life comes to an end. In fact, some males die immediately after fertilization. Their life cycle is quite short, only four years, of which one year is spent growing into subadulthood, three years are spent reaching sexual maturity, and then returning to the spawning ground before ushering in the end of life. These are lucky salmon, and most male salmon will die during the migration or be swept away by floods. Adult salmon will no longer eat after entering the river, relying only on their accumulated fat in the ocean to support the entire migration process, overcoming many difficulties.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

As for the name of the salmon, the puzzle is not so easy to solve. The name salmon is actually transliterated, and the English name is salmon. If you want to translate it verbatim, it should be called "jumping fish". In the past, "salmon" usually referred to Atlantic salmon. Today, the name has come to refer to a variety of Atlantic salmon-like fish, such as salmon and red trout. However, whatever its name, the price is quite high, especially in Japan, where it is already regarded as one of the precious seafood. However, it is worth mentioning that cooked salmon does not taste as delicious as sashimi. In the future, due to environmental concerns, salmon may continue to evolve, not even just crossing the street, perhaps waiting for traffic lights, crossing zebra crossings, and even calling for a taxi.

How dangerous is the salmon migration path? Eaten by brown bears and rolled by cars, those who survive are strong

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