
Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun

author:The heart is Lotus 465

Local flavor refreshments meet In Jiangsu Province

Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun

(8) Crab yellow soup bun

Crab yellow soup bun is one of the famous spots in the Zhenyang area. According to folklore, crab yellow soup buns originated from the late Three Kingdoms period. At that time, Liu Bei went to Eastern Wu to recruit relatives, and soon left, but the new wife Sun Shangxiang was left in the State of Wu by Sun Quanqiang, and later Sun and Liu each claimed the title of emperor, and the two sides fought against each other, and Liu Bei failed and fell ill and died in the White Emperor City. Lady Sun heard the news and did not want to die, and after climbing the Lingyun Pavilion of Beigu Mountain to offer sacrifices, she committed suicide by throwing herself into the river. At that time, Liu Bei's entourage had a cook, Old Man Wu, in order to repay Lady Sun's kindness to him before he died, referring to the precedent of Zhuge Liang's use of dough wrapped in meat as a sacrifice when he crossed the Lushui River, and thinking of Lady Sun's habit of eating crabs, so he made crab meat buns with flower folds, brought them to Beigu Mountain to pay tribute, and threw the buns into the river. After that, Because of the inconvenience of returning to Shu due to his old age, Old Man Wu stayed in Eastern Wu and opened a bun shop on Zhenjiang Nanmen Street, and the local people came to visit him one after another, some to remember Madame Sun to buy, and some to taste. From generation to generation, the soup buns have become better and better, and the business has become more and more prosperous. Until now, the beauty of "Zhenyang Crab Yellow Soup Bun" is still popular.

Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun
Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun

【Raw Materials】

Fine white flour 500 g

Net fat lean pork 300 g

Crab yellow 60 g

Crab meat 140 g

Minced green onion and ginger 10 g

Shallot ginger juice 150 g

Refined salt 5 g

Old fat 150 g

Soy sauce 10 g

Alkaline water 7.5 g

MSG 7.5 g

Sugar 15 g

Pepper a little

Rice wine 25 g

Lard 125 g

Sesame oil 25 g

Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun
Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun


1. Put the pot on the fire, heat the lard 100 grams (not too hot), under the crab yellow, crab meat and salt, green onion and ginger, rice wine slightly fried to continue to boil thoroughly, hold cool, that is, crab butter.

2. Chop the pork into mushrooms, add salt, soy sauce, sugar, MSG and mix, then add onion and ginger juice and stir to stir, add pepper, crab butter and mix, that is, crab yellow bun filling.

3. Put the flour into the dough jar, pick a hole in the middle, add old fat and warm water 250 to 300 grams and mix and knead into a smooth dough, cover with a damp cloth to prevent the dough from blowing hard, about 3 hours later, there are many small holes in the dough, that is, put the dough on the panel, add alkali water to knead until there are no yellow spots, and then rub into long strips, and pull into 24 dough that weigh about 37.5 grams. Then knead one by one by hand about 5 cm in diameter, slightly thick in the middle, slightly thinner around the round skin, each skin wrapped in crab yellow filling about 37.5 grams, and pinch out more than 28 folds. Finally, the basket is steamed in boiling water for about ten minutes, and when the bun is not sticky and elastic, it is cooked thoroughly and can be taken out for food.

Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun
Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun


The skin is thin and fluffy, the filling is brine and brine, and the juice is thick and delicious.

Zhenyang crab yellow soup bun

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