
Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

author:Chongqing release

There are still a few days to Chinese New Year's Eve

Is the "bag" ready?

Mountains and Cities, No. 77

Introduce you to Ezu rice flower candy and Hechuan peach slices

Wulong dried carob, Ciqikou Chen twist flower and other snacks

And the Chongqing sentiment behind these New Year goods

Ezu rice flower candy

Take a bite and get sweet to the heart

Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

Jiangjin Rice Flower Sugar Courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangjin District CPC Committee

Xiao Nengzhu, a special guest of "The City Gate is Several Feet High", although he is too old to be rare, but he grew up in the mouth of the field, and he still remembers the sweet "fried rice candy" piece by piece, "Grocery stores or candy shops have fried rice candy for sale, fried rice and syrup poured into a large mold, cut into pieces with a knife, and then wrapped in wax paper, crisp and delicious, bite the sweetness to the heart." ”

Fried rice candy, the predecessor of Ezu rice candy. At the beginning of the last century, The brothers Chen Hanqing and Chen Liquan, who operated the Taihe Zhai Sugar Miscellaneous Shop in Jiangjin County, reformed the production process on the basis of fried rice candy, adding high-grade peach kernels, peanuts, rock sugar, sesame seeds and other accessories to make the famous snack of puff pastry rice flower candy. Nowadays, "Jiangjin rice flower candy making technology" has been included in the list of municipal intangible cultural heritage projects in Chongqing, and after years of development, a large number of rice candy brands represented by "rose", "lotus flower", "sesame official" and "several rivers" have been derived.

"Until now, my grandmother's generation likes to call rice candy 'fried rice candy.'" Jiangjin chen jun said that although his hometown is the place where "Jiangjin rice candy" is produced, but the conditions at home were not good before, when he was a child, only in the New Year, the rice candy could be let go to eat, "tear open the package, the rice candy is white and crystalline, take a bite of refreshing slag, very comfortable." Now for the New Year, rice candy is still a must-have new year's item at home, after all, there are memories of childhood. ”

Dried carob

Chewing on one piece reminds you of home

Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

Dried carob courtesy of the interviewee

"In the past, every New Year's Festival, every household in my hometown would make dried beans, adults would drink, and children would snack." In the hearts of Daniel Zhang, the inheritors of the traditional production technique of dried croissant tofu, no matter how far they go, as long as there is a piece of dried croissant in the mouth, the appearance of hometown will always appear in the mind.

Local historical sources show that as early as the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty in the eighteenth century, dried croissants have been recorded in writing. After 1785 AD, when the Giethoorn Beach in the Wulong area was an important wharf in the Wujiang River Basin, the merchants were very prosperous, and the good name of the delicious dried croissant was also spread at that time with the pace of the merchants.

"Dried carob is one of the buns that old Chuandong has left for the New Year." Daniel Zhang introduced that the production of dried carob beans needs to go through a series of exquisite ancient hot pulp processes such as three halogens and three presses, and the whole process requires the meticulous and careful efforts of the makers. Today, dried carob has launched 5 major product series: traditional fine dried carob series, flavored carob product series, soy protein food series, catering soy product series, functional soy product series a total of 81 single products, highly sought after by consumers.

Tianfu Coke

Reminiscing about the joys of childhood

Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

Tianfu Coke Courtesy of the interviewee

Back in the late 1980s or early 1990s, Chongqing people Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table, and if there was a drink, it must be Tianfu Coke.

"In our countryside, when dams and dams are opened, adults eat happily, and our children are surrounded by a bottle of Tianfu Coke." Citizen Jiang Can said that holding a Coke in his hand, it seemed that the childhood scene was yesterday.

Tianfu Cola Soda Factory originated in 1936, inheriting 85 years of food industry history, in 1980, Tianfu Cola was jointly developed by Sichuan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (the predecessor of Chongqing Institute of Chinese Medicine) and Chongqing Beverage Factory (the predecessor of China Tianfu Cola Group Corporation), and was once known as "a generation of famous drinks".

In 1988, there were 108 bottling plants under Tianfu Cola in China, and the market share of Coke in China reached 75%. In 2016, the Tianfu Cola brand officially made a comeback, and in 2019, Tianfu Cola Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulp and Extraction Technology won the title of Chongqing Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Ciqikou Chen twist flower

From a thousand-year-old town to the world

Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

Ciqikou Chen Mahua Courtesy of the interviewee

As early as ten years ago, "Ciqikou Chen Twist" was already a "net red" - outsiders visiting Ciqikou often carry this "very Chongqing" gift - twist flower when they leave. For more than ten years, Chen Mahua has left Ciqikou with flights and railway tracks and gone to distant places.

"The selection of ingredients should be made of refined flour, full of sesame seeds, fragrant but not greasy walnut oil, and high-quality glutinous rice, in addition to white sugar, but also add good rock sugar; then and noodles, the texture is even, fried out more crisp; the noodles that have been cut into five inches long, placed on the table, with both hands pressed, ten fingers flying, twist flower molding; fried twist flowers with many years of experience, moderate control of the heat, fried too tender twist flowers will be spongy, fried too old will be paste." Yang Xuewu, general manager of Ciqikou Chen Mahua Food Co., Ltd., introduced.

Momogrami Aikawa

Still the taste of childhood

Mountains and castles 丨Ezu rice candy, Hechuan peach slices... Chongqing people's essential New Year goods (3)

Hechuan peach piece Photo courtesy of Hechuan District Cultural and Tourism Committee

"When I was a child, I was always full of yearning and expectation for the New Year, and many delicious foods that I usually wanted to eat could only be eaten in the New Year. Chinese New Year's Eve watch the Spring Festival Gala after dinner, Hechuan peach slices are also a must-have snack on the table. Liu Pengfei, a Native of Hechuan, said that although the days are not rich, but the parents always do their best to make a variety of food, "from the first year of going out to college, my mother always had to stuff a large box of peach slices in my bag, saying that she invited my classmates to eat, and then every year when the school opened in the same dormitory, they came to me to 'ask for accounts', and now that they have graduated, they will send peach slices to everyone during the festival, or the taste of childhood." ”

Hechuan peach slices originated from the 21st year of the Qing Dynasty (1895 AD), which has a history of 120 years, and is a pastry snack with glutinous rice and walnuts as the main raw materials. Its production process became the first batch of Chongqing municipal intangible cultural heritage in May 2007.

Hechuan peach slice production raw materials are mainly glutinous rice, walnut kernels, etc., the traditional process includes screening, washing, stir-frying rice, grinding powder, sieving powder, re-lubrication, re-frying, stirring sugar, rubbing powder, stew cake, steaming soup, under the brocade, slices and other more than ten processes. The finished peach slices are continuously rolled, white as clouds, easy to dissolve in the mouth, pay attention to color, fragrance, taste, shape, and rich nutrition.

Today, after 120 years of development and evolution, Hechuan peach slices have formed an industrialized large-scale production and processing model, and representative brands include Tongdefu peach slices, Chuanzhou peach slices, Sanmin Jai peach slices and Sanjiang peach slices. Varieties include sugar peach slices, pretzel peach slices, kudzu peach slices and so on.

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