
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people

author:Qihe Movie

19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1).

This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 forest firefighters were surrounded by fire, the fire was fast, and it was too late to deploy a fire station on the spot. At this time, a sprinkler flew overhead, and the captain shouted for help, but the sound was drowned in thick smoke, and they could only save themselves from the fire close at hand.

Everyone spread out their shields and buried their faces in the wet dirt. The team members prayed and cheered each other on, and their families were waiting for the triumphant return of this group of heroes. Then a monstrous fire drifted above them. This is a real fire in Arizona, USA.

A year ago, in a fire station, a young man with his head hunched over was going to an interview and didn't seem to want to be seen. The reason is simple, because if you just stare at his face for a few seconds, you will find that he is a hidden gentleman, and you will not think of it.

The first thing Captain Thanos said was so direct, the boy replied: Three months ago, and then the captain asked the boy to recall a night four months ago. That night he met his ex-girlfriend, who was already on a big belly. He opened his mouth and asked his ex-girlfriend why he didn't tell him earlier? And the girl said: I know you don't care that you are this kind of person. The boy said that this is also a part of me, and I will be in charge. I didn't expect the girl's answer to be like this.

Then the boy got drunk in the bar and was thrown into the street. He came to a car and tried to steal something but was caught red-handed by the police. In prison, he begged his mother to bail him out, and she did so, but threw him a wad of money. And a few more words? When the boy who betrayed his family gave birth to his ex-girlfriend, he came to the hospital, but he only dared to look at his child quietly through the glass. After that, I came here for an interview.

The captain listened to his story and decided to give him a chance. In this way, the boy ushered in his first training session, and the other team members ran fast and steady, except for him to vomit in his back. The captain led the team to the top of the mountain, and after some mobilization, he began to go down the mountain only to see the boy who was tired and about to faint, he was crooked, falling apart and running towards the mountain. His teammates completely ignored him. After a few hours, everyone felt that he would not be coming back and was preparing to leave work. The boy came back like a walking corpse. He also showed the captain a selfie to prove that he had completed the whole process.

The captain laughed and said. See you at 6 a.m. on Monday, and the deputy team next to him gives him a bottle of water and tells him to buy some painkillers. In the evening, the boy came to the supermarket to buy some baby products, quietly put them at the door of his ex-girlfriend's house, walked away with his legs that kept calling, his legs were sore but he didn't buy painkillers. He spends all his money on his children, not knowing how bitter it is for a hermit gentleman.

But the boy still insisted on participating in the training and continued to put baby products on the door of his ex-girlfriend's house. When he heard the baby crying from the house, he would stop for a few seconds to listen quietly. Unbeknownst to him, the woman in the room opened the curtains and was quietly watching him. At this time, the boy participated in the fire fighting operation for the first time, and the air flow caused the helicopter to shake violently, and the boy was slightly uneasy and tightly grasped the handle, but the captain on the opposite side was like water.

A small deer runs wildly in the jungle, the sea of fire that has come to the end in the distance, and the captain in the mountains looks at the town in the distance, and behind it is the overwhelming smoke. He had seen towns hit by wildfires, and everyone was forced to abandon their homes and flee in a hurry.

The captain decided to attack the fire with fire, they cut a line of fire and set fire to the forest. Soon the fire grew bigger and bigger, and the mountain fire hit the fire line, and the fire instantly weakened. They camped in the mountains that night, watching from a distance as the fire faded out.

19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people
19 top firefighters died defending their homes (1). This is a brown bear fleeing for its life in a forest fire. The wildfires are engulfing everything around them at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. 19 people

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