
Fritters actually originated in Hangzhou, initially to vent their anger, and this is how onion juniper comes from

author:The story of Zheli

Hangzhou has many well-known special snacks, such as Hangzhou Dongpo meat, Xindeng roast cake and Hangzhou sauce duck. But in addition to these, presumably many people do not know that as a common breakfast in the north and south of the world, fritters, it is also an authentic Hangzhou folk snack. This fritter originated from the gentle and very charming Jiangnan water town, in fact, there is another story, but it is not a little-known story, but it is about the origin of fritters.

Fritters actually originated in Hangzhou, initially to vent their anger, and this is how onion juniper comes from

The "History of the Song Dynasty" records that fritters have appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty, but at that time they were not called fritters, but "fried juniper". During the Southern Song Dynasty, the people hated Qin Juniper, but there was no power or power to take him. At that time, there were two food vendors selling breakfast near the West Lake, each grabbing a piece of dough, kneading it into two noodles shaped like Qin Juniper and his wife Wang Shi, kneading them together and frying them in a frying pan, and calling it "fried juniper".

Fritters actually originated in Hangzhou, initially to vent their anger, and this is how onion juniper comes from

Ordinary people originally ate "fried juniper" to dispel the resentment in their hearts. But the taste is really good and the price is cheap, so more and more people are eating. Later, because it was like a long strip, it was called fritters, and to this day, some places still call fritters "fried juniper". In Hangzhou, the people can be awakened by the aroma of fritters almost every day, the outside is crisp, the inside is soft, the color is golden, the oil is not greasy, with a cup of salted soy milk or rice porridge, it is simply a must-have for opening a good day.

Fritters actually originated in Hangzhou, initially to vent their anger, and this is how onion juniper comes from

In addition to fried juniper, Hangzhou also has an upgraded version - onion wrapped juniper. The common people put "Qin Juniper and Wang's" into the pot to fry and did not understand the hatred, but also put their "broken corpses, a thousand knives and a thousand knives", put the large unloaded eight pieces of noodle cake into the oil pot to fry, the onion wrapped juniper must be forcefully flattened, baked until both sides are golden, plus a variety of green onions, sweet sauce, after the pot, the aroma is fragrant, the onion is delicious, both delicious and relieving the hatred in the heart.

Fritters actually originated in Hangzhou, initially to vent their anger, and this is how onion juniper comes from

Today's fritters and onion junipers have long become a well-known breakfast for all ages, and various innovative ways of eating are emerging in an endless stream, but the sources recorded in the history books are still worth our experience of the state of mind of the people at that time when eating fritters and onion junipers, and to experience their resentment of the national hero Yue Fei, who not only has the taste but also hides a great truth worth pondering.

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