
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day

author:Angel Health Book

28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible!

The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, he went out every day to have dinner with classmates, friends and colleagues, smoked, drank, stayed up late to play cards, and even stayed up all night! Due to the fact that these days are always overeating, drinking too much, last night, sudden acute pancreatitis! Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, fever, was rushed to the hospital for rescue!

The doctor in the emergency department immediately drew blood tests for routine blood tests, blood lipids, blood sugar, blood uric acid, blood amylase, and lipase after asking him about his condition in detail. Another urgent examination of an epigastric CT, and color ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen. According to the results of various examinations analysis, evaluation, judgment, the final diagnosis is: acute pancreatitis! Fortunately, the pancreas has not yet appeared necrosis in time! Immediate hospitalization required!

Acute pancreatitis, acute gastroenteritis, are the most common "holiday diseases" in gastroenterology! Most patients are caused by overeating and excessive drinking. It is more common in young and middle-aged men. Because young people are strong in blood and socialize a lot, if they can't stand the temptation of a table full of delicious food, they are prone to overeating. Moreover, on the wine table, men are stubborn, love face, do not admit defeat, can drink more easily, can not drink, hard to drink! The more you drink, the easier it is to drink! Before you know it, you're drinking high! People will float! The pancreas is also overwhelmed and will strike!

Every holiday, the hospital will admit two or three times more patients with acute pancreatitis than usual! Today, I will give you a popular science, this holiday disease! How does acute pancreatitis occur?

First: The pancreas is the largest digestive gland, which can secrete a variety of digestive enzymes, such as ethyl amylase, trypsin, and lipase. Under normal circumstances, these digestive enzymes travel with pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct to the intestine to digest food, which can completely break down food. In addition to a unique layer of mucus on the surface of the intestinal mucosa, which can protect the intestine from being destroyed, all the tissues where the digestive enzymes go can be digested!

Second: if you overeat, eat too much high-fat, high-protein, high-sugar foods at one time, or drink a lot of alcohol, it will stimulate the pancreas, in a short time, a large amount of pancreatic juice, at the same time, the liver will also open up full power, secrete a large amount of bile, to digest these excess foods. If the bile ducts are not smooth, bile does not enter the duodenum smoothly, but flows backwards into the pancreas, activating a large number of pancreatic enzymes.

Third: the digestive ability of pancreatic enzymes is very strong, but there is no food in the pancreas to digest, only the pancreas itself, pancreatic enzymes have no food to digest, ruthless will be indiscriminate, the six relatives do not recognize, to digest the pancreas itself! This suicidal behavior will lead to self-digestion, inflammation, and even necrosis of the pancreas! Moreover, these necrotic pancreatic juices, where they flow, which tissue cells, will be necrotic! It is easy to cause intestinal necrosis, intestinal adhesions, acute peritonitis, and toxic shock! Severe cases can be life-threatening! Be on high alert!

During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, many citizens' lives have become indulgent, and gatherings of relatives and friends have increased, such as overeating, smoking, alcoholism, staying up late on the Internet, partying K songs, playing mahjong, etc. There is no limit to eating and drinking, and there is no limit to entertainment! There is not even a bottom line! Blindly indulge yourself, eat and drink, overeat, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are overwhelmed! So, I suffer from "holiday disease"! Good health lights up red! It's all self-inflicted!

Expert Reminder: Vacation does not equal indulgence! Be sure to eat modestly! Entertaining! Life should be regular, and nutrition should be balanced! And pay attention to rest, do not break your biological clock. Everyone is the first responsible person for their own health and is responsible for their own health! Overeating, smoking, alcoholism, and often staying up late during the holidays are actually saving money for the hospital, it is better to use this rare leisure time, read a book quietly, go outdoor to run, not only to stay away from diseases, but also to gain knowledge and health! Why not?

Happy life, healthy life! Follow me, share health knowledge every day, and escort you and your family's health!

28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
28-year-old young man, overeating during double festivals, sudden acute pancreatitis! It's horrible! The young man is 28 years old, young and vigorous, I go my own way and indulge myself! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day

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