
The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary


In everyone's heart, there is a meal of their own, some people like to eat fish fragrant meat shreds, some people like to eat braised meat, and some people like a plate of fried greens, and my favorite, indeed a plate of tofu, tofu is a long-standing ingredient, in a very early time, it was discovered by the ancestors, tofu can provide a large number of nutrients for the human body, high-quality protein and trace elements, known as "plant meat", in the many practices of tofu, "Mapo tofu" bears the brunt of it, even foreigners see, clap their hands and applaud, Mapo tofu has many characteristics, including beauty, hemp, spicy, hot, round, tender, fresh, crisp, a bite of belly, delicious words can not say, the only drawback, is too expensive rice.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

China is the birthplace of tofu, until now, has been circulated for thousands of years, about the practice of tofu, is innumerable, frying and frying, stewing and stewing, everything is OK, today's focus on this "Mapo tofu", that is more coming, Mapo tofu was founded in the First Year of tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1862), by chance, Mapo Tofu was born, it is widely popular, spread around, deeply loved by the majority of diners.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

Mapo tofu, there is a hemp taste, there is a spicy taste, pure hemp taste, refreshing spleen, spicy and fragrant, eating makes people sweat, tofu on the table will float out a burst of fragrance, this is a kind of appetite can arouse the aroma, about the method of mapo tofu, a hundred people have a hundred methods, the taste is different, today share a "mapo tofu" home-cooked method, fresh spicy, authentic taste, taste is not at all lost to the chef of the hotel.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > mapo tofu</h1>

Ingredients: Tofu, minced shallots, ginger and garlic, minced pork

Seasoning: bean paste, soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, minced peppercorns

1: Prepare a piece of tender tofu, cut into small pieces, boil water, add the right amount of salt, blanch for about 3-5 minutes, boil on high heat and immediately remove from the heat, do not fish out first, let stand for a few minutes.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

2, in addition to the pot to burn oil, wait for the oil temperature 70% hot, pour in the minced onion, garlic, ginger, minced pork, red pepper grains, stir-fry the aroma on low heat, the speed must be fast, the heat is mastered, do not fry the paste.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

3, then pour a spoonful of watercress sauce, watercress sauce is the soul of mapo tofu, essential, like heavy taste of the small partner, you can also put some extra chili noodles, low heat fried out of the red oil.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

4: Pour in a bowl and a half of boiling water, turn to medium heat and bring to a boil.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

5: After about a minute, pour in blanched tofu, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce and salt to taste, and cook on high heat for about 3 minutes.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

6, take advantage of the simmering time, add 1 spoon of corn starch to the bowl, 3 spoons of water, stir well, stir into water starch, pour into the pot to hook, wait for the soup to become viscous, immediately pour in chicken powder, peppercorns, wait for 10 seconds to get out of the pot.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

7, out of the pot plate, sprinkle some small green onions, "Mapo tofu" is done, this dish must be enjoyed while hot, the quality of tofu maintains the temperature of the whole dish, every time you enter, it is just out of the pot taste, a plate of "Mapo tofu", red and white, color and taste are fresh, three bowls of rice are not enough to eat.

The best "Mapo Tofu" method, fresh and spicy, authentic taste, not at all lost to the hotel Mapo tofu skill summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > skill summary</h1>

1, the focus of this dish is spicy, pepper is best to use Hanyuan gong pepper, hemp taste is pure, refreshing, or with pepper oil, pepper with Sichuan Pixian bean paste.

2, the process of stewing, must be well controlled, generally 3 minutes can be, pay attention to the amount of soup, do not paste the pot, can achieve a viscous state is the best, and tofu is integrated.

3, heavy taste of small partners, you can sprinkle more peppercorns, pepper noodles, so that it is more enjoyable to eat.

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