
What are the effects and functions of white tea? White tea: antioxidant, beauty and beauty, good partner for health

author:Jin Ji power JJpower8888

The efficacy and function of white tea.

White tea is a type of tea that has a variety of benefits and effects, here are some of them:

1. Anti-oxidation. White tea contains a large number of polyphenolic compounds, such as catechins, flavonoids, etc., with strong antioxidant activity, can remove free radicals in the body, play an antioxidant role, prevent chronic diseases.

2. Beauty and beauty. White tea is also rich in tea polyphenols and amino acids, which have the effect of beauty and skin care and moisturizing the skin. Drinking white tea in moderation can whiten the skin, reduce wrinkles and so on.

What are the effects and functions of white tea? White tea: antioxidant, beauty and beauty, good partner for health

3. Reduce blood pressure and blood lipids. White tea contains a variety of tannins, tea polyphenols can effectively reduce the permeability of the blood vessel wall, can reduce the absorption of cholesterol, play a role in reducing blood lipids and blood pressure, and have a good preventive effect on cardiovascular disease.

What are the effects and functions of white tea? White tea: antioxidant, beauty and beauty, good partner for health

4. Strengthen the stomach and eliminate food. White tea is relatively mild, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance appetite, relieve stomach pain, can relieve indigestion, stomach cold stomach pain and other symptoms.

5. Anti-cancer, anti-cancer. White tea also has anti-cancer, anti-cancer and other effects, domestic and foreign medical research has proved that long-term drinking of white tea can significantly improve the activity of lipase in the body, promote fat catabolism, effectively control insulin secretion, delay the intestinal absorption of glucose, decompose excess sugar in the blood, and promote blood sugar balance.

What are the effects and functions of white tea? White tea: antioxidant, beauty and beauty, good partner for health

6. Prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. A famous professor of Zhejiang Medical University said that the hypercoagulable state is an important condition for thrombosis, while white tea has anticoagulant and fibrinolytic effects, which can change the hypercoagulable state, and there are no side effects of general anticoagulants, which plays an important role in improving health and preventing diseases.

What are the effects and functions of white tea? White tea: antioxidant, beauty and beauty, good partner for health

The above are some of the main effects and functions of white tea. Long-term drinking of white tea has many benefits for health, however, drinking tea should also be in moderation, excessive drinking may cause negative effects on the body.

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