
Eat a cabbage soup bun with a different taste

author:gyh bamboo

#冬日生活打卡季 #

My grandmother has a good cooking skill, all learned in Shandong, not authentic Lu cuisine, but also the practice of traditional Shandong folk food. Whenever the New Year is held, Grandma will be busy handling many new year's food, including rice cakes, various kinds of pasta, all stamped with red and tongtong blessing characters, especially festive. There are also many fried foods. When I was a child, I was not a particularly hungry child, but when I looked at these delicacies prepared by my grandmother during the New Year, I couldn't help but want to feast on it.

On weekdays, Grandma is a particularly frugal person who will live a life, he can always use the most common ingredients to make the most uncommon food, always give the family a surprise, feel that Grandma can do everything, as long as she is free, and want to do, she can use different methods to make different meals.

I remember the deepest thing is that every winter, Grandma has to wrap a cabbage stuffed bun several times, Grandma's bun is very special, the bun out of the pot is soft and pedaling, there are many soups in it, a bit like a soup bun, without any special ingredients, but eat a different taste.

Later, my daughter-in-law also learned that when I came down from fresh cabbage every year, I always had to wrap it several times, and I couldn't eat enough of this delicacy handed down by my grandmother in one winter.

Today I suddenly wanted to write down the method of making cabbage soup buns, which is a nostalgia for my grandmother and I want to share it with my friends who have seen it.

Eat a cabbage soup bun with a different taste


Pork belly (meat does not have to put a lot)

Chinese cabbage (70 percent)

High gluten flour and medium gluten flour in half each (both high gluten flour is also available)


A green onion, a piece of ginger peeled, a suitable amount of five-spice powder, a moderate amount of black pepper, a little bit of fresh soy sauce, a moderate amount of salt, a little MSG, a moderate amount of cooking oil, a little sesame oil.

Pork belly diced, chopped green onion, minced ginger, placed in meat, add a small amount of fresh soy sauce, add the right amount of salt (with the salt of cabbage) add an appropriate amount of five-spice powder, black pepper, (do not like to eat five-spice powder can add thirteen spices, etc.), monosodium glutamate, stir well sauce for ten minutes.

The cabbage goes to the old gang outside, washes the inside, dries out the water, removes one-half of the white gang at the bottom, and the remaining white gang is cut into granules, the leaf head part is chopped, (do not chop, do not kill the water), mix with an appropriate amount of vegetable oil and a little sesame oil to evenly seal the water.

After mixing the dough with high and medium powder, add an appropriate amount of warm brine in parts.

Knead the dough by hand until the dough is dry and wet, and at the same time make the pot light, hand light and face light, cover with a wet cloth dumplings.

After 10 minutes of cooking, continue kneading and repeat 4 to 5 times until the dough is very smooth and ribbed.

When you start to pack, put a small bowl in front of you, first put some meat filling and then put the cabbage filling in the bowl to simply mix, then put it in the dough and wrap it well, directly place it in the cage drawer, wrap it in turn and fill the cage drawer immediately into the pot to open the fire and steam, fifteen minutes out of the drawer, the bun after the drawer is soft pedal, the cabbage moisture inside is steamed out, the cabbage is original, the nutrition is not lost, refreshing and tender, and the taste is delicious.

Eat a cabbage soup bun with a different taste

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