
Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun 's 1986 Secret Merchant "Shift"

author:Reader's Newspaper

In September 1986, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that the Thirteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China would be held in Beijing in October 1987.

The years are not sparing. Among the members of the Politburo Standing Committee who presided over the Sixth Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian and Chen Yun have all entered their old age. The party's leading collective must realize the replacement of the old and the new as soon as possible, and these problems have always haunted the minds of the three old people...

Chen Yun asked Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian to go to his home for a long secret conversation

Shortly after the Sixth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, several old comrades-in-arms who had fought together with Chen Yun, Deng Xiaoping, and Li Xiannian for decades passed away one after another, which made them feel a lot of emotions.

On the morning of October 30, 1986, Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian came to Chen Yun's home as agreed, and the three of them had a long secret conversation.

The three elderly people met alone, which was a rare thing, and the staff around them quickly took a few photos for them. Before the people around him were finished, Chen Yun spent the staff in the office. The significance of this conversation is extraordinary, and the importance of the content of the conversation can be reflected in the fragments later recalled by Chen Yun's guard Zhao Tianyuan:

I had just walked to the duty room, the bell rang, I quickly turned back, opened the office door, saw Chairman Li had gotten up and walked to the door, saw me come in, and the three old men all said loudly: "Smoke, take the cigarette." "I hurriedly asked Deng Xiaoping's secretary, Zhang Baozhong, for a cigarette... After the conversation was over, after Deng Xiaoping and Chairman Li left, I saw 6 filter cigarette butts in the ashtray, and Deng Xiaoping smoked 6 cigarettes in 80 minutes.

Of the three old men, Deng Xiaoping was the only one who smoked. Doctors had already asked Deng Xiaoping to try not to smoke. But Chen Yun and Li Xiannian were so anxious to find cigarettes for Deng Xiaoping, so it can be seen that the content of the conversation must involve major issues of the party and the state. The conversation was secret, and except for the three of them, outsiders could not know, and even the staff around them did not know the inside story.

In January 1987, a major personnel change occurred in the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Hu Yaobang resigned as general secretary.

Chen Yun has not appeared publicly since attending the memorial service for Han Xianchu, Liu Bocheng, Ye Jianying and others in October. This has led to all kinds of speculation from the outside world, especially foreign public opinion, predicting how the CCP leadership will change during the 13th Party Congress.

Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun 's 1986 Secret Merchant "Shift"

Chen Yun "Planted Trees to Dispel Rumors" Deng Xiaoping directly answered questions

In mid-March 1987, Chen Yun, who had not been out for a long time, quietly came to Hangzhou from Beijing. He also knew all kinds of speculations about himself about being "seriously ill". It seems that showing up or not is really a very sensitive political issue.

On April 4, Hangzhou ushered in a rare sunny day since the beginning of spring. At about 10 a.m., Chen Yun set off from his residence by car and headed to Yunqi, which is listed as one of the new ten scenic spots of the West Lake in the western suburbs of Hangzhou, to plant trees with the cadres and the masses.

After a while, they came to the "Yunqi Bamboo Trail" monument pavilion. There was still some coolness here, but Chen Yun, who was full of excitement, took off his coat and hat. The guard said with concern: "It's cold, you can put on your hat." ”

Chen Yun came this time, in addition to participating in the planting of trees, there was also a layer of meaning of "debunking rumors". So he said, "It's not clear to take a picture with a hat." ”

A few days later, Bo Yibo visited Chen Yun in Hangzhou, and as soon as the two met, they talked about planting trees a few days ago. Bo Yibo said excitedly: "I watched you plant trees on TV and it was quite big."

Chen Yun said with a proud smile: "Taiwanese newspapers say that I am 'half-dead', and Hong Kong newspapers say that I am 'seriously ill and bedridden'. The old man can walk and plant trees. ”

Bo Yibo understood Chen Yun's intentions and praised: "Planting trees to dispel rumors, rumors are self-defeating." ”

Although the rumors about Chen Yun were self-defeating, there was still speculation from the outside world, and some foreign guests personally inquired about this from Deng Xiaoping.

On March 8, 1987, when Meeting with the President of Tanzania, Deng Xiaoping made the following explanation: "Some people say that we have changed our principles and policies, which is a misunderstanding. I believe that our policies will be implemented better and smoother... In the second half of this year, we will convene the Thirteenth National Congress of the Party, and everyone will be clear after reading the results of the Thirteenth National Congress. The recent changes in central personnel will not affect our pace of progress. ”

On April 20, when the general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Malaysia) Nambudiribad visited, he asked Deng Xiaoping directly: "There are reports that you are retiring from your post at the 13th National Congress?" ”

Deng Xiaoping replied: "I have been talking for several years, but there are too many people who oppose it. But I still have to insist, I'm afraid it's still half back. I proposed that the Politburo Standing Committee, fearing that I would not participate, retained a post. ”

The other party also asked: "Will you also serve as the director of the Central Advisory Committee of the Communist Party of China?" ”

Deng Xiaoping replied: "It has not been decided." I now have two more positions: one is chairman of the Central Military Commission, and the other is chairman of the Central Advisory Committee. It is enough to keep one. The advantage is to let others do it, especially young people. In addition, retaining a semi-retreat form can also play the original role. There is also the benefit of probably living a few more years. ”

Chen Yun's "Two-Year Plan"

The date of the 13th Party Congress is getting closer and closer. On May 17, Chen Yun returned to Beijing from Hangzhou. After returning to Beijing, he focused his main energy on two aspects: one was to participate in a series of major decision-making formulations at the 13th National Congress; the other was to pay close attention to talking to some central front-line leaders. By July and August 1987, Chen Yun felt very tired because of the continuous talk to people and thinking about some major issues of the party and the state before and after the 13th Party Congress.

Knowing that Chen Yun was not in good health, some old friends greeted him one after another. On the morning of August 7, Li Xiannian made a special trip to Chen Yun's residence to visit. During the conversation, Li Xiannian jokingly asked Chen Yun: "How many more years do you estimate you can live?" Chen Yun replied according to the "two-year plan" he had formulated for his body a few years ago: "I think two years should be no problem, but we must ensure that we do not wrestle, do not eat outside, and go back to our own homes to eat." ”

On September 6, Chen Yun went to Deng Xiaoping's house to attend a meeting of the central decision-making level. After the meeting was adjourned, Yang Shangkun asked Chen Yun with concern: "Comrade Chen Yun, is your health okay?" Chen Yun said easily: "If you can't die, you can live for two more years, and you must ensure that you don't wrestle." Yang Shangkun encouraged: "You can still live for 10 years." Chen Yun did not have 10 years of plans, and replied: "Two years is enough." ”

Li Xiannian, who was on the side, also encouraged him: "I want to make a 'five-year plan.'" Chen Yun still insisted on his own estimation: "No, just a 'two-year plan', I am a rolling plan." This is more practical. As he spoke, he made an alternating forward rolling motion with his hands.

On September 29, Bo Yibo came to Chen Yun's office to discuss work. When parting, Bo Yibo also advised: "Take more care of your body." Chen Yun smiled, "Still according to my plan, only as a 'two-year plan'." In the 50s, my body was a 'charcoal car', my body was a fragile balance, and it was not easy to live until now. Bo Yibo said admiringly: "Liu Zongyuan has a saying, called 'strong and violent death, long illness prolonged'. This sentence is very reasonable, your body belongs to the 'long illness and prolongation'. ”

The party disagreed, and the three old men had to "half retreat."

On October 9, Chen Yun attended an enlarged meeting of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee to listen to Bo Yibo's explanation of the personnel arrangements of the 13th Party Congress. Personnel arrangements are a relatively sensitive topic, especially the arrangements of the highest leadership; Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun, and Li Xiannian have long discussed it; they completely retired from the 13th National Congress and no longer held the leading posts of the central authorities, thus setting an example in realizing the replacement of the old and the new of the central leading collectives. However, the Politburo and others in the party unanimously opposed it, and everyone's opinion only agreed that they would "half retire" and still hold certain posts.

On October 19, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, of which Chen Yun served as first secretary, held its last plenary meeting before the 13th Party Congress in Beijing. After this meeting, Chen Yun will no longer serve as the first secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In order to let everyone understand his own thoughts, Chen Yun explained at the meeting, and he also announced the core content of the secret conversation with Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian in October 1986: "In October last year, Comrade Xiaoping, Comrade Xiannian and I jointly agreed to retire together at the 13th National Congress. This is the need of the Party's cause. ”

On October 25, 1987, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Chen Yun stepped onto the rostrum as a member of the Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Conference...

The theme report of the conference was "Advancing along the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". For the drafting, revision, and finalization of this report, Chen Yun, Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, and other revolutionaries of the older generation spent a lot of painstaking efforts.

After the end of the 13th National Congress, Chen Yun, together with Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian, withdrew from the front line of the central work. Since he could not "retire completely," Chen Yun took part in the work of the Central Advisory Committee.

On November 2, Chen Yun, who had retired from the Central Committee, attended the First Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The meeting elected a new central leadership collective. The plenum decided that Deng Xiaoping would be the chairman of the Central Military Commission and approved Chen Yun as chairman of the Central Advisory Committee. The highest leadership of the CPC Central Committee has successfully realized the replacement of old and new. (Source| Party History Wenyuan Author| Guo Zhengjie)

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