
An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

author:Zhuo Yong makes cider
An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

Spring warm flower viewing, hot summer fruit, autumn harvest and winter hiding, how can this four seasons on earth get less than a cup of slightly drunk apricot blossom drink.

Apricot wine has a unique taste, the aroma of wine, with a little sour and sweet, the aroma of apricot fruit is fully released under the action of fermentation.

An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

Before going to bed, a glass of apricot wine produced to Zhuo Yong's fruit wine will improve the quality of sleep. Apricot wine contains sugar, protein, as well as calcium and multivitamins. It is a beauty and beauty fitness wine suitable for women to drink.

Due to the climate and soil quality, the growth of apricots has relatively high requirements for soil PH value, temperature and humidity in the air, etc. South of the Yangtze River due to higher humidity, less light during the flowering period, and low temperature, it is difficult to form a better apricot planting base.

The Xinghua Village of Hongfu Township, located in the middle of the Longquan Mountains, happens to be a high-quality apricot planting base.

Zhuo Yong's fruit wine is the use of precious apricot sources south of the Yangtze River, independent research and development and production of the king of fruit wine--- apricot wine.

An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

It is a fruit wine made from fresh fruits such as apricots, plums, mulberries, peaches, and blueberries that are rich in vitamins. After planting, picking, inspection, weighing, sprinkling wine, soaking, out of the pool and other Process, coupled with fresh fruit fermentation technology brewing, and the traditional alcohol blending and fresh fruit soaking is completely different, does not contain any additional alcohol, retains the original nutrients of fresh fruit while making its taste better and unique.

An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood
An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

Zhuo Yong makes cider, which seems to be a low-grade cider that is exclusive to women. In addition to the soft sweet and sour taste, the health benefits of fruit wine seem to be innately prepared for women.

An apricot blossom fragrance from childhood

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